Showing 343–351 of 728 results

  • Analyzing A News Media Graph Paper


    Analyzing A News Media Graph Paper

    Newspapers, magazines, and journals often use graphs to display information in an eye-catching manner. Such graphs often represent various functions: Linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic or exponential. Answer Numbers 1 to 4 in paragraph form. Do not include any introduction & conclusion. You can add additional sentences/paragraphs & references. The paragraph(s) should include the following:

    1. A graph from the news media that you think may be closely modeled by a linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, or exponential function. If you are using an electronic resource, either provide the link or scan and paste it to word document. Make sure you scan as one of the following file types: *.bmp, *.gif, t.jpg, *.ipeg, and *.png.
    2. An explanation of which type of function the graph most closely models.
    3. A detailed description of the behavior of your chosen graph, such as increasing and decreasing intervals, max or min values, intercepts, domain and range, end behavior, symmetry, even or odd behavior, the type of equation, asymptotes, and restricted values. Does your graph go through the origin? Does it have an x-intercept and/or a y-intercept? Why or why not? At what x-values does the graph rise or fall? Is there a reason behind the behavior of the graph? More detail is better.
    4. Reflect what you found interesting, what you have learned, and what insights you gained as a result of answering Numbers to 3.
    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Jason Case Study


    You are expected to analyse the case study, and apply the wellness wheel and the biopsychosocial model to it. As part of the assignment, you should develop an action plan to respond to the issues identified.

    The case is to include:
    – a discussion of the main issues arising from the case study
    – critical analysis of the impact of the issues
    – the relevant wellness wheel and hoe it would be used to assist in the case study
    – an identification of the possible biopsychosocial factors in the case study
    – reference to relevant literature
    – clearly and logically presented ideas

    Jason is a 29 year old married man with one child who is 3 years old. He has been with his partner for over 10 years and married when they found out their son was on the way.

    Since then Jason has adjusted to being married, their new baby son, loss of income as his wife is caregiving their son full time and the recent purchase of a family home.

    Two months ago Jason was involved in a car accident. His car was off the road for a month which made it difficult to get to and from work, but he managed. Jason had a whiplash injury which persists in creating pain and discomfort, especially if he uses his computer for too long without a break.

    His job involves entering sales and other data for the company and he is usually using the computer for several hours a day. As the accident was on his way home from work, he understands that the payment of lost wages and medical expenses will be covered through Workcover.

    Jason’s supervisor has queried his claim for a week off after the accident as it was “only a minor accident so why did he need this time off?”. He also has queried the fact that Jason has lost ten half days due to appointments at the doctor and physiotherapist. His supervisor assured him that the query came from the insurers, no him, but he has to ask Jason to explain this request.

    Jason has expressed to his wife that he feels like the supervisor does not believe him about the impact of his injury and the insurers may not pay, and this has big implications for their finances. Needless to say Jason is feeling quite stressed about the situation and has come to you to discuss the matter. He also wants some ideas on how to manage computer usage and his neck pain.


