Explore at least 5 job ads appropriate to your immediate career plans


Explore at least 5 job ads appropriate to your immediate career plans.

  1. Research major sources such as company websites as well as the WSJ, Globe, NY Times, and Washington Post Web sites.
    • What are the major requirements listed in each ad?
    • What knowledge and skills are the ads requesting?
    • What other attributes, elements, and metrics are listed for the job?
    • Are you ready for the job?
  2. Write a 75 to 150-word response of your reaction to the job research.
    • List the type of jobs did you review?
    • List the top 5 requirements common to the ads.
    • List at least 10 important things you learned from the ads.
    • Describe why each is important to your careers
    • Describe your thoughts on this research exercise.