Showing 217–225 of 728 results

  • Mirkin’s, Aurora Reyes: The first female muralist


    With Mirkin’s article we now move away from the murals that explicitly depict the battle of the Mexican Revolution (those of Rivera and Orozco) to experience the aftermath of the Revolution, the 1920’s and 30’s. In her article Mirkin highlights the presence (and overlooked role) of the first female muralist in Mexico: Aurora Reyes. Read Mirkin’s article and elaborate on the following:

    1. What do you find of interest in Reyes’ murals?
    2. In your opinion, how do Reyes’ murals and statements change (or add to) your view of the Mexican Revolution?
    3. Provide a quote or the name of the mural from the article to explain your opinion.
  • Today’s urban transportation planning process is being impacted by the President’s Stimulus Plan


    Assignment Instructions

    Please use APA format for this assignment. Where applicable, you must show your derivations, analysis and how you obtained the responses/answers. Use title page, in-text citations, references, appropriate font size, double spaces, etc where appropriate. The assignment will be graded for content, APA formatting, met deadlines for submission. See the following rubric below.

    Rubric Category Point Val. Your Points
    Paper meets the specified pages or word length, demonstrates thorough understanding of the reading assignment, reflects critical thought, and relates to course content and/or industry applications.

    Length required _ 5-7 pages____, __ pages___ turned in.

    Ideas and concepts are supported through resources and/or personal experiences.  Work exhibits truthful and verifiable statements and mathematical formulae and derivations used where applicable. 40
    Posts are free of writing errors (syntax, grammar, etc.)

    Try to avoid using needless fillers i.e. that. I did not count those as errors this time. Also, free of APA format errors.

    ___ Errors – 1-4 =.9 5-7= .8, 8-10= .7, 11-12= .6, 13-14= .5, 15-17= .4, 18= .3, 19= .2, 20= .1, 21 or more 0.

    Total 100

    Today’s urban transportation planning process is being impacted by the President’s Stimulus Plan. High speed rail is one such option to congestion along the highways of urban areas. These projects have two sides to them. There are those who support high speed rail and those who do not support high speed rail. You have been chosen to not support the Stimulus Plan for use of high speed rail to ease congestion. Your task is to help decision makers make up their minds. So, you are now on the opposing side. Discuss how this Stimulus Plan for high speed rail will not work. You can use any reference. But, you must also present your opinion based on facts and data, not just because you don’t like it. You will have to provide evidence to back up what you believe is a bad idea. (25 points)

    Most (97 percent) roads and streets in the United States are under the jurisdiction of State and local governments. The Federal jurisdiction is mainly limited to National Parks, National Forests, and other government-owned land. Discuss what issues and problems might be common between the Federal jurisdiction and the State and Local governments, and what issues and problems might be unique to the Federal government compared to the State and local governments. List the common and unique attributes and provide a brief explanation to support your choice. Use references in APA format and also offer your own opinion on what you think of these issues and problems. (25 points)

    The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect on January 1, 1994. This sweeping agreement is designed to open the borders separating Canada, Mexico, and the United States to the free exchange of goods and services. There are many pros and cons of NAFTA that have emerged since 1994. The future of NAFTA is in the wind these days. It may fail or succeed for the next ten years. You job is to help Congress and other decision makers to decide what course of action they should take regarding NAFTA’s future. You are to take the side that NAFTA is a bad business investment; you are to represent the “con” side of the argument. So, discuss why you would defeat or destroy NAFTA or morph it from its current state to some other new state. (25 points)

    In early 1990s with a second wave of low-cost carriers (LCCs), which led to the second period of strong traffic growth from early 1993 through early 2000, Southwest Airlines arguably provided the blueprint for U.S. Between 2006 and 2009 a fuel crisis happened and a recession for business and the transportation industry. What is the impact today on LCC’s in order to be competitive in this economy coming on the heels of this recession? (25 points)

  • Diversity In Sport


    Diversity In Sport

    Using examples from race or gender, the student will select a topic of interest and email the topic to Michele Barton-Verdi through Blackboard.A maximum of two students per topic.Topic choices are listed under the course content.

