by EssayShark Tutors



  1. State four ways in which, according to Emile Durkheim, deviance is functional for society as a whole.
  2. Explain the difference between primary and secondary deviance.
  3. What is the medicalization of deviance?
  4. Define each of the following: white-collar crime, corporate crime, organized crime, and hate crime.
  5. Identify four justifications for punishment.
  6. State several ways in which caste and class systems differ.
  7. What is meritocracy?
  8. What is status consistency?
  9. Define structural social mobility. How does it differ from individual social mobility?
  10. What is the Kuznets curve? What is its significance?
  11. Define race and ethnicity. How do they differ?
  12. What evidence is there that race is a socially constructed concept?
  13. What traits define a minority?
  14. What is the Bogardus social distance scale? What does research using the scale tell us about changing attitudes towards racial and ethnic minorities?
  15. List and define four patterns of minority and majority interaction.
  16. What is a social institution? What is the economy?
  17. What four factors played a part in making the economy a social institution distinct from the family and other institutions?
  18. Name three technological revolutions that reorganized societal production and resulted in broad changes to many other dimensions of social life.
  19. What are the primary labor market and the secondary labor market?
  20. What is a profession? What are four characteristics of professional work?