What is the difference between a Router and a Bridge


NTC/245 Week 3 Individual Assignment

  1. What is the difference between a Router and a Bridge? What is the difference between a Router and a Level 2 Switch?
  2. A LAN has 200 hosts on it and is arranged as a Ring topology. How many links are needed to form the ring?
  3. What is ARP and what does it do? How is it used in LANs?
  4. Describe some circumstances where it might be desirable to use source routing in an IP network rather the routers make routing decisions.
  5. Provide the following parameter values for each of the network classes A, B, and C.
    1. Class A addresses always have the first bit of their IP addresses set to “0”.
    2. Class B addresses always have the first bit set to “1” and their second bit set to “0”.
    3. Class C addresses have their primary two bits set to “1” and their third bit set to “0”.

7 Pages
