Art Hatching and Blending


For this unit’s assignment, we will try two types of drawing techniques.  Each drawing is a way to create depth on a two-dimensional surface using value.  In the first drawing, we will use blending to create value.  We will use hatching and cross-hatching in the second drawing to create value.  Each drawing should be completed on a separate page in your sketchbook.  Drawing 1: Complete a 5-step value scale using blending:  On a separate page in your sketchbook, draw a 5-step value scale.  The measurement of the scale should be 1 in. by 5 in.  (Each box is 1×1 in.). The first step of your scale should be left entirely white.  Using your graphite pencil, shade the 5th square as dark as possible.

Now you will create a gradation of value in equal steps moving from white to black.  Make sure each square demonstrates a similar change in value.  We will repeat this exercise in the second part of this assignment.  You can put both value scales on the same sketchbook page I have done below. Value Scale 1 – Graphite Blending. Shows how to create a 5 inch by 1 inch table to demonstrate blending. Blending from 1 to 5, lightest to darkest shades of pencil Once you have completed your value scale, please move to a new page in your sketchbook; we will apply these values to a drawing.

Look very carefully at this image and read the following instructions.  Don’t panic!  We are going to go through this step by step!  A circle on a page indicating highlights and shadows in a drawing  Using your graphite pencil and a straightedge, very lightly draw a line across your page about ¾ of the way down your page.  This line will represent the back edge of the tabletop. Find a circle to trace!  The top of a cup, bowl, jar, or circular object.  Position the circle so that the bottom of the circle is slightly below your horizon line.  Draw this outline very lightly.  Another image demonstrating where to use highlight and shadow on a circle  Before you shade your drawing, look carefully at this example.

Where are your darkest areas?  Where are your lightest areas?  Examine the picture and decide where is the light source.  Do you notice the shadow on the sphere and the cast shadow on the table surface?  Also, look carefully at the background space.  Do you see how the value changes as we move from the left side to the right side?  The same thing happens on the table surface. Now begin shading.  Note that you can always make areas darker.  It can be a little trickier to lighten regions back to the white of the paper.   Look carefully at the below image.  Make sure that your drawing contains all of the elements mentioned below. Refer to your completed value scale to ensure you use a range of values.  Note that only the “highlight” area is the bright white of your paper.

A sketch of a circle demonstrating highlight and shadow

Materials:  Sketchbook, Graphite Pencil, Ruler/Straightedge    Drawing 2: Complete a 5-step value scale using cross-hatching:  On a separate page in your sketchbook, draw a 5-step value scale as in Drawing 1.  Draw out the scale as you did before – lightly in pencil first.  Again, the scale measurement should be 1 in. by 5 in.  (Each box is 1×1 in.). The first step of your scale should be left entirely white.  Using your dual tip, Sharpie use the cross-hatching technique and makes the 5th square as dark as possible.  Now you will create a gradation of value in equal steps moving from white to black using only hatching and cross-hatching.  Your sharpie has two tips, so the thinner tip will help create lighter values.  The thicker tip will help you create darker values.  Remember, you will achieve a darker value by making your marks broader and closer together.  Make sure each square demonstrates an equal change in value. Sketching and blending, from 1 to 5 or lightest to darkest Repeat the instructions for the sphere drawing.  Draw the horizon line and sphere lightly on your page using your graphite pencil.  However, this time use your Sharpie to create value.  Use only hatching and cross-hatching lines to create the shadows in your drawing.  Reference your value scale to ensure you utilize a wide range of values in your work.  Go slow!  It is easy to get darker with your Sharpie, but you cannot get lighter!

A sketched circle using sharpie

Materials:  Sketchbook, Graphite Pencil, Ruler/Straightedge

In a 250+ word essay, describe your final compositions. Compare and contrast the two techniques.  Was one approach more successful for you?  What were your successes, and what were your challenges?  What would you do differently if you were to re-do this assignment?    Please submit the completed assignments and post them in the Final Padlet Portfolio.   Guidelines  Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource.  Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. To view guidelines on submitting photographs in assignments, see Guidelines for Photographing Assignments.