English and Literature

Showing 1–9 of 397 results

  • Art Photograph


    Art 7 1

    Create a photograph that encourages your viewer to view an ordinary object in a new way.  Your viewer will be drawn into the object and notice fine details that may have gone unnoticed in an ordinary situation.  Choose an object that you use, see, or interact with on a daily basis.  Focus on a small part of the overall object.  Zoom in as close as your camera will permit and take many pictures.  Consider different lighting sources and try photographing from a variety of angles to add to the mystery of your photograph.   In a 250+ word essay describe your final composition.  Discuss the choices that you made and evaluate the photograph.   Submit the completed assignment here and also post it in the Final Padlet Portfolio. Guidelines  Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on photographing assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.

  • Art 5 intense emotion


    Art 5 Think back to a period in your life when you felt an intense emotion:  happy, sad, relief, confusion etc.  This period could be any length of time ranging from a few hours to several months, to many years.  Write down a summary of this experience in your sketchbook.  Visualize yourself:  How old were you?  What did you look like?  What were you wearing?  Where were you?  Who were you with?   If one particular incident from that period flashes into your mind, stay with it and keep visualizing it.  Jot down notes recording details from your memory.  How were you behaving in the scene or time period you are remembering?  What was going on around you?  How were you feeling?  What sounds, colors, shapes, and other sensory details do you remember?

    Record as much as you can in your sketchbook.  Describe any vivid or sensory details that you recall.  Why is this memory important to you?  Do any of the feelings still linger?  How does this memory have meaning in your life now? Plan a composition in which the image expresses yourself caught up in a strong tide of emotion. Your subject may be based on a memory, an imaginary appearance, or it might focus on how you feel about a topic of ongoing concern.  Think about how you organize your composition.  Also consider how paint texture, brushstrokes and color can relay a strong sense of emotion.   Begin this assignment by sketching out three preliminary sketches. Use these sketches to help plan your final composition.

    Once you have your ideas for your final painting, complete the work by first sketching your idea in pencil and then working into your painting using watercolor paint. In a 250+ word essay describe your final composition.  Discuss the choices that you made and evaluate the painting.  What would you do differently if you were to re-do this assignment?   Submit the completed assignment here and also post it in the Final Padlet Portfolio.

    Materials:  Sketchbook, Pencil, Watercolor Set     “What the Water Gave Me” by Frida Kahlo  Guidelines  Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on photographing assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.

  • Construct a 3-dimensional robot.


    Art 6

    Collect a variety of recycled materials:  bottles, bottle caps, lids, cardboard, milk cartons, etc. and other possible materials for assembly:  glue, glue gun, string, wire, tape, thread etc.  From these collected materials construct a 3-dimensional robot.  In a 250+ word essay describe your final sculpture.  Give your robot a name and explain what the function of this robot would be.  Discuss the materials that you used in the creation of this found object sculpture.  Discuss the choices that you made in constructing the robot, including how you utilize the space around the sculpture.  Did your materials transform into the final piece?  Evaluate the sculpture. Submit the completed assignment here and also post it in the Final Padlet Portfolio.


    Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on photographing assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.

  • Art Hatching and Blending


    For this unit’s assignment, we will try two types of drawing techniques.  Each drawing is a way to create depth on a two-dimensional surface using value.  In the first drawing, we will use blending to create value.  We will use hatching and cross-hatching in the second drawing to create value.  Each drawing should be completed on a separate page in your sketchbook.  Drawing 1: Complete a 5-step value scale using blending:  On a separate page in your sketchbook, draw a 5-step value scale.  The measurement of the scale should be 1 in. by 5 in.  (Each box is 1×1 in.). The first step of your scale should be left entirely white.  Using your graphite pencil, shade the 5th square as dark as possible.

