Showing 298–306 of 728 results

  • Why You Received “D” or “F” Grades


    Please explain in detail below why you received any “D” or “F” grades or dropped any of the above courses, and how you are trying to resolve it, or for any additional required information you would like to report to us.

    I got a D in Calculus and Humanity and also dropped Physics

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Transfer statement


    Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferring and the objectives you hope to achieve.. (250-650 words)

    Note// transferring from Nova Community College to American University.

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Nonrenewable Resources Paper


    Nonrenewable Resources

    Today, more than any other time in history, there is growing support to move away from nonrenewable resources towards developing renewable resources to meet current and future energy needs. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources that continue to negatively impact the environment. It is important to learn how these resources are formed since this process of formation is at the very heart of why fossil fuels are considered to be nonrenewable.

    Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research the nonrenewable resource assigned to you: My last name start with a C so I have to do Coal.

    • Coal

    Note: You are assigned a resource based on the first initial of your last name. Last names beginning with A–J research coal, names beginning with K–R research natural gas, and names beginning S–Z research oil.

    Respond to the following:

    • Describe how this nonrenewable resource was initially formed.
    • Briefly explain where the major reserves of this nonrenewable resource are located and how it is extracted.
    • Examine the environmental impact caused by the extraction process.
    • Explain how this nonrenewable resource is used to produce energy, and identify the pollution problems that are caused from this energy source.

    Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

    Write your initial response. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

    • If in fact society were to change to an environmentally friendly fuel source, what do you think would be the political or economic ramifications?
    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Pursue program of graduate study


    Personal Statement

    Send explaining to the Graduate Admission Committee why you would like to pursue the program of graduate study you have chosen. Additional information regarding your academic performance, as well as professional experience, may also be included in the supplement.

    This is for Pace University in New York City

    Pages: 2, double spaced

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Ophelia’s Desperation


    Assignment 2 on Hamlet

    Answer one of the following questions based on the critical readings:

    1). On “Objections to the Elizabethan Theatre” from 1597 by the Mayor of London. How would you defend Hamlet against charges that it draws people into “imitaction and not to the avoidinge the like vices which they represent”?

    2). After reading “On Producing Hamlet” by Jan Kott, comment: if you were producing the play today, what would you emphasize?

    3). In the first paragraph of “Ophelia’s Desperation” Byles cites a number of different interpretations (by different critics) of Ophelia’s behavior. Which do you agree with, and why?

    About 200-250 words.

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Final Exam Answers


    It is highly recommended that you have a printed version of this handout in front of you with your best answers already selected as you take your timed exam. It will help you immensely and is a great study tool. This exam is very close to the actual exam, and for that reason, an answer key will not be provided. Once you have opened the exam, the timer starts and you will have only 70 minutes to submit your answers.

    Although this exam is an open notes exam, it is highly recommended that you use only a small index card to place notes on. This exam is timed and you will not have the luxury of time to look up all your answers after the exam has started. If you run out of time, you will not be able to go back and re-take the exam.

    While taking the exam, you should not have other windows open on your computer screen as this can cause the Catalyst system to crash suddenly while your exam is in progress.


    1. Mid-latitude cyclones
    a.  Lack a warm front and a cold front

    b. Are a type of hurricane

    c.  Are large high-pressure systems

    d. Rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere
    1. If a warm front is approaching, you can expect after its passage
      1. Lower pressure Rising temperatures
      2. Higher pressure Both a and c
    2. The continental U.S. lies within this wind belt.
      1. Westerlies Northerlies
      2. Polar Easterlies Trade Winds
    1. The two properties that are relatively homogeneous (the same) at the same altitude in an air mass are
      1. Humidity and temperature Pressure and temperature
      2. Temperature and carbon dioxide None of these
    2. If an air mass were designated with the letters “cA”, what kind of air mass would it be?
      1. Warm and moist air Cold and wet air
      2. Warm and dry air Very cold and dry air c. Cold and dry air
    3. What force is ultimately responsible for the three cells of circulation we see in each hemisphere?
      1. Pressure Gradient Friction
      2. Coriolis None of these
    4. The prevailing winds that blow between 30 and 60 degrees latitude are called:
      1. Westerlies Subtropical northerlies
      2. Polar easterlies e. None of these c. Trade winds
    5. When warmer than normal water exists off the coast of Peru, we are said to have what is called:
      1. La Nina Polar easterlies
      2. El Nino Jet Stream c. Polar Front
    6. An air mass that forms over the deserts is called?
      1. Maritime Tropical Continental Tropical
      2. Maritime Polar Continental Polar
    10. Which of these is common for all types of fronts?
    a.  Decreasing precipitation rates

    b. Lifting of cold air over warm

    c.  Divergence of surface winds

    11. What does El Nino involve?

    d. Light to calm winds

    e.  None of the above

    a.  Warm water moves east along the equator

    b. Weakening of the trade winds

    c.  Strengthening of the trade winds

    d. Both “a” and “b”

    e.  Both “a” and “c”

    1. What is the stage of lightning called where electrons are making a path towards the earth’s surface?
      1. Downdrafts Thunder
      2. Updrafts Step-leader c. Return Stroke
    2. If an air mass were designated with the letters “cT”, what kind of air mass would it be?
      1. Moist and warm air Moist and cold air
      2. Dry and warm air Very dry and cold air c. Dry and cold air
    3. The location where warm air from the mid-latitudes converges with cold air from the poles is called:
      1. La Nina Polar Front
      2. El Nino Polar easterlies
    4. What is the flash of light commonly associated with thunderstorms called?
      1. Downdrafts Thunder
      2. Updrafts Step-leader c. Return Stroke
    5. Where does the majority of precipitation happen in a thunderstorm?
      1. Within the updrafts of a thunderstorm With lightning’s return stroke
      2. Within the downdrafts of a thunderstorm With the step-leader of lightning
    6. What is the sound generated from violently expanding gasses in the atmosphere during a lightning event called?
      1. Downdrafts Thunder
      2. Updrafts Step-leader c. Return Stroke
    7. A geostrophic wind that blows quickly due to a steep pressure gradient is called:
      1. La Nina Polar easterlies
      2. El Nino Jet stream c. Polar Front
    8. When colder than normal water exists off the coast of Peru, we are said to have what is called:
      1. La Nina Polar easterlies
      2. El Nino Jet Stream c. Polar Front
    9. Surface winds that blow from the poles to the lower latitudes are called:
      1. La Nina Polar easterlies
      2. El Nino Jet Stream c. Polar Front
    10. The trade winds are:
      1. Easterly winds Southerly winds
      2. Westerly winds Northerly winds
    11. The “Hadley Cell” is a cell of circulating air that circulates
      1. From the equator to the poles In the mid-latitudes
      2. In the tropics At the poles
    12. If an air mass were designated with the letters “cP”, what kind of air mass would it be?
      1. Moist and warm air Moist and cold air
      2. Dry and warm air Very dry and cold air c. Dry and cold air
    13. What is special about the tropics to have hurricanes develop only in that region?
      1. Stronger pressure gradients Coriolis is weaker
      2. Subsiding air currents Warmer water temperatures
    14. At what time of day is an air-mass thunderstorm more likely to develop?
      1. midafternoon these storms are equally common
      2. midnight at all of these times
      3. midmorning
    15. The terms leader, flash, and stroke are used when describing:
      1. a tornado the stages of a cumulonimbus
      2. the passage of a hurricane cloud during a thunderstorm
      3. squall line formation none of these
    16. If an air mass were designated with the letters “mP”, what kind of air mass would it be?
      1. Moist and warm air Moist and cold air
      2. Dry and warm air Very dry and cold air c. Dry and cold air
    17. Thunderstorms and large cumulus clouds are characteristic of
      1. isothermal lapse rates unstable air
      2. stable air all warm fronts
      3. all polar air masses
    18. Which of the following is likely during the mature stage of a thunderstorm?
      1. lightning a, b, and c
      2. heavy precipitation none of these
      3. gusty winds
    19. If an air mass were designated with the letters “mT”, what kind of air mass would it be?
      1. Moist and warm air Moist and cold air
      2. Dry and warm air Very dry and cold air c. Dry and cold air
    20. Tornadoes and mid-latitude cyclones are similar in that:
    1. both form in the trade-wind belt
    2. both are most common and welldeveloped in the winter season
    1. How are thunderstorms kept alive?
      1. Downdrafts
      2. Updrafts
      3. Return Stroke
    2. both have areas of low pressure
    3. both have conspicuous surface


