Critical Evaluation of usage and barriers of Social Media Marketing



The Final Critical Literature Review (2000 words), it should be noted, is worth 85% and

consideration will be given to the following:

  • A comprehensive introduction
  • Selection of appropriate resources
  • Critical analysis and review of resources
  • A comprehensive conclusion
  • Presentation of work

The Final Critical Literature Review should demonstrate significant advancement from your

Progress Report — avoid the temptation of ‘cutting’ and ‘pasting’ large quantities of work

from your Progress Report. You should at this final stage, produce a Critical Literature

Review which shows evidence of wide and analytical reading, reflecting an outstanding

(critical) comprehension of literature in your chosen topic / subject area.

The following guidelines (for indicative purposes) have been adapted from a framework

proposed at the University of Warwick (1994 cited in Blaxter et al. 1997: 217) for structuring

a final year dissertation. You might find these useful:

  • Introduction

Outline the research area — presenting the aim / objective(s) / research question(s), which

should relate to the literature review. Clearly and concisely state the reasons (or rationale)

for choosing the topic / subject area. Place your work in an academic and / industrial

context — how is it of use to the sector the topic / subject area relates to (industrial context)

and / or what debate are you developing in the academic realm? Briefly outline the structure

of your report — what is contained in each section. This will give the reader an indication

of what is to follow, and how your project, research and thought have been developed.


  • Literature Review

This is a critical assessment of existing research in your chosen topic / subject area. The

critical review of literature should include contemporary resources and, also, depth and

breadth of arguments are important. The literature review should be placed into context in

view of the aim / objective(s) / research question(s). You need to show evidence that you

have read and understood relevant literature relating to your area of study. Arguments

should be clearly and concisely stated — you should be critically interpreting, analysing and

reflecting upon the literature in your review.

  • Conclusion

Summarise the main arguments emerging from your critical review of the literature — your

conclusions need to be supported by the evidence presented in the literature review. You

need to return to the aim / objective(s) / research question(s) of your work — have these

been fulfilled? You need to evaluate your own progress and project outcomes — what

limitations would you identify? Are recommendations appropriate or necessary and if so are

they feasible and practical?

  • References

All references cited in-text should be listed in-line with the Harvard format.

  • Appendix

If required.

Appendices do not contribute to the word limit, nor are the marked. Appendices should be

used selectively to demonstrate information which is interesting and relevant, but not



Presentation Specifications of the Progress Report and Final Critical Literature Review

  • All work must be word-processed on A4 white paper
  • Text should be in Times New Roman / Arial, font size 12 / using 1.5 line spacing
  • Left-hand margin & Right-hand margin must not be less than 30mm
  • All pages numbered
  • Eight-digit Student Registration Number should be placed in a header / footer of

each page.

  • Front Cover with Module Name, Module Code, Student Registration Number ,

Module Leader’s Name and Supervisor’s Name.

Additional Files:
