Showing 235–243 of 728 results

  • People advertising themselves in today’s society


    How do people advertising themselves in today’s society or how we are advertising our self

    The following are your  Goals:

    1. Clear and specific thesis statement
    2. Academic language
      1. No “you”, “we,” or “I”*
      2. No “Blueprinting”
      3. No informal words/phrases
    3.  MLA formatting
    1. Paragraph Goal: Topic sentence – A specific point to support the thesis
    2. Paragraph Goal: Support for topic sentence – explanation/example of topic sentence
    3. Paragraph Goal: Concluding sentence — Connect paragraph explanation/example to topic sentence and thesis
    4. Paragraph Goal: Transitions– Use Transitional terms to move within the paragraph as well as from one paragraph to another: (Also, another, etc.), key words (from one paragraph to another), key ideas (from one paragraph to another)
  • Case on Metabical


    You analysis must be 5-10 pages long, typed, 12 point font, double-spaced, and 1” margins on all sides. Grammar and spelling should be thoroughly checked.

    For the case on Metabical, please focus on the following questions:
    1. What is the decision-making process for Metabical? Who is involved in the process?
    2. How should Printup think about the segmentation of potential Metabical consumers? Who is the optimal target consumer?
    3. How should CSP identify and employ the differential advantages that Metabical offers to position itself in the marketplace?
    4. Given the positioning strategy you chose, what would be your communications strategy to each of your target audiences? Would you change the marketing budget for the IMC mix? If so, how? What the timeline for your communications plan look like?

  • What stood out, surprised, or raised questions for you as watched/listened/ participated..


    Charlie Rose Artist Interview

    Watch the video from the link with Tim Burton


    1. a) provide students with the opportunity to listen/get familiar with “talking about art”
    2. b) practice identifying some “big ideas” in the arts
    3. c) develop awareness of ways to ask questions that promote dialogue
    4. d) explore ways to connect the arts to “daily life” experiences

    Take Notes and then thoughtfully reflect on the art experience and answer for the questions simply about 1-2 sentences.

    1) What stood out, surprised, or raised questions for you as watched/listened/ participated?

    2) How did this experience impact your thinking about the arts and artists?

    3) Write 3 questions inspired by the experience and things you would you like to learn more about.

    4) Identify what you did and provide a brief summary of the topic(s)/focus—(i.e. who, what, when, where)

    5) Share your responses to the 3 reflection questions above.

  • Recent Changes to the breakfast and Lunch programs to improve nutrition and health


    Assignment 2.1: The Public Needs to Know

    Due Week 5 and worth 80 points

    Select one (1) of the scenarios on which to focus your informative paper. Research the topic and include credible sources to support claims. Identify your purpose clearly, incorporate audience needs, establish a desired tone, and organize information and / or claims effectively.

    1. Your boss has asked you (a communication specialist) to write an informative white paper about the business of developing new drugs for cancer patients. The content will be turned into a brochure for the public describing the four (4) major issues: economic situation, special needs (e.g., health) of the population being served, process, and benefits of the program. She asked you to include two (2) visuals to illustrate the issues.
    2. The state school board chairperson has asked you (a consultant on health and wellness) to write an informative piece about the recent changes to the breakfast and lunch programs to improve nutrition and health. The content will be turned into a brochure describing the four (4) major issues: economic situation, special needs (e.g., health) of the population being served, process, and benefits of the program. He asked you to include two (2) visuals to illustrate the issues.
    3. The director of a large regional food pantry has asked you (a board member and volunteer for the organization) to write an informative piece about the organization’s programs. The content will be turned into a brochure for the public describing the four (4) major issues: economic situation, special needs (e.g., health) of the population being served, process, and benefits of the program. She asked you to include two (2) visuals to illustrate the issues.

    Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

    1. Provide a clear thesis statement.
    2. Describe the economic issues.
    3. Describe the special needs (e.g., health) of the population being served.
    4. Describe the process (decisions, steps) involved in the program.
    5. Explain the benefits of the program.
    6. Include two (2) visuals that illustrated two (2) different claims.

