Showing 910–918 of 1965 results
Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
$30.00Online communication or computer-mediated communication (CMC)
The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Online communication or CMC is one of the fastest growing modes of communication for individuals within and between organisations. We use CMC for social, educational, and business purposes (Mohan, 2008).
Discuss the following aspects:
- The impact of online communication in an organisational context;
- The distinctions between traditional face-to-face communication and CMC in an organisational context;
- The role of media richness in effective online communication;
- The importance of being competent at intercultural communication using electronic channels of communication.
The purpose of this assignment is to enable students to evaluate professional communication aspects within an industry in relation to the various elements covered, and to demonstrate the ability to communicate the key issues.
Description of assignment:
Students will prepare a 2500 words (not including references). The assignment is to be completed individually. This is NOT a group assignment. Please refer marking criteria for more detailed breakdown of marks.
Tasks Weight 1) Draw up a timetable that identifies the various stages of development in the writing and allows sufficient time for each stage. This time table should include activities in each week. 1% 2) Research the topic using books, journals and reputable websites. As a minimum, your research should include at least three (3) books (may be online books), at least three (3) journal articles (may be online journal articles) and at least three (3) internet sites (general websites except Wikipedia), total of 9 sources, all of which are used to provide you with the background. 1% 3) Write annotated bibliography for all 9 sources. 2% 4) Produce a detailed concept map showing as much as you can find out about the topic. (Mohan, 2008, p.313) 2% 5) Draft using strategies 4Ps and 5Ws (Mohan, 2008, pp. 284-285). 2% 6) Produce a detailed outline. (Mohan, 2008, p.314) 2% 7) Final 5% -
Financial Industry Paper
$15.00Now that you better understand the attributes that define you as an employee and attributes that companies value and expect from their employees, explore the attributes of companies.
Find at least 10 companies representing your major (Keep the list).
- 2+ local
- 2+ national (large)
Learn something about the current industry and the companies.
- Use Google, other search engines, and company websites. Even try their links on Facebook and Tweeter.
- Try an industry related organization website. Think of joining one!
Identify specific elements, indicators, and metrics.
- Ads on what “they” say is important.
- What does the news say about the industry, the company?
- What does the financial market say about the industry?
- What major economic indicators effect the industry and why?
- What threats and opportunities exist?
Quickly explore their job opportunities for later reference.
Use a 5-column table in Word to analyze one company from your list.
- List the attributes in the columns and the perspectives from a – d (below) in rows.
- Do an in-depth review of the effects these attributes (etc.) have on you as:
- An employee.
- An owner (stock?).
- A customer.
- A competitor.
Use the XMind Cause and Effect template to lists all of the attributes you discovered.
- Place the attributes in the areas you feel appropriate.
- Make a Printscreen of your results for class
Bring the lists to class.
Write a 75 to 150-word response of your reaction to the review.
Paste you response into the body of your submission and include:
- The name of the company you researched.
- Name one industry organization.
- The top 10 attributes, elements, metrics, ratios, comparisons, or evaluations you discovered.
- The table.
Design Processes and Practice
$12.00EUC_4_005 Design and Practice: Communications Exercise Number 6:
Engineers create artefacts and processes through design. Design is open ended and creative. Discuss design processes with reference to your own discipline, and in particular make reference to the relevance of sustainability issues in design.
Write of 1,000 words (including references) based on the following title. You must use the template provided on blackboard under Assignment Templates. Make sure your occurrence number name and student number are entered in the header of the template.
You need to submit a hard copy along with a hard copy of the turnitin report to the faculty office. Instructions for using turnitin have been previously provided and are on Blackboard.
should be stapled in the top left hand corner, with the turnitin report at the back (Note, the staple should be sufficiently far into the corner so that all the words on the page are readable). DO NOT submit in any form of binder or plastic wallet.
Consideration will be given in the marking to the criteria described below. The criteria are not applied in a mechanical manner, and that your mark will ultimately be the result of our academic judgment.