    Now you will create a gradation of value in equal steps moving from white to black.  Make sure each square demonstrates a similar change in value.  We will repeat this exercise in the second part of this assignment.  You can put both value scales on the same sketchbook page I have done below. Value Scale 1 – Graphite Blending. Shows how to create a 5 inch by 1 inch table to demonstrate blending. Blending from 1 to 5, lightest to darkest shades of pencil Once you have completed your value scale, please move to a new page in your sketchbook; we will apply these values to a drawing.

    Look very carefully at this image and read the following instructions.  Don’t panic!  We are going to go through this step by step!  A circle on a page indicating highlights and shadows in a drawing  Using your graphite pencil and a straightedge, very lightly draw a line across your page about ¾ of the way down your page.  This line will represent the back edge of the tabletop. Find a circle to trace!  The top of a cup, bowl, jar, or circular object.  Position the circle so that the bottom of the circle is slightly below your horizon line.  Draw this outline very lightly.  Another image demonstrating where to use highlight and shadow on a circle  Before you shade your drawing, look carefully at this example.

    Where are your darkest areas?  Where are your lightest areas?  Examine the picture and decide where is the light source.  Do you notice the shadow on the sphere and the cast shadow on the table surface?  Also, look carefully at the background space.  Do you see how the value changes as we move from the left side to the right side?  The same thing happens on the table surface. Now begin shading.  Note that you can always make areas darker.  It can be a little trickier to lighten regions back to the white of the paper.   Look carefully at the below image.  Make sure that your drawing contains all of the elements mentioned below. Refer to your completed value scale to ensure you use a range of values.  Note that only the “highlight” area is the bright white of your paper.

    A sketch of a circle demonstrating highlight and shadow

    Materials:  Sketchbook, Graphite Pencil, Ruler/Straightedge    Drawing 2: Complete a 5-step value scale using cross-hatching:  On a separate page in your sketchbook, draw a 5-step value scale as in Drawing 1.  Draw out the scale as you did before – lightly in pencil first.  Again, the scale measurement should be 1 in. by 5 in.  (Each box is 1×1 in.). The first step of your scale should be left entirely white.  Using your dual tip, Sharpie use the cross-hatching technique and makes the 5th square as dark as possible.  Now you will create a gradation of value in equal steps moving from white to black using only hatching and cross-hatching.  Your sharpie has two tips, so the thinner tip will help create lighter values.  The thicker tip will help you create darker values.  Remember, you will achieve a darker value by making your marks broader and closer together.  Make sure each square demonstrates an equal change in value. Sketching and blending, from 1 to 5 or lightest to darkest Repeat the instructions for the sphere drawing.  Draw the horizon line and sphere lightly on your page using your graphite pencil.  However, this time use your Sharpie to create value.  Use only hatching and cross-hatching lines to create the shadows in your drawing.  Reference your value scale to ensure you utilize a wide range of values in your work.  Go slow!  It is easy to get darker with your Sharpie, but you cannot get lighter!

    A sketched circle using sharpie

    Materials:  Sketchbook, Graphite Pencil, Ruler/Straightedge

    In a 250+ word essay, describe your final compositions. Compare and contrast the two techniques.  Was one approach more successful for you?  What were your successes, and what were your challenges?  What would you do differently if you were to re-do this assignment?    Please submit the completed assignments and post them in the Final Padlet Portfolio.   Guidelines  Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on submitting photographs in assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.

  • Colors on the top of a page in your sketchbook


    Write the names of the following colors on the top of a page in your sketchbook.  (One color per page):  red, yellow, blue, green.   Under the name of each color mix as many variations of the color that you possibly can using your watercolor set.  Try to mix at least 10 variations of each color. Let your color swatches dry.  Under each color write one word that you identify with that particular color.  You can also add attributes that you associate with that color.  Look over your lists and think about how your symbolic associations with different colors were generated.  Are the sources of the symbolism cultural, political, religious, commercial, psychological, personal, from nature, or a combination of all of the above?