    Students will explore the dualities and perspectives of a topic and select one position to either support or reject.Using critical thinking skills and theoretical perspectives, students will investigate myths versus facts; identify the contradictions that exist within sports and discuss the implications to either women/men or minorities in sport and in society.

    Each student will select one position and write a 3-5 page paper to either support or reject their position.The paper should include at least 8 resources.Do not use Wikipedia. The student will identify a position for the topic and then explore one in detail. The Final Paper is due during Week 6.The Final Paper will be your final exam.

  • Dover Beach Assignment


    Assignment 1 (200 words)

    Explain how the images in Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum Est” develop further the ideas and sentiments suggested by Arnold’s final line concerning “ignorant armies clash[ing] by night.”

    Assignment 2 (300 words)

    How is this poem “Green Chile” a love poem? Compare the kind of love this poem illustrates (and it could be more than one kind of love) to the kind of love that Sharon Olds’ “Last Night” illustrates. In Olds’ poem, dragonflies are the dominant image. In Santiago’s poem, chile peppers are the dominant image. What do these images share in terms of the message they portray? Be specific and think broadly!

    Last Night

    by Sharon Olds

    The next day, I am almost afraid.

    Love? It was more like dragonflies

    in the sun, 100 degrees at noon,

    the ends of their abdomens stuck together, I

    close my eyes when I remember. I hardly

    knew myself, like something twisting and

    twisting out of a chrysalis,

    enormous, without language, all

    head, all shut eyes, and the humming

    like madness, the way they writhe away,

    and do not leave, back, back,

    away, back. Did I know you? No kiss,

    no tenderness—-more like killing, death-grip

    holding to life, genitals

    like violent hands clasped tight

    barely moving, more like being closed

    in a great jaw and eaten, and the screaming

    I groan to remember it, and when we started

    to die, then I refuse to remember,

    the way a drunkard forgets. After,

    you held my hands extremely hard as my

    body moved in shudders like the ferry when its

    axle is loosed past engagement, you kept me

    sealed exactly against you, our hairlines

    wet as the arc of a gateway after

    a cloudburst, you secured me in your arms till I slept—-

    that was love, and we woke in the morning

    clasped, fragrant, buoyant, that was

    the morning after love.

  • Assignment 3: Network Design Consultation


    Assignment 3: Network Design Consultation
    Due Week 10 and worth 200 points
    Your neighbor is starting a small billing business and has asked you to design the network. Currently, you neighbor has nothing, but needs the following:

    • 2 workstations, 2 laptops, and 1 server supporting 3 users
    • Wireless networking
    • 1 quality networked printer
    • File and folder sharing
    • Internet access
    • Multiple email addresses
    • Basic security environment (similar to home environment)
    • Initial investment $5,000 or less
    • Recurring costs less than $200 per month

    With this information in mind, write an 8-10 page paper in which you:

    1. Recommend a design that meets all the customer’s needs.
    2. Create one (1) original drawing/diagram of the configuration. Use PowerPoint, Visio, Word, or other similar drawing software you are familiar with.
    3. Suggest network architecture and Internet access configuration.
    4. Describe hardware recommendations and related costs.
    5. Describe software recommendations and related costs.
    6. Provide a Cost Table listing all the items needing purchasing and the associated cost.
    7. Describe the basic configuration recommended for a secure computing environment.
    8. Cite at least three (3) references to articles from relevant, non-commercial, and non-wiki sources.