Additional Files:
Performance appraisal method
$25.00Assignment 2.3: Justification Report – Part 3 (Final)
Due Week 7 and worth 200 points
In Assignments 2.1 (Part 1) and 2.2 (Part 2) of the Justification Report, you built up the major parts of your formal, researched justification report (Problem Statement, Overview of Alternatives, Criteria, Methods, Evaluation of Alternatives, Findings and Analysis, and References). You will begin Part 3 by inserting your revisions of Parts 1 and 2 based on your instructor’s suggestions. Then, you will include a few new additions:
Use the basic outline below to draft your paper. Organize your responses to each question under the following section headings:- Introduction (for Question 1)
- Problem Statement (for Question 1a)
- Terminology (for Question 1b)
- Major Sections of the Report (for Question 1c)
- Scope and Limitations of the Research (for Question 1d)
- Preliminary Parts (for Question 2)
- Recommendation (for Question 3)
- References (for Question 4)
Write a four (4) page, single-spaced report in which you:
- Create an introduction that tells what your report is about.
- Include the Problem Statement that you already created and revised in Part 1.
- Include terms that readers will need to know in order to understand the report.
- Briefly summarize the major sections and findings of the report that you’ve developed in Parts 1 and 2.
- Discuss what your report will cover and what it will not.
- Create the preliminary parts of the report that precede the Introduction (after reading Chapter 12 in your Professional Communications textbook), which includes:
- Title Page
- Transmittal
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
Note: Use small Roman numerals to number the pages of the preliminary parts of the report.
- Create the Recommendation section of the Report.
- Provide a one to two (1-2) sentence recommendation based on what your Evaluation of Alternatives and Findings and Analysis sections have determined is the most feasible alternative (i.e. solution) to the problem in the Problem Statement.
- Create the References sections, which goes at the end of the Report, by pasting in your revised References page.
Note: Remember to organize the report by the section headings. The report should reflect a style and format appropriate for business; single spacing and bullet points are acceptable for formal business reports.
Your assignment must:
- Be typed, single spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
- Support ideas or claims in body paragraphs with clear details, examples, and explanations.
- Organize ideas logically by using transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
- Use sentence variety and effective word choice in written communication.
- Apply writing process strategies to develop formal business reports and / or proposals.
- Use technology and information resources to research issues related to selected topics.
- Write clearly and concisely using proper writing mechanic
- Introduction (for Question 1)
Explore at least 5 job ads appropriate to your immediate career plans
$7.00Explore at least 5 job ads appropriate to your immediate career plans.
- Research major sources such as company websites as well as the WSJ, Globe, NY Times, and Washington Post Web sites.
- What are the major requirements listed in each ad?
- What knowledge and skills are the ads requesting?
- What other attributes, elements, and metrics are listed for the job?
- Are you ready for the job?
- Write a 75 to 150-word response of your reaction to the job research.
- List the type of jobs did you review?
- List the top 5 requirements common to the ads.
- List at least 10 important things you learned from the ads.
- Describe why each is important to your careers
- Describe your thoughts on this research exercise.
- Research major sources such as company websites as well as the WSJ, Globe, NY Times, and Washington Post Web sites.
Organizational fit of procurement function
$5.00Week 7 Hand-in Assignment
The procurement function may be placed at several different levels in an organisation: in each project, at the business unit level, or at the corporate level.
Discuss the organisational fit of the procurement function within three different cases:
- A project based organisation with project-based procurement
- A large multinational organisation with centralised corporate procurement
- A large multinational organisation with centralised business unit procurement
Your discussion should demonstrate your understanding of how project and procurement management would collaborate in each case and should include the advantages, disadvantages, benefits, and challenges of each organisational design.
Job and workplace design
$0.00Use presentation and two suvery documents to come up with a project report.
Project Requirement: Students will be asked to select a small workplace site and a particular job (or related grouping of jobs) where they can conduct an assessment (using the tools acquired in the course) of the current psychological and environmental factors associated with the workplace setting including a plan for job redesign and physical workplace improvements. Students will be organized into project teams comprised of at least 5 individuals. Groups are structured to allow for communication via Blackboard on the course site and distance learners will comprise a virtual team. At the end of the semester, the team is responsible for presenting the results of this assessment project in class and submitting a short written report.
