Showing 307–315 of 728 results

  • Keeping A Food Journal


    Even though the reward center in the brain lights up in response to hyperpalatable food (and drugs), conditioned hypereating can be treated, and people can rehabilitate themselves when it comes to their eating habits. In other words, they can reverse and regain control of their eating habits by applying the treatment theory and the Food Rehab principles, including planned eating and letting go of the past, in their own lives.

    Based on the readings in this module and your own entries in the food journal, answer all of the following questions:

    • To what extent has keeping a food journal helped you so far?
    • To what extent do you think it can, or will, help you?
    • To what extent have you been surprised by any of your own thoughts and/or behaviors that are related to your food journal entries?
    • To what extent have the five components of habit reversal, setting rules, and changing emotional perceptions of food helped you so far? Have you applied any of them consciously or unconsciously in the past? If so, to what extent were they effective in helping you to reverse habits?
    • To what extent will you continue to use a food journal beyond this class? Why or why not?

    Write a 500 word paper to address the questions above. You are required to cite your sources in the body of your text properly, include a reference page, and use APA style.

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • University Mission Statement


    Gonzaga University

    Mission Statement

    Gonzaga University is an exemplary learning community that educates students for lives of leadership and service for the common good.

    In keeping with its Catholic, Jesuit, and humanistic heritage and identity, Gonzaga models and expects excellence in academic and professional pursuits and intentionally develops the whole person – intellectually, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

    Through engagement with knowledge, wisdom, and questions informed by classical and contemporary perspectives, Gonzaga cultivates in its students the capacities and dispositions for reflective and critical thought, lifelong learning, spiritual growth, ethical discernment, creativity, and innovation.

    The Gonzaga experience fosters a mature commitment to dignity of the human person, social justice, diversity, intercultural competence, global engagement, solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, and care for the planet. Grateful to God, the Gonzaga community carries out this mission with responsible stewardship of our physical, financial, and human resources.

    Please read the University Mission Statement and respond to the following question:

    1. How do you see using the Mission in your work currently (if you are already in a sporting or related industry) or in your future endeavors in the sporting or related industry?
    1. What do you see as your current strengths that will help you toward a successful completion in our online program? What challenges or conflicts do you perceive will be if you are accepted into this program and how will you plan to overcome them?
    1. If you could have dinner with someone (living or deceased), who would that person be and why.
    1. What would you see as a problem we face in the sporting industry today – why?
    1. What are your long term professional goals and how do you see this program helping you achieve those goals?
    1. Tell us about your technological skill, area of expertise and knowledge of software. What systems have you used and provide examples of the work you completed..
    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol


    Paper instructions:

    What is TCP/IP and why is it important for the Internet? Why are people concerned about TCP/IP v4?

    Pages: 1, double spaced

    Citation: APA

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • What Do You Want To Accomplish In The Next Ten Years


    What Do You Want To Accomplish In The Next Ten Years? explain and provide details

    Pages: 2, double spaced

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Collaborative Consultation Paper


    Address the following questions

    1. What is collaborative consultation?
    2. What are its potential benefits?
    3. What are the key steps involved in carrying out collaborative consultation and what is the rationale behind them?
    4. What are the common challenges when seeking to use collaborative consultation and what are possible ways of overcoming them?

    Pages: 5, double spaced

    Citation: APA

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Gothic Literature in Contemporary Television Paper


    An essay on Gothic Literature in Contemporary Television Paper

    Pages: 6, double spaced

  • Symbolism in W.H. Auden’s “Musee des Beaux Arts”


    The paper identifies and discusses Symbolism “Musee des Beaux Arts” by W.H. Auden’s

    Pages: 5, double spaced

  • Shania Case Study


    In preparing your replies, consider only the employee issues in Question 4. Reply to the threads of 2 classmates who reached a different conclusion than you did. Identify the points of difference in your analyses and explain how your application of the relevant law to the facts of this situation led you to a different conclusion.

