Showing 1063–1071 of 1965 results

  • How Knowledge Management Is Changing the Way We Do Business Assignment



    Carla O’Dell, Cindy Hubert. 2011. The New Edge in Knowledge: How Knowledge Management Is Changing the Way We Do Business. John Wiley & Sons Inc.

    SECTION 1 ******

    1. What is the significance of “user driven” and “employee choice” aspects of social networking? How does social networking redefine “asset”? How can KM program best take advantage of social networking from your perspectives and experiences? (p109-116).Elaborate “ride the wave” and “your organization is not facebook” of social networking from your perspective? (p110-111)
    2. Elaborate “imitate what works” and “observe what really happens” of social networking from your perspective? (p111-112)
    3. Elaborate “trust but verify” and “Encourage extended Networks” of social networking from your perspective? (P112-113)
    4. Elaborate “use social networking as an adjunct to expertise location” of social networking from your perspective? What is expertise location? How does it compare to social networking? (p113-114)

    SECTION 2 ********

    1. From your perspective, what do we need to do once we have determined the KM Enterprise strategy and approaches? What are the key roles needed in a KM program? What are the areas that are of great interest to executives and KM professionals? (P 117-127). What is the governance group for KM program? What does a KM governance group provide? What roles does the governance group perform? Who are usually included in the Governance Group? What are the differences between Chief Information Officer and KM Leander for KM? (P 117-118)
    1. What roles does KM Core Group Perform? How does KM Core Group function? Who should the KM Core Group work with and why? What are the responsibilities of KM Core Group? How big should the KM Core Group be and why? What are the KM Leader, KM Specialist, KM Communication Director, and IT/Business Analyst, and associated responsibilities? (P 118-123)
    2. What do KM Design Teams do? Why are they needed? How are they different from KM Core Group? What functions do the KM Design Teams perform? How should the KM Design Teams operate in an organization? What kind of investment approaches should KM have? (P 123-125)
    3. How does funding evolve between the corporate and business unit? What is the balance that should be achieved between corporate funding and business unit funding and why? (P 113-114)

    SECTION 3*******

    1. Why is knowledge sharing culture important? How do sharing and learning relate to each other? How does technology and people play a role in this context? What is a Knowledge-Hoarding cultures? What messages does “lead by example” try to convey? What are the 10 desirable types of leaders for KM? (p129-132)
    2. What are the questions one should ask to identify the potential issues in developing knowledge sharing culture? What does “brand aggressively” mean in building a knowledge sharing culture? How should one brand the knowledge management program? What are the examples of “language matters” and “communication” in branding Knowledge Management program? (p133-136)
    3. How do “reward and recognize” work in a knowledge sharing culture? What are the general principles of “reward and recognize”? How do we make KM fun? (p137-139)
    4. How do we make KM fun? What are the various example to make KM fun? What are your own examples of “make KM fun”? (p139-142)
  • Nike Company Analysis






    3.2.1 – ECONOMIC



    3.2.4 – SOCIO-CULTURAL







    3.3.6 – THE 6TH FORCE

  • BIS 300 Who You Are


    BIS 300 Paper #2: Who You Are

    Reflection and Exploration

    This assignment is designed to help you develop your reflective skills and your college-level writing. It will also introduce you to the library and career resources available through GMU. Through careful analysis of the topics, you will explore how your background and previous experiences will contribute to your work in the BIS program.

    This paper will deepen your understanding of your personal and professional goals and styles as learners so you can more effectively ground your work in the BIS program. To this end, you will explain how your previous experiences have contributed to your desire to earn your degree and how these experiences may help or hinder your progress in the BIS program. Using resources from the libraries and the Career Services Center, you will explore either your chosen career or one that is of interest to you.

    Topics to Discuss

    Who You Are (no more than two pages)

    • Your personal biography in relation to how you came to the BIS program.
    • Your preferred learning style and how it may help or hinder your work in the program.
    • Your self-perceived weaknesses and strengths and plans for addressing those that relate to your success in college. (Explore GMU’s web site for information on student support such as study skills, counseling center, student groups, etc.)

    Your Intended BIS Program

    • Your educational goals, particularly as they relate to your decision to enter the BIS Program.
    • An overview of your intended work in the BIS program—what will your concentration work be in, what disciplines will it entail, etc.?
    • How will your previous experiences/strengths/weakness support your success in the concentration you are considering?
    • Which aspects of your course work will be most challenging? How do you plan to overcome these challenges to succeed?
    • How will you meet faculty to select a faculty advisor for your project? What would an “ideal” faculty advisor be able to help you with? What strengths do you bring to the advisor/student relationship?

    Your Intended Career or One of Interest to You

    • Describe the career as it is generally understood by practitioners.
    • Name and describe the role of any governing bodies or associations.
    • Outline required training and the general career path; describe where you are on this path.
    • Describe the job opportunities for this career both now and in the future.
    • Try to explain how your work in the BIS program will further your career goals.

    Note: It is not necessary to share deeply personal or private information. Only include information you feel comfortable sharing.

    Bibliography: This essay should include 5 – 7 outside sources (not including assigned course readings) related to your concentration and intended career.


    Page Setup: Typed, double-spaced, and with one-inch margins in a standard 12-point font, such as Times New Roman.

    Page Length: 6-8 pages (not including bibliography).

    Style: MLA or APA

    Writing Expectations: The essay should follow the standard format of introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should include a basic “argument”. The body should include paragraphs with clear topic sentences. The overall order of the information presented should make sense to a new reader who is not familiar with you or your career.