    7. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

    1. Provide three (3) relevant and credible sources to support claims.

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    · Identify elements of visual and electronic resources and their uses in writing.

    · Associate the features of audience, purpose, and text with various genres.

    · Recognize the elements and correct use of a thesis statement.

    • Recognize how to organize ideas with transitional words, phrases, and sentences.

    · Incorporate relevant, correctly documented sources to substantiate claims.

    · Apply the writing process to develop various writing genres.

    · Write clearly and concisely about selected topics using proper writing mechanics.

    Use technology and information resources to research selected issues for this course

  • Scenario to compare and make a recommendation


    Scenario to compare and make a recommendation

    For your final (2 pages), you will create a scenario in which someone has asked you to compare several things and make a recommendation. Here are some examples:

    You work for a lawn care company, and the mower you’ve been using is about to be beyond repair. When you report the situation to your boss, she says she’s aware that it’s time for some serious equipment replacement. She asks you to find out what’s available and make a recommendation. You know the machines you consider need to be easy to load and unload, able to make tight corners, be fuel efficient, have mulching capability, and be easy to maintain.

    You’ve been asked to reupholster a couch for a family with small children. They want an elegant look with durability, easy clean-up, and an affordable price. What are their best fabric options, and which would you recommend?

    You are a fashion consultant with a client who wants a makeover. She’s collected pictures of outfits that look wonderful but would not flatter her figure, fit her budget,nor be practical for her lifestyle. You figure out what she really wants (the underlying appeal for her in these pictures) and show her some other options, including your recommendation for her new basic wardrobe.

    Your father has agreed to assist you with car payments, providing you can find an appropriate car. The two of you have not always agreed on what is appropriate. He values reliability, efficiency, and affordability. You agree that those are important factors, but you’re also concerned about your image. Find two or three cars that meet both your definitions of appropriate, recommending the one that pleases you best.

  • Excess on the High Seas cruise ship


    Write 3 double-spaced typed pages on one of the following topics. Be sure to include a clear thesis that you support in your paper.

    In “Excess on the High Seas” , Pyper uses comparison to describe the cruise ship Explorer of the Seas. How does this use of comparison aid in conveying the excesses of the cruise ship?
    Excess on the High Seas

  • Holography and distinctions with Photography


    Holography and distinctions with Photography

    1. Theoretical Frame work of Holography

    Interference of em waves

    Importance of coherence


    Influence of Polarization on holography

    Holographic recording

    Holographic image formation

    Different Types of holograms


    Helium-Neon Laser

    Spatial and Temporal Coherence of a laser

    Vibration Isolation

    1. Experimental setup AND RECORDING

    Transmission hologram

    Reflection hologram


    Holographic film and distinctions with photographic film

    Development process






    You follow the American Physical Society or Optical Society of America Format. All the references should be numbered in the text and listed in the references. For example

    1. Y. A. Bakhirkin, A. A. Kosterev, R. F. Curl, F. K. Tittel, D. A. Yarekha, L. Hvozdara, M. Giovannini and F. Faist, “Sub-ppbv nitric oxide concentration measurements using CW thermoelectrically cooled quantum cascade laser-based integrated cavity output spectroscopy,” Appl. Phys. B 82, 149-154 (2006).
  • Technology for reducing injuries in a car crash


    This is a 15-page double-spaced term research paper for a 400 level insurance course at a University. The topic is insurance, and any topic is fine as long as it is not broad. For example, writing about life insurance is NOT approved. Any topics found in the back of each chapter of the book called, “Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance” by Mark S. Dorfman is okay. I found some hints regarding this paper online:Since it’s only a 4 page paper- you may want to analyze just the changes made by one auto manufacturer or automobile make. You should be able to go by one of your local dealerships and get materials their cars and interview a sales manager about the safety features that are in their cars. If you do that– go at a time of day the dealership is slow. Also- call the sales manager in advance and set up an appointment with him/her. Do a little research before you go so you have a list of questions you want to ask.