Estimate word: 2000
Critical Evaluation of usage and barriers of Social Media Marketing
The Final Critical Literature Review (2000 words), it should be noted, is worth 85% and
consideration will be given to the following:
- A comprehensive introduction
- Selection of appropriate resources
- Critical analysis and review of resources
- A comprehensive conclusion
- Presentation of work
The Final Critical Literature Review should demonstrate significant advancement from your
Progress Report — avoid the temptation of ‘cutting’ and ‘pasting’ large quantities of work
from your Progress Report. You should at this final stage, produce a Critical Literature
Review which shows evidence of wide and analytical reading, reflecting an outstanding
(critical) comprehension of literature in your chosen topic / subject area.
The following guidelines (for indicative purposes) have been adapted from a framework
proposed at the University of Warwick (1994 cited in Blaxter et al. 1997: 217) for structuring
a final year dissertation. You might find these useful:
- Introduction
Outline the research area — presenting the aim / objective(s) / research question(s), which
should relate to the literature review. Clearly and concisely state the reasons (or rationale)
for choosing the topic / subject area. Place your work in an academic and / industrial
context — how is it of use to the sector the topic / subject area relates to (industrial context)
and / or what debate are you developing in the academic realm? Briefly outline the structure
of your report — what is contained in each section. This will give the reader an indication
of what is to follow, and how your project, research and thought have been developed.
- Literature Review
This is a critical assessment of existing research in your chosen topic / subject area. The
critical review of literature should include contemporary resources and, also, depth and
breadth of arguments are important. The literature review should be placed into context in
view of the aim / objective(s) / research question(s). You need to show evidence that you
have read and understood relevant literature relating to your area of study. Arguments
should be clearly and concisely stated — you should be critically interpreting, analysing and
reflecting upon the literature in your review.
- Conclusion
Summarise the main arguments emerging from your critical review of the literature — your
conclusions need to be supported by the evidence presented in the literature review. You
need to return to the aim / objective(s) / research question(s) of your work — have these
been fulfilled? You need to evaluate your own progress and project outcomes — what
limitations would you identify? Are recommendations appropriate or necessary and if so are
they feasible and practical?
- References
All references cited in-text should be listed in-line with the Harvard format.
- Appendix
If required.
Appendices do not contribute to the word limit, nor are the marked. Appendices should be
used selectively to demonstrate information which is interesting and relevant, but not
Presentation Specifications of the Progress Report and Final Critical Literature Review
- All work must be word-processed on A4 white paper
- Text should be in Times New Roman / Arial, font size 12 / using 1.5 line spacing
- Left-hand margin & Right-hand margin must not be less than 30mm
- All pages numbered
- Eight-digit Student Registration Number should be placed in a header / footer of
each page.
- Front Cover with Module Name, Module Code, Student Registration Number ,
Module Leader’s Name and Supervisor’s Name.
Additional Files:
Internal and / or external business conflict
$25.008730 Research Assignment Topics
1. Work based learning
1.1. Option 1: Helping your family business or current workplace solve a problem
Perhaps your family, workplace or manager has a problem s/he would like you to work and make recommendations in the form of a report? Write a clear explanation of the problem and email this to your tutor. You tutor will then discuss this with you in your tutorial for you to gain approval1.2. Option 2: Helping Local Community: Cooma and Monaro Cooma and Monaro Progress Association or (Control School) solve a problem. If you have met the pre requisite of 36 credit points you may wish to undertake the (WIL Live projects with Comma and Monaro Progress Association or other WIL opportunities. This provides you with an additional opportunity to gain 3 credit points and an Internship. This additional unit will be supervised by the Senior lecturer (Greg Boland) and an extra 3 point unit will be awarded to you. If interested please discuss this with the unit convenor Diane Phillips email by the end of week 2.
2. Generic option 3 – please advise your tutor which project you would like to undertake to gain approval. Only onepeople per tutorial can select each topic. The broad topic will also need to be narrowed down and refinedMy topic: Internal and / or external business conflict (impacting productivity, profit, or customer relationships)