Showing 397–405 of 728 results

  • Describe your ideal study environment


    Effective Study Habits Worksheet

    Review Phoenix Career Plan results of Career Plan Building Activity: Work Culture Preference, respond to the following in 50 to 100 words each:

    • Describe your ideal study environment.
    1. List some of the distractions that might hinder your study progress or your performance in an online classroom.
    2. What actions can you take to manage and eliminate distractions?
    3. How will you apply your personal learning style? How does your personal Learning style affect your study habits?
    4. List 5 effective study strategies from this week that you will use. Explain why you selected them and why they are effective strategies for online learning.
    5. Identify one change you can make immediately to increase the effectiveness of your study habits. Explain how this will help you become more effective.
    6. How does your personal learning style relate to your ideal workplace and your personal work competencies?
    7. How is understanding your ideal learning environment applicable to selecting your ideal workplace?
  • What are some of the strengths associated with the Pro side


    PSY 375 Life Span Human  Development

    Issue Analysis

    After reading the selected critical issue, use the following questions to analyze the issue. The word count for individual questions may vary but your responses should total 1,200- to 1,400-words for the entire worksheet.

    1   What are some of the strengths associated with the Pro side of the issue? What are some of the weaknesses?

    2   What are some of the strengths associated with the Con side of the issue? What are some of the weaknesses?

    3   Based on the statements presented in this critical issue, which author do you agree with? Provide supporting evidence.

    4   Explore two other roles that can be acquired during early and middle adulthood, such as through parenthood, romantic relationships, and career. How have these roles changed through the past generations?

    5   What psychological adjustments are made during early and middle adulthood to adapt to aging and changes in life style? How does this affect development?

  • Think about a task that you do every day


    Think about a task that you do every day that you recognize that others do differently (i.e., workaround) and answer the following questions:

    1. Is there a protocol for the task?
    2. Why do you think it is not followed?
    3. Where is the flaw in the process as written?
    4. Is there a way to redesign the workflow that would be more efficient?

  • Discussion Questions Week 3

    1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of plea bargaining?
    2. Why is the attorney–client privilege protected?
    3. Should the courts be able to reverse an acquittal of a defendant if it was obtained through the unethical practices of his or her attorney? Explain why.
  • Week 3 Assignment: Who should be involved in orientation of new employees


    1.Who should be involved in orientation of new employees? Why would not be appropriate to provide employee orientation purely online?

    2.How does development differ from training? How does development support career management in modern organizations?

    3.What are the three roles of a coach? How is a coach differ from a mentor? What are some advantages of using someone outside the organization as a coach? Some disadvantages?

  • Week 3 Questions and Problems


    Chapter 15: Review Questions and Problems 1 & 6

    What are the alleged advantages of a fixed over a flexible exchange rate system?

    How do advocates of flexible exchange rates respond?

    What overall conclusion can be reached on whether flexible or fixed exchange rates are preferred?

    Draw a figure showing the fluctuation in the exchange rate over the business cycle without speculation, with stabilizing speculation, and with destabilizing speculation.

    Explain the difference between an optimum currency area and a fixed exchange rate system.

    What are the main advantages and disadvantages of an optimum currency area?

    What are the requirements for a well-functioning optimum currency area?

    Indicate the benefits and costs of EMU member countries from the establishment of the euro.

    Indicate the difference among fixed exchange rate system, currency board arrangement and dollarization

    What is meant by a crawling peg system?

    How can such a system overcome the disadvantage of an adjustable peg system?

    Chapter 16: Review Questions and Problems 1, 2, 4, & 6

    How economic conditions today differ from those prevailing under the gold standard period.

    Why the different economic conditions today would make the reestablishment of a smoothly working gold standard impossible.

    With respect to a nation with a $100-million quota in the IMF, indicate how the nation was to pay in its quota to the IMF and the amount that the nation could borrow in any one year under the original rules.

    How are the rules different today?

    Explain the role of the dollar under the Bretton Woods System.

    Explain briefly the operation of the present international monetary system.

    4 Pages

  • Importance of considering the level of protection desired


    Week 3 Writing Assignment

    Discuss the importance of considering the level of protection desired (safety factor) when determining spare part quantities.

    3 pages

  • Week 3 DQ 1: Due Day 2


    Please post a 150-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply.
    What is the difference between cash basis and accrual basis accounting? Why do accrual basis financial statements provide more useful information than cash basis financial statements? Describe when each method (cash basis and accrual basis accounting) would be appropriate to use.

  • What is the difference between a Router and a Bridge


    NTC/245 Week 3 Individual Assignment

    1. What is the difference between a Router and a Bridge? What is the difference between a Router and a Level 2 Switch?
    2. A LAN has 200 hosts on it and is arranged as a Ring topology. How many links are needed to form the ring?
    3. What is ARP and what does it do? How is it used in LANs?
    4. Describe some circumstances where it might be desirable to use source routing in an IP network rather the routers make routing decisions.
    5. Provide the following parameter values for each of the network classes A, B, and C.
      1. Class A addresses always have the first bit of their IP addresses set to “0”.
      2. Class B addresses always have the first bit set to “1” and their second bit set to “0”.
      3. Class C addresses have their primary two bits set to “1” and their third bit set to “0”.

    7 Pages