Showing 127–135 of 728 results

  • Interviews with two leadership positions


    You are required to conduct two interviews with two different individuals who hold leadership positions (broadly defined). If you aren’t sure if they qualify as “leaders,” please check with me before doing the interviews. These should be individuals that you know personally, or would like to know. You will then write a three-section essay responding to the following questions:

    • _Section 1: What characteristics (e.g., values; personality traits; cognitions, intelligence, emotions, perceptions and expectations, situations etc.) does the leader have?
    • _Section 2: What behaviors does the leader exhibit?
    • _Section 3: Does his or her leadership approach seem to work well in actual organizational settings? Regardless of “yes” or “no,” explain his or her leadership effectiveness in relation to specific workplaces outcomes you’ve learned in prior MGMT-relevant courses (e.g., justice, trust, motivation, job satisfaction, task performance, counterproductive behaviors, organizational commitment, etc.). Be critical if needed, praiseworthy if deserved!

    The should be four to five pages, single spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font with one-inch margins for the top, bottom, and sides and no spaces between paragraphs. The essay will be graded on format, composition, spelling, punctuation, and content.

    Regarding content, you must correctly use/integrate at least ten concepts from BA 352 or MGMT 452 in your paper (ten concepts across the whole paper, not ten per section)

  • Argument: Absalom and Achitophel undermine King Charles enemy


    4 Page paper arguing for John Dryden using satire in a Absalom and achitophel to undermine King Charles enemy.

  • Tyranny of slenderness and the Fear of becoming fat


    ENGL 283: Tyranny of slenderness and the Fear of becoming fat

    Use observations about the “tyranny of slenderness” and the “fear of becoming fat” to offer analysis of the plight of Josie, the character in Shute’s novel “Life Size.” In the conclusion, broaden your discussion to consider the feminist (or anti-feminist) politics of women’s obsession with being overweight in our contemporary “culture of appearances”

  • The moon and half dome


    The moon and half dome

    The Family Luzzara, 1953 Italy Paul Strand


    PURPOSE: To analyze and write about a photograph as a work of art.

    EXPLANATION: We “process” and evaluate visual art very, very quickly, often without regard for the details of composition and meaning. This assignment will build on your understanding of the elements of visual criticism by providing you an opportunity to react and write about a work of photographic art. You are encouraged to read about the artist but in your paper concentrate on a critical discussion of the work–not a biography of the artist.

    ASSIGNMENT: Write a short paper based on a photograph from the following website: The paper must be no shorter than 630 words and must include the following:

    1. A detailed DESCRIPTION of the work.
    2. A thoughtful and reflective INTERPRETATION of the work.
    3. An evidence-based EVALUATION of the work.
    4. A COPY of the photo you chose to evaluate, attached at the end of the paper
    5. A correct CITATION for the source where you found the photo, and for any other sources you consulted to write the paper

    Please refer to the attachment “Elements Of Criticism” for further information.


    1. Description = pure description of the object without value judgments, analysis, or interpretation; a list or inventory of inarguable traits. It answers the question, “What do you see?” The various elements that constitute a description include:
      1. Medium of work
      2. Size and scale of work
      3. Elements or general shapes within the composition
      4. Description of visual axis–whether vertical, diagonal, horizontal, etc.
      5. Relationships between shapes, e.g., large and small, overlapping, etc.
      6. Description of color and color scheme = palette
      7. Context of object: original location and date
    1. Interpretation = establishing the broader context for this type of art. It answers the question, “Why did the artist create it and what does it mean?” The various elements that constitute interpretation include:
      1. Main idea, overall meaning of the work.
      2. Interpretive Statement: This is what the image makes me think of…
      3. Evidence: What evidence inside or outside the artwork supports my interpretation?
    1. Evaluation: Judging a piece of work means giving it rank in relation to other works and of course considering a very important aspect of the visual arts; its originality. It answers the question, “Did the artist create something good?”
      • Is the artwork successful?
      • Criteria: What criteria do I think are most appropriate for judging the artwork?
      • Evidence: What evidence inside or outside the artwork relates to each criterion?
      • Judgment: Based on the criteria and evidence, what is your judgment about the quality of the artwork? (Base this on information presented in the description and interpretation).
  • SECTION 3: REFLECTION – Stanford’s Prison Experiment


    Given the ethical issues discussed in section 1, should the experiment have taken place?
    Discuss the significance of the results, as well as short-term or long-term impact on individuals or the profession.
    – How could the study have been conducted differently to avoid/reduce the ethical concerns?
    – Would you agree to be part of such a study today—as researcher or participant?
    What would need to change for you to be more comfortable?
    – How would such a study/results look different if conducted in tis part of the world? Discuss any cultural relevance/issues?

  • Belief systems (Draft)


    With reference to an example, outline the term belief system. Explain the role of dissent in ONE belief system. 

  • Globalization and the environment (Draft)


    Globalization is ‘the intensification of worldwide social relations’ (Anthony Giddens). Does this definition apply to the period 1750 to 1950? Has globalization been influenced more by the exploitation or the protection of the environment?

  • Why we need clean environment


     Building an Argument

    The instructions: 3-5 pages double spaced.  One non-academic source.  Two academic sources.  Explain your opinion about your topic.

    Topic: Environmental Pollution

    Main Idea: We need clean environment

    Here are my reasons: Air pollution, Water pollution, and Agriculture pollution

    Evidence back up my reasons: 1. Statistics, Numbers, and Facts

    1. Definition, damage, and solutions.

    Counter argument: human beings are the main reason for the pollution of the environment.

    Thesis statement: using of technology and continuing of population growth one of the reasons of the existence of environmental pollution in all parts of the world: air pollution, water pollution, and agriculture pollution.  To avoid environmental pollution we need more education how to cope with that.

    The conclusion: add to it my opinion.

    Suggestion Sources:

  • Module 4 Reflective Discussion Board


    Module 4 Reflective Discussion Board Instructions

    Reflections on Course Concepts

    1. Assignment Expectations:
      1. Address concept A and B in about 125 words each.
      2. You will be graded on how well you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept, and critical thinking pertaining to the applicability of the concept to your professional practice. Points awarded will follow breakdown below.
    2. The Assignment: Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline.
    3. Concept A (points 10/20):
      1. Identify /define (points 4/20): ……
      2. Your professional discipline: ……..
      3. How applicable (points 6/20): ……
    1. Concept B (points 10/20):
      1. Identify /define (points 4/20): ……
      2. Your professional discipline: ……..
      3. How applicable (points 6/20): ……
    1. Please use at least 2 scholarly references and in text citation.

    Please use these two concepts below for the discussion board posting

    Concept A= Regulation of the quality of patient care. 

    Concept B=The significance of education within the healthcare system.