Construct a 3-dimensional robot.


Art 6

Collect a variety of recycled materials:  bottles, bottle caps, lids, cardboard, milk cartons, etc. and other possible materials for assembly:  glue, glue gun, string, wire, tape, thread etc.  From these collected materials construct a 3-dimensional robot.  In a 250+ word essay describe your final sculpture.  Give your robot a name and explain what the function of this robot would be.  Discuss the materials that you used in the creation of this found object sculpture.  Discuss the choices that you made in constructing the robot, including how you utilize the space around the sculpture.  Did your materials transform into the final piece?  Evaluate the sculpture. Submit the completed assignment here and also post it in the Final Padlet Portfolio.


Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on photographing assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.