Showing 82–90 of 1959 results

  • Managing 2: Marketing and Finance B629






    Managing 2: Marketing and Finance



    Tutor Monitoring Assignment (TMA)

    SPRING 2020-2021









    (The answers are indicative. Students may attempt to formulate their answers in a different way as long as they show good understanding of the theories).


    In order to conduct your analysis, pick an organization, as specified in each the questions below. Pick an organization about which you can obtain information.

    The TMA aims to assess your understanding of the core concepts of marketing. This assignment tackles different dimensions of the concepts of management. The ultimate purpose of this TMA is to allow you to develop your ability to use the conceptual frameworks, theories, practices, models and tools that you have studied in B629 and hence to apply them to real situations.


    This TMA has two questions.


    Word limit for the TMA: 1600 words +/- 10%. Elaborate discussion and link between accurate, well-founded theoretical frameworks and their real, practical applications in the selected; this should be clearly highlighted. You are also expected to refer to external references to provide more evidence in support of your discussion. The questions in this assignment are about different concepts of marketing in relation to the selected organization.


    Your discussion needs to be provided in an essay format (introduction, body and conclusion). You have to provide comprehensive discussion/analysis in your answer, and not only description.
    Higher marks will be awarded to work that:

    • uses the example company to illustrate key points rather than just describe what it did. Descriptive answers will receive lower marks,
    • uses a range of scholarly articles to support the key points, or to develop its arguments,
    • addresses both parts of the question more or less equally,
    • uses correct in-text citations and a correct table of references,
    • is well-written in an essay style,
    • has a conclusion which addressed the question directly,
    • is within 10% of the word limit.







    Question 1 (50 marks)

    Explain how managers in a selected organization deal with fairness and satisfaction to accomplish mutually satisfactory exchange between the organization and its customers or stakeholders. Discuss some of the issues and options the customers might face when they think they are not getting a fair deal in this exchange.  Support your answer with relevant examples. (800 words)




    Question 2 (50 marks)

    Considerations of fairness, power and satisfactory exchanges bring us to the question of ethics in marketing. Discuss the extent to which fairness or justice are considered key questions raised by ethics, and what that means in practice. Explain the degree to which using commonly applied ethics theories in marketing – i.e. utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics – is challenging to a selected organization when facing and tackling an ethical dilemma. Support your answer with relevant examples. (800 words)

















    1. Cut-off date: If you feel that you are unable to meet the cut-off date of the TMA because of unusual circumstances, please contact your tutor as soon as possible to discuss a possible extension to the cut-off date. The exact cut-off date will be assigned in due time.


    1. Course material:
    • Chapter: 1. Students can refer to other course material if needed.


    1. Format: Report presentation and structure, and PT3 Form. You are expected to write your answers in essay format. You may, however, use bullet points, diagrams, tables, or any graphs to support your arguments. Failing to do so could result in grade deduction from presentation marks up to 5 marks.


    1. Plagiarism: It’s imperative that you write your answers using your own words. Plagiarism will be penalized depending on its severity and according to AOU plagiarism policy (Enclosed after these instructions you will find the University rules of cheating and plagiarism).


    1. Word count: 1600 words +/- 10%. Not adhering to specified word count could result in grade deduction from word count marks up to 5 marks.


    1. Referencing: You are expected to use the Harvard referencing style for in-text referencing and list of reference at the end. Failing to do so could result grade deduction of referencing marks up to 10 marks.  In addition, although text books assigned in the course may be used freely as references, you are required to use a minimum of 2 external sources. It is recommended that you use scholarly studies found in the E-library link at the LMS.








    The University Rules about Plagiarism


    The University Definitions of cheating and plagiarism

    According to the University By-laws, “The following acts represent studies of cheating and plagiarism:

    • Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper academic acknowledgement and documentation.
    • Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
    • Copying other students’ notes or reports.
    • Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.
    • Utilization of, or proceeding to utilize, contraband materials or devices in examinations.”


    Examples of Plagiarism

    Copying from a single or multiple sources, this is where the student uses one or more of the following as the basis for the whole, or a good part, of the assignment:

    1. Published or unpublished books, studies or reports
    2. The Internet
    3. The media (e.g.TV programmes, radio programmes or newspaper studies)
    4. An essay from an essay bank
    5. A piece of work previously submitted by another student
    6. Copying from a text which is about to be submitted for the same assignment



  • Financial Condition Analysis


    Financial Condition Analysis


    It’s essential for senior management to know the financial condition of an organization in order to make strategic decisions. In this assignment you will apply the financial management skills learned thus far.