    Note: If an assumption(s) is made based on customer needs, please state assumption and reasoning for related suggestion(s). Your assignment must:

    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

    The specific Course Learning Outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Contrast why different technologies are deployed in different contexts of networking, such as topology, bandwidth, distance, and number of users.
    • Analyze and compare the characteristics of various communication protocols and how they provide application requirements.
    • Deploy a basic Ethernet LAN and compare it to other network topologies.
    • Use technology and information resources to research issues in networking.
    • Write clearly and concisely about introductory networking topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
  • The Necklace Mme. Loisel




    1. After reading the first five paragraphs of the story, how do you feel about Mme. Loisel? Do you like her or not? Why? Does your opinion of her change by the end of the story?
    2. What is the conflict in the story?
    3. Locate the climax in the story. Is there a resolution to the conflict?
    4. What role does French society play in the story?
    5. How well does paragraph 105 sum up the point of the story? What do you think is the story’s theme?
    6. Does this story have a moral? If so, what is it, and is it stated explicitly or merely implied?
    7. What do you think is Mme. Loisel’s response to Mme. Forestier’s telling her that the necklace was merely paste? Write a conclusion to the story that describes her response.
    8. Read: Write  comparing the ending of “The Necklace” with that of Raymond Carver’s “Popular Mechanics”. What is the effect of the ending on your reading of each story?
    1. Using steps 1-7, write out your thoughts specifically on steps 1-3 based on the story, write out what you believe the theme is to this story, “The Necklace.” Make sure your statement of theme follows steps 4-7.

    There is no precise formula that can take you to the center of a story’s meaning and help you to articulate it. However, several strategies are practical and useful once you have read the story. Apply these pointers during a second or third reading:

    1. Pay attention to the title of the story. It often provides a lead to a major symbol or to the subject around which the theme develops.
    2. Look for details in the story that have potential for symbolic meanings. Careful consideration of names, places, objects, minor characters, and incidents can lead you to the central meaning.
    3. Decide whether the protagonist changes or develops some important insight as a result of the action. Carefully examine any generalizations the protagonist or narrator makes about the events in the story.
    4. When you formulate the theme of the story in your own words, write it down in one or two complete sentences that make some point about the subject matter.
    5. Be certain that your expression of the theme is a generalized statement rather than a specific description of particular people, places, and incidents in the story.
    6. Be wary of using clichés as a way of stating theme. They tend to short circuit ideas instead of generating them.
    7. Be aware that some stories emphasize theme less than others. Stories that have as their major purpose adventure, humor, mystery, or terror may have little or no theme.
  • Battle Royal Assignments


    Assignment 1


    1. Discuss how the protagonist’s expectations are similar to what has come to be known as the American dream — the assumption that ambition, hard work, perseverance, intelligence, and virtue always lead to success.
    2. How does the first paragraph of the story sum up the conflict that the narrator confronts? In what sense is he “invisible”?
    3. What is the symbolic significance of the naked blonde? What details reveal that she represents more than a sexual tease in the story?
    4. How does the battle in the boxing ring and the scramble for money afterward suggest the kind of control whites have over blacks in the story?
    5. How can the dream at the end of the story be related to the major incidents that precede it?
    6. Given the grandfather’s advice, explain how “meekness” can be a “dangerous activity” and a weapon against oppression.
    7. Imagine the story as told from a third-person point of view. How would this change the story? Do you think the story would be more or less effective told from a third-person point of view?
    8. Read: Compare and contrast Elli-son’s view of the South with William Faulk ner’s in “A Rose for Emily”.

    Assignment 2


    Read Booker T. Washington’s Atlanta Compromise speech

    Read W.E.B DuBois:


    • What did you learn from these two African American statesmen and scholars about the condition of the Black man and woman in the United States after the Civil War? What answers did they hold out to African Americans? Which statesman, Washington or DuBois, do you think has the stronger argument? Why?
    • How does knowledge about Civil Rights help you understand the conflict in the story “Battle Royal”? Be specific in your answer.
    • What are the hints of how young the girl in the story really is?
    • What does she learn during this night with her new husband?
    • Does her husband seem much older to you or closer to her age?
    • What does he value? Do you think he is being honest with her? Why or why not?
    • The closing scene is particularly disturbing — she is afraid of his buttering her toast with his hand holding the knife. She pauses, reflects, and kisses the ring on his hand. What is this a sign of? Is she being affectionate or something else? Think back through history — what other types of men generally had their rings kissed, and what did such obeisence represent?
  • Website Review Paper


