Showing 1864–1872 of 1965 results

  • Microeconomics – Interview of a member of the business community


    Business Interview – The written assignment will be an interview of a member of the business community (this may be a member of your family). The interview will be based on the interviewee’s knowledge/perception of the importance of the following topics to the decision-making process within the organization and to its customers.

    The paper should cover ( don’t just mention the term – you have to apply the concepts covered in the course to what you learned in the interview) a minimum of 4 areas from: *Knowledge of supply & demand *Government regulation *Price (as relates to elasticity) *Production & cost of firm’s *Market structure *Labor market faced by the firm *International trade & comparative advantage*Market Failure (when there is government intervention).

    The result of the interview should be no less than 1,000 words and should include a graphical application on market structure (discuss your graph!). Include the name, best time to contact and telephone number of the interviewee. Submit the results of the attached survey with your interview paper (this will also help you focus your questions for the interview as well). Ten percent of the interviewees will be contacted based upon the contact information you provide.

    4 Pages



    main topic- MANAGING INNOVATION IN A MULTINATIONAL FIRM (choose Nike). Innovation, in all its dimensions, is a critical determinant of business success in the 21st century. it is more then technology and can encompass management, design, customer service, and other features of a company’s, operation. present and analyze one or more aspects of innovation in the international firm, evaluate and critically, discuss, its impact on internal firm operations, customers, and shareholders. emphasize the challenges of managing innovations in the firm and provide a blue print for successfully implementing and managing innovation in companies.

    The firm i am supposed to write about is NIKE.

    7 pages

  • Harley Davidson: A Unique, Loyal Stakeholder Base


    Harley Davidson: A Unique, Loyal Stakeholder Base

    In this course we are going to be looking at Harley Davidson Motorcycles Corporation, Inc. from a strategic management perspective. This organization is quite unique in that it has worked very hard through the years to build its brand and has acquired a loyal following. This loyal customer following has actually been quite a phenomonen and many have even identified it as “cult like”. That is to say, HD is very unique, and particularly unique from a stakeholder perspective.

    The corporation is now reaching to other countries in an attempt to expand its niche across borders and oversees. There is a lot of competition in the motorcycle market. Some competitors include Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki, Indian, Victory, BMW and Triumph motorcycles. And although HD dominated the heavy-weight motorcycle market in America for many years, in recent decades many of the above mentioned competitors have developed cruisers and touring bikes of their own, emulating HD’s bikes to include a V-twin engine design.

    For this assignment, you are to read the information in the background material, spend some time getting a feel for HDs history, strategy and key stakeholders, and then write a 3 to 4 pages report for your professor and the executives of Harley Davidson by addressing the following assignment requirements:

    • i) Discuss to what degree you believe Harley Davidson is currently proceeding towards its mission, vision, and values.
    • ii) Identify two or three of HD’s most important stakeholders and discuss whether Harley Davidson’s current strategic direction is aligned with the needs of the corporation’s stakeholders? Please explain your reasoning.
    • iii) Based on your analysis and findings, what would you recommend to the executives of Harley Davidson? Why? Please explain your reasoning.


    • i) Please note that this is an advanced level course so you must show and demonstrate your ability to provide a well reasoned response.
    • ii) Also please note that your report/assignment will not be accepted without proper citations and references. You must use the sources from the background material together with the sources you find your own.

    Case expectations:

    This paper should include:

    An introduction stating the thesis, position, or central theme you plan to take in your paper.

    A main body discussing:

    • 1. Your interpretation of HD’s mission and vision.
    • 2. Your assessment of the stakeholders and their needs/goals.
    • 3. Your critical assessment as to whether HD’s mission and vision takes their stakeholders into account.
    • 4. Your recommendations to HD executives.

    A conclusion concisely stating the main points of your analysis and the conclusions you reached.

    Be sure to document your sources and provide in-text citations whenever you use information you obtained from a background reading or other outside source, as well as a separate reference list at the end of the paper. You may use footnotes instead, if you prefer, but you MUST document where you got the information you are using in your papers!

    The following criteria will also be used to assess your paper:

    • 1. Precision: Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
    • 2. Breadth: Is the full breadth of the subject, i.e., all the keys to the assignment, addressed?
    • 3. Depth: Does the paper/report address all elements of the topic in sufficient depth? Does it include and apply the background readings and other background resources? Are they included as references?
    • 4. Critical thinking: Are the concepts of this module applied accurately, logically, and relevantly?
    • 5. Organization: Is the paper organized in a coherent and systematic manner? Are headings included in all papers greater than 2 pages
    • 6. Clarity: Is the writing clear and the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of response to the questions, or are thoughts conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
  • How has Apple positioned itself to take advantage of unique designs to attract a sufficiently large niche market


    Apple’s Global Position

    Read the following article about Apple:
    Think about the role of product differentiation in global context.  How has Apple positioned itself to take advantage of unique designs to attract a sufficiently large niche market to surpass the competition in the United States and China?
    In your response, please discuss and cite at least two professional sources to support your analysis (e.g., business or law journal articles, textbooks, news publications).