    4 Pages

  • Geography in Real World



    The purpose of this semester-long exercise is to become aware of the events that are occurring throughout the world that relate to physical geography. To accomplish this, you should use newspapers or periodicals, the internett, and radio and television, (newscasts, NOVA, National geographic, discovery etc.).
    I Written Materials: Please turn in original articles from newsman magazines, etc. The articles should ha% e important points underlined or highlighted and they must be attached to pieces of standard-site paper (Jape. staple, or plot one snick per page). The article must be dated sired donne the ling: of this semester—no old articles will be accepted. lie sure that the name of the periodical and the publication date are included. In the case of valuable periodicals such as Nonmall Geographic. sou may turn in a copy of the article. A maximum of four Internet articles may be used, but they must include the printer date on the page. 2. brief notes on television news have a TV, you may use notes on Include the date, station, and time of all radio and telcvlswil topons. longer programs. suc NOV.4, on earthquakes, volcanoes. etc. may also be used. 3. You should turn in a combination of materials from printed material, Internet. and video/audio sources that were gathered throughout the semester. The purpose of this assignment is to increase your awareness of the events around you on a daily basis–not to send you frantically scrambling for materials the day before the assignment is due! If you are wondering whether a particular piece is acceptable, please ask me to look at it. You may also check the article with the textbook to see if the subject appears in the index or is covered in the table of contents.
    4. Please turn in a total of twelve 02) different articles, etc. The articles should be arranged by date, numbered from 1-12, and each attached to a separate sheet of paper. The articles should be evenly distributed from the three months of this assignment. Also, turn in a one to two page summary and analysis of the event, that have occurred throughout the semester that Were entered in your materials and how they related to Ilic mmerlal studied class (one summary that covers all, not twelve separate summaries). The summary should be typed and double-spaced. Please include a title page that has your name and class day and time and staple all materials together. not use a folder or other type of cover. A specific due date for this assignment will he given in class. You will see how much of our count content is actually occurring out Were in the “real world’ as the semester progresses. Hopefully, this exercise will help you become a more active participant in our class.

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Essay #3 Assignment: Explaining a Concept – The Concept of Marriage


    English 1Ar
    Essay #3 Assignment: Explaining a Concept

    (17.5% of course grade + 2% for portfolio)

    For your third essay, you will be writing an essay in which you will explain a concept of your choice, essentially following the general guidelines established in Chapter 4 of the St. Martin’s Guide. (As always, this assignment is more specific than the one described in the SMG, so be sure to follow this set of assignment guidelines and what we discuss in class when choosing and writing about your paper topic.) Be thoughtful and careful: the paper should focus on one or possibly two aspects of the narrowed concept you choose. (See the end of Chapter 4 for examples of appropriately narrowed, focused topics, and feel free to talk to me about your ideas for topics.)

    While writing this essay, you will be able to use much of what you learned from the SMG while writing your other essays this quarter. This includes the invention strategies, descriptive techniques, and methods of cueing your reader, as well as the ideas of dominant impression and significance, as explained in Chapter 2. You might also consider using techniques like definition, classification, process narration, comparison and contrast, or cause and effect. These techniques are explained in later chapters of the SMG and often come in handy with this type of essay.


    See the end of the chapter in the SMG for other great suggestions. You will need to get approval from me of your narrowed topic, in writing (by a timely e-mail or a dated note that I sign for you). For this essay, you are required to make use of at least four credible sources, only one of which may come from a relevant, credible source found only on the internet. (That means no Wikipedia, pages, yahoo pages, or other non-expert sources.) Write about your topic so that your explanation is both informative and entertaining; this is not a mere report, and it is not a forum for only your personal experiences with the concept you choose. The last part of Chapter 4 will help you tremendously in choosing, narrowing, and focusing on your topic, so I recommend you follow the guidelines outlined there quite carefully.

    Again, focus on providing careful, thoughtful, and vivid explanations for your reader. Make the reader understand the topic the same way you do by grabbing the reader’s attention with an interesting opening, selecting and relating important details or anecdotes, paraphrasing other sources to support your ideas (not to replace having your own ideas!), and using descriptive language, metaphors, and similes. Organize your essay in a way that is understandable to another reader and presents a focused main point. Your essay should be at least 1,750 words, which equals approximately four and half to five double-spaced pages; it should be no longer than about nine or ten pages. Especially with so brief an essay, use words wisely; a short paper does not mean sloppy thoughts and underdeveloped ideas! Be clear, be concise, and be focused. Cite everything you summarize, paraphrase, or quote in MLA style.
    Please make a copy for each of your sources, I don’t need the whole sources, just one or two pages. Also, is better to use University of California Riverside online Library ( login user name: dwu017 password: wd200817) for your sources. No arguementative!