    • Tell the financial story based on financial statements.
    • Conduct a financial analysis and identify focus areas for enhancing shareholder value.
    • Interpret ratio computations that are meaningful and inform business decisions and strategies.
    • Make three recommendations that maximize shareholder value.


    Maria Gomez is founder and president of ABC Healthcare Corporation, a company that owns hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, urgent care centers, and outpatient clinics. She has called on you to review various financial documents and to make recommendations to maximize shareholder value.

    Your Role

    You are one of Maria’s high-performing financial analyst managers at ABC Healthcare Corporation and she trusts your work and leadership.


    Here is what your report should provide for Maria:

    • A summary of the financial strength of the company through your analysis of the price/earnings and price/book ratios.

    The CFO for ABC Healthcare Corporation assessed the market value by reviewing its price/earnings ratios. The price/earnings ratio determines the market value of a stock as compared to the company’s earnings. The price/earnings ratios are listed in the chart below. To calculate the price/earnings ratio, the CFO took the earnings per share and divided that into the market value. As an example, this means that in 2019 investors were willing to pay $12.10 for $1 of earnings.

    Price/Earnings Ratio 2019 2018 2017
    Market Price 83.62 83.62 83.62
    Earnings Per Share 6.91 7.87 9.15
    Price/Earnings Ratio 12.10 10.63 9.14

    To further assess market value, the CFO looked at book value per share. The book value per share ratio is the per share value of a company in terms of the equity available to stockholders. The book values per share over the past three years are listed in the chart below:

    Price/Ratio Ratio 2019 2018 2017
    Market Price 83.62 83.62 83.62
    Book Value per Share 199.1 209.05 226
    Price to Book Ratio .42 .40 .37

    The price-to-book ratio (P/B ratio) compares a firm’s market capitalization to its book value. It’s calculated by dividing the company’s stock price per share by book value per share. Here, for fiscal year 2019, the book value per share ratio was 0.42. This explains that investors were willing to pay $0.42 for $1 of book value equity. Price to book value is an important measure to see how much equity shareholders are paying for the net assets value of the company. P/B ratios under 1 are typically considered solid investments.

    • Based on your analysis, what is your general perception of the company’s financial strength? Is it performing well given industry standards? How does it compare to its closest rival, HCA Healthcare? What information do you need in order to conduct such an analysis?
    • Given your review, how can it maximize shareholder value? What are focus areas for enhancing shareholder value for the long term? What short-term steps might be necessary for longer-term gains?
    • In your analysis you may choose to look at competitive data. You may calculate ratios to gain a true comparison.
    • After conducting your analysis, provide at least three recommendations to Maria that maximize shareholder value.

    Deliverable Format

    Create a report that tells the financial condition of this company. Your report should provide information on the following:

    • Analysis of the financial statements.
    • Evaluation of the true condition and valuation of the company.
    • Recommendation of actionable items for the company based on the financial analysis.

    Financial Condition Analysis Report Requirements:

    Remember that you’re preparing a professional document meant for executive leadership with limited time.

    • Title Page.
    • Executive Summary.
    • Company Background.
    • Overall Financial Analysis.
    • Financial Ratio Analysis.
    • Trend Analysis.
    • Competitive Comparative Analysis.
    • Recommendations.
    • Conclusion.
    • References.
    • Appendix (if you have additional data, reports, charts, et cetera, to support your analysis).


  • Social Media in Recruiting


    Internet Recruiting

    Online Applicant Assessment

    Dane’s Challenge: How HR Professionals Guide Supervisors in the Recruiting and Selection Process


    Dane is a Data Scientist working in the CapraTek research and development (R&D) division. Dane has three new team leaders who will have four new teammates each. Two of the new team leaders are being supportive and cooperative in the process of developing a job announcement that Kimberly and Dana need to go forward in the recruiting process. One teammate is not. Calvin has prepared extensive, detailed work competencies that are very difficult for fellow IT peers to understand, and even harder for the HR staff to understand. Calvin said that these materials are essential for a successful set of hires. Dane is the supervisor, and he does not understand the material. Calvin works very hard and is currently doing the work of multiple employees.

    HR Consultation

    In Dane’s Challenge: Part 1, consider how Dane consults with our HR professionals, Kimberly and Dana, on how to respond to the situation with Calvin and the list of work competencies that are so unique, even he does not understand the level of technical detail.

    • Write Your Discussion Post

    Create a short summary of how to best use social media in recruiting, internet recruiting, and online applicant assessment to recruit applicants for the new department in the new research and development branch.

  • Present value and future value


    PART 1

    These resources will help you to complete this discussion:

    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2018). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
      • This presentation discusses the components that make up time value of money. The presenter also provides examples to compute and read the computations.