    1 Page

    APA 2 References

  • Health Care: How management can influence the problem in your selected setting


    Paper 2 should focus on how management, specifically leadership, can influence the problem in your selected setting. You may decide to pick a weakness and further develop the problem in this paper. Please be careful not to restate your first paper.  In addition to your assigned readings, you need to review the literature to understand how these issues have been examined and discussed by researchers and policy makers. This paper should be 2-3 pages, excluding your references. Your paper should be outlined in the following manner with clearly marked headings. (Introduction, Define the problem, Management/Leadership, Conclusion)

    I.    Intro
    II.    Define the problem
    a.    What are the consequences of the problem
    b.    Who is affected,
    c.    How are they affected,

    III.    Management or Leadership
    a.    What can management do to alleviate the problem
    b.    Do they or can they exacerbate the problem
    c.    Which style of leadership is suggested to deal with the problem and why?

    IV.    Conclusion

    2 Pages

    APA 2 References

  • Women And Online Business (Literature review)


    Topic: Literature Review

    Women & Online Business

    -This paper should represent the critics on available material.
    -Must review existing & past material
    Start with GENERAL material on topic, then be more specific, then end to write on very specific nation involved
    -Write from INTERNATIONAL perspective, REGIONAL, then narrow down to country

    Example on Write Up Structure: Focus on Empowerment, Agency & Well Being
    1) What is online business
    2) What is the debate in online business for women
    3) What is the empowerment of women in online business
    4) What is the meaning of empowerment  in gender

    Include discussion on ‘Social Familiar’ (Social + Family), Negotiating wth family, Challenges when doing business – Patriarchy/Hierarchical, The dynamics in family, There is an assumption when you are financially in control, you are in control of resources, how true is this? Include perspective from a feminist view on social impact – ‘Social Feministic’

    11 pages

    APA 19 References

  • Develop three best practices for effective IT governance


    Answer each bullet with 1 paragraph (5-6 sentences) – No references needed


    • Develop three best practices for effective IT governance. Explain the rationale behind each of the three practices you develop.
    • Analyze the roles and responsibilities of users, the IT Department, and senior management, and suggest at least one additional responsibility for each group that would improve the overall quality of IT performance.
    • Evaluate the various studies regarding IT effectiveness and determine which study provides the most useful information or insights to the greatest number of healthcare organizations. Explain your rationale.
    • Analyze the process for developing an IT budget and determine which aspect of the budgeting process is the most difficult to execute correctly. Provide examples of how the difficulties of the aspect you identified could be addressed.


    • Describe key campaign strategies that a U.S. presidential candidate can use in order to ascend to presidency in today’s political environment. Then, compare at least two such successful strategies that were used in the past by U.S. presidential candidates.


    • Discuss a likely organizational change associated with IT initiatives at your current (or former) place of work and its impact on the organization. Provide specific examples to support your response.
    • Use the Internet to research at least one theory of change management. Discuss how the change management theory you researched could be applied to help manage the likely organizational change you described in the previous topic. Explain your rationale.
    • Analyze the structure and processes used to manage IT projects and suggest at least one additional role or process modification that would make managing IT projects more effective.
    • Analyze the various causes of IT initiative failures and determine which one is likely responsible for the greatest number of failed projects. Explain your rationale.
    • Analyze the nature of IT-enabled value and create a short argument or proposal for an IT initiative of your choice.
    • Evaluate the steps to improve IT project value realization and make at least one recommendation for improvement. Explain your rationale.
    • Analyze the reasons discussed in Chapter 15 for why IT fails to deliver returns, determine which is the most likely to effect the greatest number of health care organizations, and discuss what steps could be taken to address the reasons why IT fails to deliver returns. (SEE ATTACHMENT)
    • Select two examples of intangible value and discuss possible approaches that an organization could use to measure each of the two values. Explain your rationale.


    • Suggest at least two electoral or constitutional means by which an informed citizenry could safeguard against a corrupt or bloated bureaucracy
    • Identify one or two impediments that may prevent an average citizen from receiving a fair trial in the U.S. Then, determine at least one policy that could prevent unfair trials in the U.S. court system.
    • Identify at least two changes that may occur for Social Security and Medicare benefits in the next 20 years. Then, describe key policies that the U.S. government could implement in order to ensure positive changes for Social Security and Medicare benefits based on your prediction.

    Additional Files:


    6 Pages

  • Systems development life cycle and the selection of proprietary systems



    • Describe the systems development life cycle as it pertains to both the development of a custom application and the selection of proprietary systems.
    • Describe the major types and classifications of health care information standards and the specific organizations that develop and regulate these standards.
    • Discuss the need for, and identify methods of, accomplishing the security of information systems.
    • Create at least three (3) best practices for effective IT alignment and strategic planning.
    • Include three (3) external sources to support your position.

    7 Pages

  • Accounting Assignment PCAOB web site


    Use the web link provided to access the PCAOB web site.  Research the site.  Write up a summary of the data provided to auditors there.  Choose three standards and write a brief summary of what is expected of auditors for each.  Use the following format:

    Introduction — telling about the data available briefly and ending with a topic sentence discussing the three standards you will be describing.

    Paragraph 1 – discussion of standard 1 (your choice)
    Paragraph 2 – discussion of standard 2 (your choice)
    Paragraph 3 – discussion of standard 3  (your choice)

    Concluding paragraph, summarizing the content of your paper.

    Use APA format in citing the PCAOB in-text, and use a proper reference page.  You do not have to provide a title page or abstract.

    3 Pages

    APA 4 References