    Bring a clean copy of your final draft along with a portfolio of your invention work/prewriting, your approved paper proposal email or note, photocopies and/or print-outs of your four sources (just a few pages from each), your rough drafts, the written peer comments you receive from the peer review, and an MLA style works cited page (see the SMG in Chapter 27 for an example). The final draft must be typed and double-spaced in a standard 12-point font (such as Times New Roman or Garamond), have one-inch margins, have a revealing original title, and include your name, my name, the name of this course, and the date in the top left corner; your last name and the page number must be on every page in the right hand corner. (Strictly follow the MLA style as it is shown in the SMG, Chapter 27.) Any essay not meeting all of the requirements outlined on this assignment sheet will probably fail the assignment.

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • National Security Act of 1947


    Instructions: Answer each of the following in approximately woo words each.
    1. An element of the National Security Act of 1947 states”… No United States intelligence information may be provided to the United Nations or any organization affiliated with the United Nations…” Briefly defend this position from an ethical perspective.
    2. How would you define “morally intolerable”and “morally acceptable” from an intelligence operation perspective concerning national security? Is torture of terrorists or enemy combatants ever morally acceptable?

    3. Explain what you would consider to be a working definition of integrity for an intelligence gathering government agency. What sort of attribute would be absolutes?

    4. What sort of conclusion did Kent Pekel come to in his discussion of integrity and ethics at the CIA? What are his recommendations?

    5. Under what circumstances would war be a “just” war? The law allows one to act justifiably in defense of self or defense of others, Would war also be allowed in defense of others?

    Pages: 4, double spaced

    Sources: 3

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Brittney Johnson Subject Case


    Subject: Brittney Johnson

    Case study subject Brittney Johnson is twenty-two years of age. She is a single parent of a four year old son. Brittney is currently a junior at The University of Memphis and is working an hourly job at a call center Monday through Friday. She would be classified as being in her early adulthood. Brittney is clearly in her early adulthood stage mainly because of her age. She is only twenty-two years of age and most individuals are technically classified as becoming an adult at the age of twenty-one. Brittney is still attending college and awaiting her Bachelor’s degree next fall. Also based upon the responses subject Brittney Johnson stated, it has been determined she is in her early adulthood. The following are the questions and answers given:

    1. Name 3 specific goals related to career and family that you made in early adulthood. Did you reach those goals?
    2. Do you feel successful in life? Why or why not?
    3. What specific goals related to career and family have you not yet accomplished? How do you intend to reach these goals?
    4. Are you happy with your life so far? Why or why not?
    5. How do you feel about death?
    6. Would you say that having a child so early slowed you down with reaching your educational goals?
    7. What do you plan on doing with your career after you receive your PhD?
    8. With you being so busy with work, school and your child, do you have time to have a social life with friends and family? If so, what do you do to have fun and relax?
    9. Just being curious do you intend to further your education once you receive your PhD? Why or why not?
    10. Do you expect for your child to follow in your footsteps?
  • Maribeth Bisienere Senior Vice President, Disney


    A written analysis on Maribeth Bisienere’s company Disney Downtown Disney, ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, and Waterparks. This paper is to be presented in a professional manner and the format of an Executive Summary, not longer than 3 double, spaced pages.

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Notched Bar Impact Testing of Materials


    MSE 227 Lab # (2)- Notched Bar Impact Testing of Materials

    The “Notched Bar Impact Testing of Materials” is an experiment that requires using of the Charpy Testing Machine. This experiment involves examining five samples of each of the 1018 steel and 2024 aluminum when placed under different conditions and temperatures for a certain amount of time. These specimens are later transferred to the charpy machine using a special tongue to place the specimens in the right position. Hence, this experiment gives knowledge about the width, impact energy and shear percentage of each of the samples.

  • Homework: Discussion Post

    • Do you think that the owners of a corporation can maximize the object of the firm and satisfy the socially imposed constraints?
    • Did the accounting standard rules played any role in the last decade financial crisis? What type of analyses can be done by using financial ratios? Are the accounting data better than the market data?  How can you utilize them in your financial analysis?