
Showing 10–18 of 728 results

  • Ambiguous government Cyber crime Policy in cyber crime prevention



    • Executive summary. 2
    • Introduction. 5
    • Statement of the problem.. 6
    • Research questions. 6
    • Significance of the research. 6
    • Literature Review.. 7
    • Cyber crime policy research. 7
    • Research on cyber crime. 9
    • Methodology. 14
    • Analysis. 14
    • Computer fraud and abuse act 14
    • The wiretap act 16
    • Networks crimes statues. 16
    • Presidential/executive orders. 17
    • Discussion. 18
    • Understanding cyber crime. 18
    • Types of cyber crimes. 18
    • Strategies for combating cyber crimes. 18
    • Emerging trends in cyber crime prevention. 32
    • Barriers to implementing effective strategies to fighting cyber crime. 33
    • Cyber crime prevention policies. 35
    • Computer fraud and abuse act 35
    • The wiretap act 36
    • Networks crimes statues. 37
    • Presidential/executive cyber crime policy. 40
    • Recommendations. 44
    • Limitations of the study. 46
    • Conclusion. 47
    • References. 51

    47 pages

  • Research Proposal: Assessing the Implications and Challenges of the Outsourcing of Aircraft Maintenance for Commercial Airlines


    Research Proposal: Assessing the Implications and Challenges of the Outsourcing of Aircraft Maintenance for Commercial Airlines

    Additional Files:

  • Attributes for the entity “Student”


    What are five attributes for the entity “Student” for a university system tracking information on students?

    1 page

  • UCPS Admission Questions


    Please answer the required question

    1. Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university.

    Please answer any 3 questions below

    1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. (high school yearbook associate editor)
    2. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
    3. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

    Additional Information: If there’s anything else you want us to know about you, now’s your chance. But remember, you should use this space only if you want to describe anything that you have not had the opportunity to include elsewhere in the application. This shouldn’t be an essay, but rather a place to explain unusual personal or family circumstances, or anything that may be unclear in other parts of the application. This should not be used to answer an additional personal insight question.

  • PSY 325 OB – The Daily Life of Nia


    PSY 325 OB

    My A-B-C Journal: The Daily Life of Nia

    • Introduction
    • Schedule
    • Conclusions
  • Mr. Toyoda Case Study


    Student Learning Outcomes:

    • The history of oil prices and what may happen in the future.
    • Geopolitics of the supply and demand of energy.
    • Environmental   sustainability, how to increase economic efficiency, and issues related to   energy security.

    Question 1:

    Why did oil price come down sharply in recent years? (I expect 1-2 paragraphs) (4 points)

    Question 2:

    Mr. Toyoda mentioned five risks in the Dramatically Changing Energy Landscape. List 3 of them. (3 points)

    Question 3:

    Mr. Toyoda mentioned six challenges that are necessary at major turning point in energy. List 4 of them. (4 points)

    Question 4:

    Do you think that producing and consuming countries need to cooperate to minimize the oil price fluctuation? Explain your answer in a paragraph. Yes or No only is not enough. (4 points)

  • PHIL 202: Journal Entry Should Mr. Latimer have ended Tracy’s life?

  • Confidentiality and informed consent


    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses the following:
    What is informed consent?
    What is confidentiality?
    Compare the relationship of informed consent and confidentiality.
    What are the implications if informed consent and confidentiality are not followed?
    Discuss processes to ensure that clients understand these policies.
    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.




    View the APA website.

    Locate an article on the website regarding ethical issues.

    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses the following:
    •The issue in detail
    •The ethical principle in this article that has been violated
    •Diversity implications that are involved
    •A mitigation strategy for the ethical issue

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Showing 10–18 of 728 results