    Cars today are designed to direct the force of the collision away from the occupants cage. Cars have crush zones through out them. The helps to direct the energy of a collision around the drivers cage and not through it. Seat belts have pre-tensioners. Air bags are a well know safety component. Now side impact air bags are more prominentt. Steering wheels in some cars are made to collapse when the air bag deploys – this helps reduce injury to drivers by airbags. Air bag control modules capture data after a deployment. What changes have been made to the reinforcement of doors? What changes have been made to braking systems? When you think about it….a lot of the features of today’s cars are to prevent accidents/injuries.

    Also you would want to research types of injuries that result from auto crashes. Cost of those injuries per year. I would not spend a lot of time on the paper here – but this will build the foundation of why these technological changes were made.

    Now that I think about it – 4 pages is not a long paper at all. You may need to narrow the topic down to one safety feature in one specific model or line of cars and how that has reduced injuries.

    Pages: 2, double spaced

  • Ethical Consumerism Paper


    Write an analytical business report on what ethical consumerism means for businesses.

    Choose a company and explain and analyse how they operate ethically. This must take into account the ethicsand values of the company you choose to focus on.

    The report must be written in business report format and include the following six numbered sections:

    · An executive summarywhich gives a brief overview of the argument in your report including key findings and conclusions.

    · An introductionwhich gives an overview of the structure of your report.

    · A brief overview and analysis of ethical consumerism,identifying the examples of some of the products which fall into the ethical category. You must include a definition of ethical consumerism and arguments as to why it is a good strategy for businesses to adopt.

    · A detailed review of one company claiming to operate ethically. Discuss the approach(es) they have used to become a more socially conscious business, linking this with their ethics and values.

    · The results of a short opinion surveyon what influences consumer buying behaviour, carried out by you from a small sample of 10-15 students at GSM London. You need to conduct primary research for this section.

    · A conclusionwhich includes critical evaluation of ethical consumerism based on the evidence that you have gathered both from your primary and secondary research, focusing on the company you have chosen for detailed review.

    · Recommendationsas to how your company could become more ethical.

    · You must include a references list after the main body of the report. Remember to use Harvard referencing where appropriate.

    · A copy of your opinion survey should be included in an appendix.

    Supporting material will be posted on Blackboard, but you will be expected to undertake research using newspaper/magazine/web articles, journals and text books. There will also be input in class time to assist you with the topic.

    Word limit: Not more than 2000 +/- 10%

    A suggested word count for each section is given below.

    Executive summary 100 words
    Introduction 200 words
    Ethical consumerism 400 words
    Company review 600 words
    Opinion survey 400 words (not including survey/tables etc)
    Conclusion 200 words
    Recommendations 100 words

    A brief introduction to ethical consumerism

    On April 24 2013, a building known as the Rana Plaza collapsed on top of garment workers inside its factories, killing more than 1,100 people and injuring 2,500. It would be known as the worst ever accident in the garment industry anywhere in the world.

    It was later discovered that 28 brands that sourced clothes from the plaza included Primark, Benetton, Mango, Matalan and Bonmarché, prompting public concern about the working conditions of garment factories around the world which contribute to western high street fashion stores.

    Ethical consumerism encourages people to think about how the products they buy are sourced and produced and which arenot harmful to the environment and society. This can be evidenced through simply purchasing eggs that are free-range or boycotting goods/companies which promote child labour or unsavoury working conditions.

    The range of product areas which fall into the ethical category includes:

    · Banking and finance

    · Energy

    · Fashion

    · Food and drinks

    · Travel and tourism

    Ethical consumerism is a growing market; a recent report from the Co-operative Bank showed a third of UK consumers claiming to be concerned about ethical consumption, with a large number of the public willing to challenge and boycott companies which do not comply with ethical standards.