Showing 352–360 of 728 results

  • Case 8: Battle of the Beers – Who Will Capture Your Mind


    Summary of the case


    1. What attributes are most important in determining beer purchasing decisions? How does this vary by market segments?
    2. How would you construct a valid taste to determine beer buyers’ preferences?


  • Minicase : Darmouth College Goes Wireless


    1) In what ways is the Wi-Fi technology changing the life of Dartmouth students?

    2) Some say that the wireless system will become part of the background of everybody’s life-that the mobile devices are just an afterthought. Explain.

    3) Is the system contributing to improved learning or just adding entertainment that may reduce the time available for studying?

    4) What are the major benefits of the wireless system over the previous wireline one? Do you think wireline systems will disappear from campuses one day?

  • Gen 195 Collaboration Worksheet


    Gen 195

    University of Phoenix Material
    Collaboration Worksheet
    Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions:

    • What are the advantages of having diversity in a collaborative learning environment?
    • How might factors such as diversity, attitude, learning, and work styles affect collaboration?
    • How does personal responsibility influence the work and success of a group?
  • Atmospheric Stability Classes


    Paper instructions:

    atmospheric stability Classes A, B, C, D, E, and F.

    a. Explain what each stability class represents (stable, neutral, etc.).
    b. Using additional references, provide more detail about any three of the stability classes, including lapse rate, wind velocity, and any other pertinent parameters.

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Representation of Marriage equality in Media


    How is marriage equality represented in media?

    Your final draft must include six annotations. Please revise the two annotations from your rough draft and then write four more. You will also need to include an introduction with your final draft.

    Writing an introduction for your annotated bibliography:

    • The introduction should be around 500 words long; please double-space.
    • You need to state your research topic and question, and explain why it is an important issue to study.
    • You should briefly explain how you chose your sources and why they are relevant to your selected topic.
    • Finally, give a brief overview of the arguments you encountered and your finding (the general way in which you would answer your question based on the research you’ve done).

    Additional Materials

    annotations-1.docx annotation_bibliography_final_guidelines-11.docx
    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Week One Discussion Question: What is economics


    What is economics? What role does economic play in your personal and organizational decisions? Provide an example of the role of economics in decision making?

    3 Pages

    ECO 365 Week One Discussion Question

  • Ch 7 or 8 Reading Response


    This is your third question for the Disrupting Class book reading responses. Choose one and reply in approximately 300 words in a Word document.

    Ch 7.

    Project-Based learning seems to get students more engaged and intrinsically motivated to succeed. Imagine a classroom with 5 3D printers and 25 students. What kind of project could you develop to get the students working together in teams with a very high level of interest? Assume the students are able to design and print 3D objects independently. Describe how (remember Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development- alluded to on page 175) you would develop the project to be at the “just above” level for your students.

    Ch 8.

    Think back to your literature review. You probably saw dozens or hundreds of articles describing the 3D printing phenomenon and research around it. While you reviewed the articles, did you think anything was missing? If so, what story about 3D printing would you like to hear, or what research could be done to improve the existing body of knowledge surrounding 3D printing?

  • Violence in the media and the effect on children


    Does Exposure to Media Violence Causes Real Aggression on Children?

    TOPIC:          Violence in the media and the effect on children

    The goal of this paper if for you to write a traditional research paper (which we call a review of the literature) about a topic that interests you in the field of Child Psychology

    Format: Your paper should be 10 pages in length with the additional pages for references. Make sure that your paper is double spaced and is in 12 point Times Roman Font.

    Citations: All facts stated in your paper should be documented and the source listed in your reference list. All references in your list should refer to facts stated in your paper. If you make a strong assertion or point in your paper that is not your own you must give the original researcher/author credit to avoid plagerism


    Types of References: Magazine and newspaper citations are generally not acceptable. For instance Developmental Psychology is acceptable, but Parents Magazine is not. If you are not sure, consult with me.

    References: The references for your paper should be relevant and current and your paper should be well documented using APA style. Websites for writing APA style and an example of an APA style paper are included in the External Links section. Citations should be from scholarly books and scientific journals.

    Most of your references should be current, ie., 2004 or more recent. Also, please do not use textbooks, encyclopedias or a dictionary as a reference. Your paper should have a minimum of five references

    The paper should be a minimum of ten pages, double spaced, including the reference list.

  • Success Comes from hard work


    Success Comes from hard work

    When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above?