Showing 388–396 of 728 results




    Here’s the prompt:
    Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

    4 Pages

  • Comparing the Herakles Myth with Joseph Campbell’s Hero Myth List

    1. The Hero Cycle- Analyze and compare an ancient using Joseph Campbell’s Hero Cycle
      -An original and creative focus using the general topic guidelines
      – Appropriate theoretical terminology used in analysis
      – Analysis instead of excessive summary
      -Critical thinking- avoids simplistic descriptions and clichés
      -Comparison and analysis of similar themes in both ancient and modern mythic stories
      -Virtually no outstanding technical writing errors- for example-sentence structure,
      essay and paragraph structure, grammar,
      tense agreement etc…

    4 Pages

  • Discussion


    Please answer each bullet with ONLY 4 sentences. Only respond using the number not the discussion.

    1. Go to the World Franchising Directory located at Select any of the hottest new franchises that interest you and go to their Websites. View the site and identify the information about the financial requirements that you, as the franchisee, would have to meet. Be prepared to discuss. Describe the most appropriate form of ownership for your new franchise based on your current financial situation. Provide specific examples to support your response.
    1. Assume the form of your new business will be a partnership (if you have not already done so). Discuss the types of conflicts that may arise and how you could prevent them from arising in the first place.
    1. Based on the case study (“Firehouse Subs”), determine which of the three options executives are considering would be most beneficial to a single franchise owner. Explain your rationale.
    1. From the franchise you selected in bullet one, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being a franchisee of the franchise you selected. Provide specific examples to support your response.
    1. Perform an analysis of the social / demographic, technological, economic, environmental / geographic, and political/legal / governmental segments to understand the general environment facing Union Pacific.
    1. Describe how Union Pacific will be affected by each of these external factors.
    1. Use the Internet to research the industry of your choice in light of the Five Forces of Competition Model. Analyze the industry you selected using the Five Forces of Competition Model to determine the impact of each of the five forces.
    1. Based on your analysis, determine if the industry is attractive or unattractive. Explain your rationale.
  • Discussion Question

    1. You are the assistant manager for a restaurant that is part of a casual dining restaurant group. One of your duties is the receiving of incoming products from suppliers. You also, with the general manager, meet occasionally with sales people of the suppliers that you do business with. On Tuesday morning, Ed, the sales person of your Fruit and Vegetable supplier calls you on the phone and says he has 2 tickets for the upcoming NBA game in your city. He says they are in the company’s corporate box and would you be interested in using them?
    2. A registered dietitian practicing clinical dietetics is suspected to be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol while on duty. Although the immediate supervisor in foodservice management does not have proof, various signs of drug and/or alcohol abuse persist. The foodservices dietetics manager is torn about how to approach this situation but fears that patient care could be compromised if this situation is not addressed and resolved.
  • Relationship between the 40 percent decline in Quick Car Rentals membership and its rewards program


    The paper (Doc file + spreadsheet) is a research aimed to investigate the relationship between the 40 percent decline in Quick Car Rentals membership and its rewards program.

    Paper contents
    Research Goals
    Research Question
    Rationale and Background
    Population and size
    The target population and brief reasoning
    Sampling Element
    The Sample Size
    Data Collection
    Validity and Reliability
    Descriptive Statistics
    Summary of the results of testing the null hypothesis
    Conclusions derived from this study

    4 Pages, APA,

  • Wk 3 Learning Team Reflection


    ECO/372 Week Three Learning Team Reflection

    Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field.

    Write a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the findings of your discussion.

  • Week 3 e-Activity


    Week 3 e-Activity

    Visit the AT&T Website, located at here. and Verizon’s Website, located at here. Examine the wireless broadband networks provided by each vendor. Be prepared to discuss.

    Week 3 Discussion 1

    “Challenges of Information Technology” Please respond to the following:

    Businesses are generating data, documents, and text in the form of emails in ever increasing rates. The volume of stored data is also increasing at alarming rates. Choose the one issue that you believe is the largest challenge to managing data, text, and documents. Support your response.

    Week 3 Discussion 2

    “Network Management and Mobility” Please respond to the following:

    Modern networks have to support a number of digital data protocols as well as digital audio protocols. The ability to stream both data and audio has led to the design and deployment of advanced applications. Analyze how advancements in Web,wireless, and mobility technologies are impacting organizations. Choose one specific advancement and describe why it is having the biggest impact. Support your answer.

    From the e-Activity, AT&T and Verizon both provide very similar if not the same services, especially in the mobile space. Consumers are left with challenges when making decisions on which vendor to choose. Compare both providers in regard to their wireless broadband networks. Indicate which vendor provides the best offering in your opinion and why.

  • Assignment 3: Wireless Security Policy


    Implementing wireless technologies involves technical and management issues or considerations that have strategic business implications within organizations. Thus, it is critical that organizations adopting wireless technologies develop the appropriate security policies governing wireless technologies and operations within their organization.

    Write a four to six (4-6) page wireless security policy for a medium-sized banking organization using the following structure:
    1. Wireless Security Policy
    a. Wireless Security Policy Overview
    b. Purpose and Scope
    c. Applicability
    d. Wireless Network Security Requirements
    e. Wireless Network Access Requirements
    f. Wireless Device Requirements
    g. Wireless Standards Supported by the Organization
    h. Ethical Guidelines Associated with Wireless Networks in the Organization
    i. Policy Enforcement
    j. Terms and Definitions
    2. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

  • What is SIP trunking?


    Write a 500-word paper that explains what a SIP trunk is, why you would use a SIP trunk, the equipment required for its use, and any RFCs that discuss SIP trunking.