    This project will allow you to explore the wealth of excellent online resources available to art history students. Since your textbook includes only an overview of major works of art and art historical issues, this assignment will allow you to focus on a work or issue in greater detail as it is presented online on a museum or other educational website. By studying a site and presenting a report on that site to your classmates, you will begin to develop a collection of free trustworthy resources at your fingertips, as well as a discriminating eye for scholarly art historical analysis.
    Learning Outcomes

     By the end of this assignment, you will have:

    • Become familiar with a diverse selection of credible online resources in art history
    • Learned how to glean useful knowledge from these websites that will aid in your understanding of art history
    • Developed an in-depth report on one of these website

    Task Description

    Review the websites below and select ONE on which you will focus. You can select any one of the sites depending on your interest in a particular region or era. For that site, familiarize yourself with most of the links therein and concepts and artworks covered. Develop a report on this site for the benefit of your classmates in which you summarize the main ideas presented, provide an in-depth description of a couple of those ideas, apply them to the material presented in the appropriate chapter in your textbook (i.e. ancient Greece and Rome, Renaissance Art, Baroque Art, etc), and bring in relevant research to support your observations. Also, bring in a couple of these images as illustrations of these concepts, including one or more of the works considered in the website. Consider the following questions as you proceed: on what does the site focus? Is it informational, argumentative, etc?; What can we learn about the art and its culture that the textbook does not provide?; What questions do you still have? What have you discovered through further research that adds to our understanding of artist, issue, etc? You may come up with other questions and answers, but these are a good place to start.

    1) The Cave of Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc

    2) The British Museum: Assyria, Babylonia, Sumer

    3) History: The Egyptians

    4) The Parthenon Marbles: The British Museum vs. The Hellenic Ministry of Culture


    5) The False Door: Dissolution and Becoming in Roman Wall-Painting

    6) Beyond the Fingers: The Sistine Chapel Revealed

    7) Universal Leonardo (on the Renaissance artist, Leonardo da Vinci)

    8) Johannes Vermeer’s Woman Holding a Balance (National Gallery of Art)
    You might also watch the short video on this painting produced by the National Gallery. You can find it here Click on “The Collection” on the left side of the page and scroll down until you reach “Vermeer: Master of Light-Woman Holding a Balance, Part I.”

    Process & Requirements:

    1) Thoroughly review your chosen website. Create an outline or diagram on paper as you do this so that you can better understand how the site is designed and what topics are covered. In your own words, summarize the main ideas. Note the direction or purpose of the site. Right click and save a couple of the images that you believe are good illustrations of these ideas. Or, search for these images online and import them into your report. Note any artists or works that are covered both on the website and in your textbook and compare the information given on them. If available, please make sure that you credit the artist and work by giving the name, title, date, and medium!

    2) Conduct a little bit of research online on this topic. Try to determine the website’s accuracy, learn more about the topic, and/or compare it with other works by the same artist or from the same period by seeking out a good, online resource on the subject. These sites are good places to start:; and . Find 1 good source and integrate any information found here into your presentation, if relevant to your topic. Make sure you cite your source by author and/or site name within your presentation. Please note that sites like Wikipedia or an unverifiable source (personal blog, etc.) are NOT acceptable sources for this presentation.

    Additional Files:


  • Case 7.2 “Poverty and Pollution”


    Read Case 7.2 titled “Poverty and Pollution,” prior to starting this assignment.
    Write a 6-8 page paper in which you:

    1. Determine the ethical implications of businesses polluting in a third world country. Explain your rationale.
    2. Suggest the reasons a business may conduct operations in a third world country and disregard any standards of pollution control.
    3. It has been said that pollution is the price of progress. Assess the connections between economic progress and development, on the one hand, and pollution controls and environmental protection, on the other.
    4. Support the argument that human beings have a moral right to a livable environment regardless of the country they live in.
    5. Take a position on whether wealthy nations have an obligation to provide poorer nations with, or help them develop, greener industries and sources of energy. Explain your rationale.
    6. Propose a plan for uniform global pollution control standards and how you would enforce them.
    7. Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.