    In a 250+ word essay, summarize your thoughts for each color.  Look over your terms.  Was one color easier for you to work with?  Why? (See images below) Materials:  Sketchbook, Watercolor Set Rows of red and pink squares with cursive writing between rows  Rows of different shades of green squares and cursive writing under each row  Rows of yellow squares with splashes of green and red, with cursive writing under some of the rows


    Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on photographing assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.

  • Positive and negative space art


    In your sketchbook, create two separate compositions that demonstrate positive and negative space.   To begin, select an object that has an interesting shape.  For instance, choose an object with an attractive edge – such as a maple leaf, open pair of scissors, etc.  In the first drawing, draw the positive space of the object – that means you will focus on drawing the actual object.  Then in the second drawing, draw the negative space of the object.  In other words, focus on drawing the area around the object.    If you are new to drawing and feel intimidated drawing from life, select an object you can trace.  For instance, choose a pair of scissors.  Open the scissors to an interesting shape and trace the outline onto your paper.  Use the same position for your second drawing.  In your first drawing, shade and add details to the scissors.  In the second drawing, draw in the empty background spaces.

    When you complete this assignment, use pages that are open next to each other in your sketchbook to compare and contrast the two drawings easily.    In a 250+ word essay, describe each composition.  Discuss the choices that you made and evaluate each composition.  Does each piece demonstrate positive and negative space?  Is one more successful than the other?  Why or why not?  What would you do differently if you were to re-do this assignment?    Please submit the completed assignment and post it in the Final Padlet Portfolio.     Materials:  Sketchbook, Pencil, Dual-tip Sharpie  This video is helpful for this assignment.

    Guidelines  Essay assignments should conform to MLA format, and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on photographing assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.

  • Original photograph of any subject matter


    Take an original photograph of any subject matter to use for this assignment.  In your sketchbook, create a series of artworks that move from a realistic or representational image to an utterly non-representational image based on or inspired by the original photograph.  You may use any materials to incorporate the elements of art, including color, with this assignment.  You will submit a total of 3 images:  Original photograph (print and glue the image onto the first page of your sketchbook) Abstracted Image Non-Representational Image

    Write a 250+ word statement describing the transformation in your images.  What made your initial photograph compelling to you?  How did you change it to make it more abstract?  How did you then make the image non-representational yet have it convey the same mood or feeling as your initial image? Submit the completed assignment in Assignments and include all images on the Final Padlet Portfolio. Materials: Sketchbook, Pencil, Dual-tip sharpie, Watercolor Set  Take a look at Theo van Doesburg’s Abstraction of a Cow, 1918 for inspiration. See the images below and read more about the works at: Abstraction of a Cow by Theo van Doesburg Cow Sketch by Theo van Doesburg  An abstract cow with green background  Many squares and rectangles in varying colors on a white background

    Guidelines  Essay assignments should conform to MLA format  and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on photographing assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.

  • Is racial profiling defensible public policy


    Assessment 2 Instructions:

    Controversial Topic Position

    Write a 35page paper in which you build arguments, counterarguments, and
    rebuttals, which will serve as practice for applying critical thinking skills.


    Not surprisingly, there are multiple perspectives to consider when studying
    issues related to culture, ethnicity, and diversity. These perspectives are shaped
    by upbringing, values, belief systems, and many other variables. This
    assessment is an opportunity to explore both sides of a current controversial
    issue and apply psychological theory and research to endorse a position. While
    opinions are always informed by one’s background and experiences,
    understanding and analyzing different viewpoints is essential for enhancing
    cultural competency. One way to accomplish this is by considering psychological
    frameworks and reviewing empirical evidence to better understand complex
    areas of diversity and inclusion.

    Competencies Measured

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your
    proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

    Competency 1: Describe the effects of culture, ethnicity, and diversity on the human

    o Describe a controversial topic and key current issues related to the topic.

    Competency 2: Apply psychological theories to issues affecting culture, ethnicity,
    and diversity.

    o Identify counterarguments to own position, using psychological theories or research
    in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support the counterarguments.