  • Impact of globalization on U.S. economy


    Sample Paper:

    • Impact of globalization on U.S. economy
    • Positive Comment on Impact of Globalization
    • Negative Comment on Impact of Globalization

    Pages: 6, double spaced

    Citation: APA

  • Analysis of the Greek Currency Crisis



    Description of the Term Project

    The objective of the term project is to give you an opportunity to conduct a thorough analysis on any topic in International Finance. You are highly encouraged to find a topic of your interest related to International Finance. If you have difficulty in finding a topic, I have a list of suggested topics listed at the end of this description that you may choose from.

    Term Project Format:

    You are required to prepare a report that involves the analysis of any issue related to International Finance. The report should be 8-10 pages, typed, double-spaced, with font size 12 and in the APA format. The term project must be organized properly into various sub-topics and submitted on the due date. You will also be presenting your projects during the last week of the semester.

    All of the following have to be submitted on the due date at the beginning of class. Failure to submit any of these will result in a score of zero.

    1. Topic of the project -(5% of your grade)

    You are required to submit in one page explaining the topic of your choice. This one page report should be able to make clear the topic that you want to analyze.

    1. Outline – (10% of your grade)

    You are required to submit a 2-3 page outline of your topic. The outline should contain an introduction of the topic, what and why you are trying to analyze.

    1. First Draft(10% of your grade)

    The first draft of your paper is due here. Your report should be 8-10 pages, typed, double-spaced, with font size 12 and in the APA format. The term project must be organized properly into various sub-topics. You need to include a complete list of references.

    You are required to make an appointment online at with the Undergraduate Writing Center here at the University. You are required to take this first draft there for review and feedback.

    1. Final report –(50% of your grade)

    The final report is due in the required format. This is the final report after addressing all the corrections and comments made in the first draft. Please staple all the pages together before submitting it. You are also required to send the electronic version of your report via Blackboard.

    1. Project Presentations

    You are required to present a fifteen minute summary of your projects using power point.

    In case of any questions, you are most welcome to come and talk to me.

    Suggested Topics:

    • Currency Crisis (Greece, Argentina, Asia, Mexican etc.).
    • Evolution of the Euro.
    • Investing in foreign securities: Risk and returns.
    • Futures and Options
    • Changing role of Gold in International Finance
    • Country Risk Analysis

    Pages: 11, double spaced

    Citation: APA



    You will select a company from this list, and you will analyze the company’s financial performance, highlighting accounting principles and methods learned in this course. This project requires you to present, review, and analyze the organization’s published annual reports and related footnotes for the last 2 years. Specifically, your paper will cover the following:

    • Discuss methods used to account for assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity, and explain how the company’s inventory valuation method affects reported results.
    • Explain the company’s approach to internal controls, and assess its compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley.
    • Prepare and interpret the results of horizontal and vertical analyses of the financial statements.
    • Prepare and interpret the results of at least 5 ratios, 1 from each of the following categories:
      Profit Ratios
      Debt Ratios
      Efficiency Ratios
      Equity Ratios
      Liquidity Ratios
    • Assess the company’s overall financial performance and the integrity of its internal controls.
    • Discuss how various stakeholders—internal and external—use information contained in the financial statements for decision making.
    • Include the last 2 years of published financial statements as Appendices to your report. Do not include the entire Annual Reports.

    Present your findings as a Word document of 5–6 pages formatted in APA style.

  • New Product Launch Marketing Plan, Part I – Safe Sleep Products Inc.


    MKT 571 Week 2 Team Assignment New Product Launch Marketing Plan, Part I

    Create a product launch plan of no more than 1,050 words for 2 markets (domestic and international).

    Include the following components for both markets:

    • Market needs
    • Market growth
    • A brief SWOT Analysis
    • Potential competition
    • Product offering and product definition
    • Product identification
    • Justification for your choice of product
    • A 10-question survey that you will use for your final marketing plan, that collects additional primary data about the buyers

    Use the Sample Marketing Plan in Ch. 2 of Marketing Management as a guide in developing the components of your plan.

    Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment

    New Product Launch Marketing Plan, Part I Apple

  • New Product Launch Marketing Plan, Part I Apple


    MKT 571 Week 2 Team Assignment New Product Launch Marketing Plan, Part I

    Create a product launch plan of no more than 1,050 words for 2 markets (domestic and international).

    Include the following components for both markets:

    • Market needs
    • Market growth
    • A brief SWOT Analysis
    • Potential competition
    • Product offering and product definition
    • Product identification
    • Justification for your choice of product
    • A 10-question survey that you will use for your final marketing plan, that collects additional primary data about the buyers

    Use the Sample Marketing Plan in Ch. 2 of Marketing Management as a guide in developing the components of your plan.

    Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment

  • Assignment # 4: Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and Customer Satisfaction strategy.


    This activity is part of your marketing plan. Prepare a 4-5 page report, addressing the following:

    1.  Discuss the company’s advertising strategy and how it aligns with its marketing goals.

    2.  Discuss how the effectiveness of the advertising will be measured.

    3.  Discuss the promotional strategies that may be used in addition to advertising.

    4.  Develop an approach to measuring customer satisfaction with your company’s product/service.

    5.  Discuss how gaps in customer expectations and experiences will be addressed.

    Use at 2 references to support the discussion on the integrative marketing and customer satisfaction strategy.

    The report will be graded using the following rubric.

    Grading Rubric for Assignment # 4 – IMC and Customer Satisfaction Strategy