    1. Thunder
    2. Step-leader
    1. What causes the winds of a hurricane to be so fast?
      1. Weaker Coriolis force Very strong pressure
      2. Coupling with the jet stream gradient force
      3. Stronger Coriolis force
    2. Which of the following can diminish the intensity of a hurricane?
    a.    Moving over land

    b.    Decrease in large-scale flow aloft

    35. Hurricanes are generally:

    c.    Moving over cooler water

    d.    a, b & c

    a.    smaller than mid-latitude cyclones

    b.    late summer and early fall storms

    c.    areas of strong rainfall and winds

    d.    larger than tornadoes

    e.    all of these

    1. Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide stays in the atmosphere __________ years.
      1. 25 100
      2. 10 1000
    2. Which country is the world leader in Carbon Dioxide emissions:
      1. India United States
      2. Russia China
    3. Volcanic Ash released by a major volcanic eruption can cause the climate to:
      1. Cool Not change at all
      2. Warm

    Please select “a” for True and “b” for False.

    1. Cumulonimbus clouds are often associated with passing cold fronts.
    2. Tornadoes are not classified as such until they touch the ground.
    3. Maritime polar air masses commonly travel to the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
    4. The trade winds from both hemispheres meet at the equator..
    5. La Nina occurs after every El Nino event.
    6. A mesocyclone is a type of tornado.
    7. The terms “typhoon” and “cyclone” refer to the initial weaker stages in the development of a hurricane.
    8. The earth is currently in the interglacial period of an ice age right now.
    9. Earth’s tilt over geologic time has stayed at 23.5 degrees since it was created. It has not varied.
    10. Relatively colder temperatures will prevail after the cold front passes.
    11. The “flash” that happens during a lightning strike moves from the cloud to the ground.
    12. Methane stays in the atmosphere only 10 years.
    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Answer the following questions: (post to your assignment folder)


    Answer the following questions: (post to your assignment folder)

    • If soil is contaminated with dioxin, what kind of phytoremediation may be successful in removing it and why?
    • If soil is contaminated with TCE, can phytoremediation remove it and how?
    • When a site is contaminated with a low concentration of metals, can phytoremediation be implemented, and if so, how?
    • What can hinder the use of phytoremediation technologies and why?
    • Review the Pytoremediation simuation and discuss with your classmates.
    by EssayShark Tutors
  • Rules of life


    For this assignment, students will create their own set of cultural rules and an underlying rationale for them that is grounded in the four texts from this module (Decalogue, Bhagavad Gita, Qur’an, and Analects).

    Please cite these works and include a works cited page.

    Students will write at least five new rules, which are not covered in the original texts. For each rule, students will provide at least one bulky paragraph explaining the rationale for this new rule. That paragraph must draw from existing rules and cite and reference those existing rules.

    Pages: 3, double spaced

    by EssayShark Tutors
  • The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks


    Read: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks) in the link below.

    Be sure to not only answer the question but center your response around the ethical issues in the book.

    In 1976, when Mike Rogers’s Rolling Stone article was printed, many viewed it about a story of race (see pg. 197). How do you think public interpretation might have been different if the piece would have been written at the time of her death in 1951? How is this different from the way her story is being interpreted today? How do you think Henrietta’s experiences with the medical system would have been different if she were a white woman? What about Elsie’s fate?

    Your answers must be well thought out and scholarly and address ethical concerns! Avoid emotional writing and stick to historical facts.

    by EssayShark Tutors