    Then, assume that Shania opened her coffeehouse and became so successful that she has 20 employees and needs to promote 1 of them to be the night shift supervisor. The employee base is quite diverse; in fact, Shania believes she should promote a racial or ethnic minority employee to demonstrate how inclusive her business has become. Explore the legal, ethical, and biblical issues if Shania makes her promotion decision entirely on that basis. What are her options?

    Each reply must be supported by 3 scholarly sources, other than the textbook/course materials. Each reply must be properly cited in current APA format.

  • Against Researching and Implementing Geoengineering by Way of Sulfate Aerosol spraying


    PHIL 1165: Moral and Social Problems in Healthcare Final Paper

    Format and Submission
    Length: 1600-2000 words
    Spacing: Single or Double
    Font size: 11-12

    The final paper assignment requires you to engage in substantive philosophical research and defend a philosophical thesis. You may choose any topic in the area of Bioethics. If you choose a topic that was already covered in class, you must engage critically with at least one academic, philosophical reading that was not covered in class.

    The main requirement of this assignment is that you defend your own view about some philosophical issue while at the same time charitably but critically engaging with arguments defending some alternative.
    Every paper should have the following components:

    1. Introduction
    The introduction of your paper should be succinct but accomplish the following:

    1. Provide context for the thesis under discussion. Why is the thesis you are defending important or relevant? Why should a reader care to hear about the defense of a thesis on your topic?
    2. Introduce the reader to your thesis. Upon reading the introduction, the reader should know what precisely will be defended in the paper.
    3. Introduce the reader to the structure of the paper. Upon reading the introduction, the reader should have an idea of how the paper will be structured. In doing so, you will also be introducing the reader to what ideas/theses you’ll be arguing against in the paper since you can’t spell out the structure without mentioning that you’ll be engaging critically with alternative views.

    2. Conclusion
    The conclusion of your paper should succinctly sum up what you have accomplished in your paper.

    3. Exegesis of dissenting view(s)
    These papers require you to critically engage with arguments for theses that are inconsistent with your own. Before explaining what is wrong with any view, you must precisely, concisely, and charitably explain those arguments.

    4. Critical evaluation of dissenting view(s)
    Once you have fairly explained the alternatives to your own view, you must critically evaluate them using the tools of philosophy (analysis, arguments, reasons, evidence)

    5. Works cited
    Choose a professional format that you like. If you have no preference, I would choose something like (Author Date) with full entries in the bibliography. I recommend that you use a tool like Zotero or Endnote for building bibliographies and for citing sources.

    6. Thesis defense
    You must provide a substantive, cogent defense of your own view using the tools of philosophy (analysis, arguments, reasons, evidence).

    7. Title
    Your paper should have a descriptive and professional sounding title.

    8. Section headings
    Your paper should be divided into distinct sections with useful section titles.
    Potential Topics
    1. ELT Distribution

    • Organ Transplantation Policy
    • Organ Donation Ethics
    • What Counts a Disease
    • Voluntary Health-Risk Behavior

    2. Reproduction Ethics

    • Commercial Surrogacy
    • Parental Licensing
    • Abortion
    • Moral Status of the Fetus
    • Fatherhood and Abortion Decisions
    • Choosing Children

    3. Biomedical Enhancement and Cloning

    • PEDs and Sports
    • Cognitive Enhancement
    • Moral Enhancement
    • Cloning for Organs

    4. Research Ethics

    • Animal experimentation
    • Human Experimentation
    • Economic Justice and Experimentation
    • Regulation of Pharmaceuticals

    5. Healthcare Policy

    • Universal Healthcare
    • Obligations to the Worst-Off and Justice

    6. Personal Health Decisions

    • Active vs. Passive
    • Physician Assisted Suicide
    • Genetic Screening

    7. Patient’s Rights

    • Informed Consent
    • Autonomy