    Competency 3: Analyze psychological research findings related to culture, ethnicity,
    and diversity.

    o Identify rebuttals to counterarguments using psychological theories or research in
    culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support the rebuttals.

    o Assess the strength of the original position using psychological theories or research
    in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support own views.

    Competency 4: Apply psychological theory and research in culture, ethnicity, and
    diversity to inform personal and professional behavior.

    o Describe own personal or professional position on a topic supported by
    psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity.

    Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and
    consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.

    o Cite scholarly evidence correctly according to APA guidelines.

    o Write in a manner that is scholarly, clear, and free of grammatical, spelling, and APA
    formatting errors.


    For this assessment, you will choose one of the four following controversial
    topics from your Taking Sides text and write a position paper of 35 content pages
    (plus title and references pages) that answers the question posed by the title.

    D’Angelo, R., & Douglas, H. (2017). Taking sides: Clashing views in race and
    ethnicity (11th ed.). McGrawHill. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource
    Bookshelf link.

    o Do we need a common identity? (pages 1937).

    o Is racial profiling defensible public policy? (pages 117126).

    o Is the mass incarceration of Blacks and Latinos the new Jim Crow? (pages 222235).

    o Is gentrification another form of segregation? (pages 236246).

    To further prepare you can choose to:

    Issues Summary [DOCX] to help you select your topic.
    Review Riverbend City: Arguments, Counterarguments, and Rebuttals. Your
    answers in the media piece will help you with this assessment.

    Review the media piece about how to define what constitutes Reliable Evidence.


    Using the Capella library and other appropriate sources, explore scholarly
    research on both sides of your selected issue.

    Develop your position on the question using the corresponding Taking
    Sides essay as a foundation.

    Organize your paper as follows:

    Title page.


    Your position and arguments.
    Evidence to support your arguments (i.e., data and research), including how the
    evidence supports the arguments.

    Counterarguments to your position.

    Rebuttals to those counterarguments.

    Evidence to support your rebuttals (i.e., data and research), including how the
    evidence supports the rebuttals.

    Summary and Conclusion.


    APA Style Paper Template [DOCX] is provided for your convenience.
    Additional Requirements

    Remember that the content of your paper must be 35 pages in length.

    In addition to the essay, use a minimum of 5 resources, at least 2 of which are peer
    reviewed academic articles.

    Follow APA style and formatting guidelines throughout.

    Set your paper in Times New Roman, 12 point.

    Review the scoring guide before submitting your assessment to ensure that you
    meet all criteria. Refer to the helpful links in Resources as you complete your

    Consider saving this assessment to your ePortfolio.

    Competencies Measured

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your
    proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

    Competency 1: Describe the effects of culture, ethnicity, and diversity on the human

    o Describe a controversial topic and key current issues related to the topic.

    Competency 2: Apply psychological theories to issues affecting culture, ethnicity,
    and diversity.

    o Identify counterarguments to own position, using psychological theories or research
    in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support the counterarguments.

    Competency 3: Analyze psychological research findings related to culture, ethnicity,
    and diversity.

    o Identify rebuttals to counterarguments using psychological theories or research in
    culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support the rebuttals.

    o Assess the strength of the original position using psychological theories or research
    in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support own views.

    Competency 4: Apply psychological theory and research in culture, ethnicity, and
    diversity to inform personal and professional behavior.

    o Describe own personal or professional position on a topic supported by
    psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity.

    Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and
    consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.

    o Cite scholarly evidence correctly according to APA guidelines.

    o Write in a manner that is scholarly, clear, and free of grammatical, spelling, and APA
    formatting errors.

  • Assessment 1 – Theories Application Worksheet


    Theories Application Worksheet

    You may choose to review readings that include the following topics:

    • Categorization
    • Racial Stereotypes
    • Prejudice
    • Discrimination
    • Racism
    • White Skin Privilege

    Complete the media piece, Riverbend City: Theories Application Practice. Your answers in the media piece will help you with this assignment.

