Showing 289–297 of 728 results

  • Please answer each bullet with ONLY 4 sentences


    Please answer each bullet with ONLY 4 sentences. Only respond using the number not the discussion. List at least one reference for answers

    1. Use the Internet to find and research a company in the USA which you are at least somewhat familiar. Discuss the best possible pricing strategy based on whether the company you selected is a retailer, manufacturer, or service firm. Explain your rationale.
    1. Discuss the best possible way the company you selected could expand its market globally.
    1. Use the Internet to find and research a company in the USA which you are at least somewhat familiar. Discuss how the company you selected might benefit from selling new customers on e-Bay (as opposed to building and maintaining its own Website).
    1. Referring to the same company, determine the best source of equity capital available to the company you selected. Explain your rationale.
    1. Some evidence suggests that there is a direct and positive relationship between a firm’s size and its top-level managers’ compensation. Explain what inducement you think that relationship provides to upper-level executives.
    1. Recommend what can be done to influence the relationship so that it serves shareholders’ interests.
    1. The case study outlines six specific strategies that the firm has chosen to support its strategic direction. Determine which strategy is most likely to benefit the firm. Explain your rationale.
    1. Briefly outline at least one other strategy the firm could take to support its strategic direction. Illustrate why this new strategy would be successful.
  • Exploring Arc De Triomphe in Paris


    If you could go some place and time where you were before, what place it would be? Why?

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Comparison of Korean Drama and American Drama Paper


    Comparison of Korean Drama and American Drama Paper

    Base your analysis on the format, quality, drama’s music aspect culture/ beliefs orientation, shootings, gender equality and age proportions and thematic issues presented in most drama genres

    Pages: 11, double spaced

    Citation: MLA

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Paper 1: Image Exploratory


    Paper 1. Go to:

    Choose 2 countries/images to explore in depth. These show families, in their homes, with food for 1 week. What information can you glean from these images? Look at every detail. Choose 2 which contrast. Don’t use your home country. Write them up to hand in and use for discussion in class.

    There are 27 pictures of different countries. I want you to follow the instruction above and observe two countries in depth. What is the food they have and it is health or not. Where do they set? Do they from upper or medial or lower classes based on their home? How many people in the pictures( for example in Egypt’s picture they are more than 5 so that reflect their culture accept big family) .try to observe every detail you can see. Be creative and use very lower of the vocabularies.

    I chose Egypt and Chad so observe them. Under the pictures there are the cost of the food you can use it as well.

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • What is meant by “science


    Choose 5 questions from among the questions below

    Keep your answers to no more than one page, single-spaced, per question

    1. What is meant by “science”? What are the elements that must be present in the scientific method? What elements commonly considered part of the scientific method are not defining characteristics of it?
    2. Discuss the specific ethical issues that researchers (and not institutions) must consider. How are these ethical violations damaging to the mission of science?
    3. What is the difference between interval and ratio level of measurement? Give examples. When would identification of the two levels be important?
    4. A “theory” is a proposed explanation for how a set of natural phenomena will occur. Discuss the multiple elements of a theory. What is the ultimate goal of theories?
    5. What is expected in any literature review regardless of whether the research examined is qualitative or quantitative?
    6. A “communication trait” is a hypothetical construct that accounts for certain kinds of communication behaviors. Describe the four point “communication trait continuum” and some of the interval level scales used to study them.
    7. What is a Likert scale? What is a semantic-differential scale? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Give examples of how and why you’d use one type of scale over the other?
    8. What is an independent variable? What is a dependent variable? Give examples of each? What other types of variables are there, and how do they work in relation to independent and dependent variables? Give examples of these types of variables.

    The instruction

    _ Be clear to explain any part of the questions above

    • use simple vocabularies very simple level
    • do not use another sources the answer must be from the scans documents that I uploaded.
    • Please do your best work for me.
    by EssayShark Tutors
  • SCREEN3 dispersion model


    Describe the SCREEN3 dispersion model, including when it was developed, its advantages, and its disadvantages.

    Pages: 1, double spaced

    by EssayShark Tutors


    Name the title of u story. And write a paragraph of each of the following:

    • Movie Title:
      • Catalyst
      • Big Event:
      • Pinch:
      • Crisis:
      • Showdown:
      • Realization:
    • CATALYST: Your story starts in balance, but by page 10-15, the catalyst upsets it. This gives the central character a desire, motivation, goal, problem, need, mission, etc. The story now has direction and movement. (Amish boy witnessing murder and Harrison Ford having to solve it).
    • BIG EVENT: This is an event that changes your central character’s life in a big way. It comes around page 20-30. This is where Marty travels back to 1955.
    • PINCH: About halfway through the script, there is another major plot twist. It becomes the point of no return for the central character. It’s the moment he/she becomes fully committed.
    • CRISIS: This is an event that forces a crucial decision. Often it is simply the low point in the story, the moment when all looks lost, or when lovers are separated. (What is it in What about Bob?) In about 15-30 pages, we’ll see how it all turns out.
    • SHOWDOWN: Commonly called the climax, this is when the central character and opposition character square off. (What is it in Seven?) It’s the final battle in Star Wars, or the tied-up/blow up scene in What about Bob?
    • REALIZATION: Just after the showdown, or during it, or occasionally before it, the audience realizes your central character has grown, changed, or figured something out.
    • REALZATION (Cont’d): It’s when the scarecrow asks Dorothy what she’s learned (there’s no place like home). It’s when the family admires and accepts Kevin at the end of HOME ALONE. In What about Bob? it’s when Bob is cured, marries Lily and becomes “normal.” It’s also when Dr. Leo Marvin “returns” and smiles at the wedding scene. What is it in Seven?

    Pages: 1, double spaced

    by EssayShark Tutors



    1. State four ways in which, according to Emile Durkheim, deviance is functional for society as a whole.
    2. Explain the difference between primary and secondary deviance.
    3. What is the medicalization of deviance?
    4. Define each of the following: white-collar crime, corporate crime, organized crime, and hate crime.
    5. Identify four justifications for punishment.
    6. State several ways in which caste and class systems differ.
    7. What is meritocracy?
    8. What is status consistency?
    9. Define structural social mobility. How does it differ from individual social mobility?
    10. What is the Kuznets curve? What is its significance?
    11. Define race and ethnicity. How do they differ?
    12. What evidence is there that race is a socially constructed concept?
    13. What traits define a minority?
    14. What is the Bogardus social distance scale? What does research using the scale tell us about changing attitudes towards racial and ethnic minorities?
    15. List and define four patterns of minority and majority interaction.
    16. What is a social institution? What is the economy?
    17. What four factors played a part in making the economy a social institution distinct from the family and other institutions?
    18. Name three technological revolutions that reorganized societal production and resulted in broad changes to many other dimensions of social life.
    19. What are the primary labor market and the secondary labor market?
    20. What is a profession? What are four characteristics of professional work?
    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Why You Feel UC Davis is the Right Place For You to Continue Your Education



    Tell us why you feel UC Davis is the right place for you to continue your education

    Max of 200 wards for admission wait list transfer student to transfer to university of California at Davis

    by EssayShark Tutors