    Then complete the worksheet below. Be sure to use full sentences (grammar counts), evidence from relevant sources, and APA style citations.


    Instruction Your Content
    Name of Concept or Theory  
    Summarize the concept/theory. Put it in your own words. 1-4 sentences. Use APA style in-text citations.  
    Real World Example. Describe an example of what this concept/theory would look like in daily life.  
    Name the video  
    Provide a brief summary of the video. Use 3-4 sentences.  
    Apply the Concept/Theory. Describe how the concept/theory explains what was depicted in the video. Use 3-4 sentences. Use APA style in-text citations.  
    APA Style Reference List (include all in-text citations)  


    Assessment 1 Instructions:

    Theories Application Exercise
    Apply a theory or concept related to diversity to a video as a way to practice
    theory application skills.


    The purpose of this assessment is to learn about initial concepts critical to the
    study of diversity and how to apply them. In psychology, we engage in the
    scientific study of human thoughts and behavior. Culture, ethnicity, and diversity
    affect all aspects of both. What does modern racism look like? How do the
    perceptions of racism or lack of racism affect a person’s thoughts and behaviors?

    In this assessment, you will apply a theory or concept to a video. This will help
    you learn to apply psychological theories and concepts to real life, situations, and
    resources. You’ll build on this skill in other assessments.

    Competencies Measured

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your
    proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

    Competency 1: Describe the effects of culture, ethnicity, and diversity on the human

    o Describe elements of a video that relate to theory and research.

    Competency 2: Apply psychological theories to issues affecting culture, ethnicity,
    and diversity.

    o Summarize a psychological theory or concept related to diversity.

    o Apply psychological theory or construct to the contents of a video.

    Competency 4: Apply psychological theory and research in culture, ethnicity, and
    diversity to inform personal and professional behavior.

    o Apply psychological concept/theory to personal life or other realworld

    Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and
    consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.

    o Attempt citations for content requiring a citation.

    o Appropriately address all components of the assessment prompt, using the
    assessment description to structure text.

    Before completing the worksheet, watch either of the following two videos:

    Frontline (Producer). (1985).
    A class divided [Video].
    o This video discusses the famous Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes Exercise developed by
    schoolteacher Jane Elliot in the aftermath of the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination
    in 1968.

    Morris, S. (Producer). (2013).
    White like me: Race, racism & white privilege in
    America [Video]
    o This video features Tim Wise, an acclaimed author and antiracist educator who
    presents a riveting talk on how race, racism, and white privilege continues to shape
    the landscape of U.S. society.

    You can review the
    Theories Application Worksheet [DOCX], which you’ll need to
    complete for this assessment.

    You can review Riverbend City: Theories Application Practice. Your answers in
    the media piece will help you with this assessment.


    Use the
    Theories Application Worksheet [DOCX] to complete the following:
    Summarize the concept or theory

    Apply the theory and research to real life.

    Describe the elements of the video that relate to theory and research.

    Apply the theory and research to the video you chose.

    Submission Requirements

    Submit the completed worksheet as your deliverable for the assessment.

    Competencies Measured

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your
    proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

    Competency 1: Describe the effects of culture, ethnicity, and diversity on the human

    o Describe elements of a video that relate to theory and research.

    Competency 2: Apply psychological theories to issues affecting culture, ethnicity,
    and diversity.

    o Summarize a psychological theory or concept related to diversity.

    o Apply psychological theory or construct to the contents of a video.
    Competency 4: Apply psychological theory and research in culture, ethnicity, and
    diversity to inform personal and professional behavior.

    o Apply psychological concept/theory to personal life or other realworld

    Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and
    consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.

    o Attempt citations for content requiring a citation.

    o Appropriately address all components of the assessment prompt, using the
    assessment description to structure text.

Showing 1–9 of 397 results