    You may not know it, but you are surrounded by the concepts of present value and future value in many areas of your life, such as education, marriage/family, retirement, and other such life goals. These time value of money concepts are important not only in corporate finance but in personal finance as well.

    One tactic for learning new concepts is to apply them in situations in which you are familiar. Understanding present and future value will give you insight in the areas of retirement/financial planning via the use of future value, otherwise known as compounding. That is, will you have enough assets accumulated by retirement age so you will not outlive your nest egg? This is personal finance. In corporate finance, selection of investment projects incorporates present value concepts, also known as discounting. These concepts will be employed in most of the remaining assignments in this course.

    For this post, suppose that your brother has landed his dream job. He now has substantive disposable income. Some of his friends are buying houses and cars, investing in bitcoin, and flipping apartments, and they have advised him to do likewise.

    With your knowledge of the present and future value of money, what advice will you give to your brother on how he can utilize his disposable income to give him the most net worth by retirement? Use specific concepts from Chapter 4 of the Ross et al. text and the Time Value of Money video to give weight to your advice.


    PART 2


    The following readings deal with the important concepts of time value of money, which are integral to the creation of valuing company worth and the analysis of investment selection:

    • Seeking Alpha. (2016, March 28). Does Warren Buffett use discounted cash flow? Retrieved from
    • Ross, S. A., Westerfield, R. W., Jaffe, J. F., & Jordan, B. D. (2018). Corporate finance: Core principles and applications (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
      • Chapter 4, “Discounted Cash Flow Valuation,” pages 83–129.

    In the financial world, investment selection is done in many ways. However, most world-class investors like Warren Buffett employ present value concepts to determine investment valuation. Thus, in personal finance as well as corporate finance, proper investment selection and corporate valuation must use time value of money concepts, especially present value.

    How are present value concepts, namely discounted cash flow, used by Warren Buffett and other investors to determine a firm’s value? How would this information apply to you personally even if you are not involved in the financial function of a firm? Why is this concept a primary crux of financial markets?


  • Wild Dog Company Supply Chain Management Plan


    If you chose Option 2 for your assignments in Units 4 and 7, use the same business for this assignment, or select a different business. Note that it is recommended that you use the same business for each assignment in this course, using the following criteria for your selection:

    * The company fits the assignment requirements and you have access to the information needed to complete the assignment.

    * The business information is disclosed in the assignment for your instructor’s reference.

    * You can distribute the business data without disclosing confidential information.

    Your boss, a director, has tasked you with a supply chain management project. She is relying on you to prepare an analysis and recommendations for supply chain management that can be presented to the executive team of the company.


    Create a PowerPoint presentation of your supply chain management plan, which you will present to your business partners. Include the following:

    * Analyze supply chain designs.

       * Your analysis should detail two different supply chain scenarios for either Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business.

       * Use a flow chart to indicate all inputs and outputs for each supply chain and to clearly indicate areas in the supply chain designs that are different.

    * Analyze factors that impact supply chain success. What role does logistics play in each supply chain design? How would you overcome bottlenecks in the two supply chain designs?

    * Analyze how supply chains and logistics create value for the selected business. Why is it important for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business to focus on supply chains?

    * Recommend a supply chain design for the selected business.

       * Include your rationale for the most appropriate supply chain for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business.

       * Be sure to include any assumptions you had to make to develop the supply chain designs that support your recommendations.

    Deliverable Format


    * Presentation is 10–12 slides (in addition to title, reference, and appendix slides).

    * Select a PowerPoint slide template appropriate for a professional presentation. Include the content of the slides as well as the supporting narrative. Do not overbuild your slides; information that supports what you will be saying should appear at the lower portion of each slide as notes.


  • DB570 – Forgiveness Discussion



    Within the Discussion, the student is required to post a thread in response to the provided prompt for each discussion.  Please remember to write these discussions like mini-papers.  Use subheadings that are in APA (don’t put the questions).  Have in text citations and a reference page at the end.  Paragraphs should be well-developed.  Avoid using the word “it ‘because “it” is vague.  Avoid direct quotes unless they are famous quotes.  Show what you’ve learned by analyzing the information.  Paraphrase your work.  Paraphrasing means to read the material until you know what you’ve read.  Then put the reading aside and write about this.  Still reference paraphrased work.  Follow these same guidelines for the press release and the email.



    Initial Thread

    The purpose of the Discussions is to examine the ethical values displayed in various organizations, and view such in light of Scripture, the course text, and scholarly research. For each Discussion thread, write a 375–450-word thread that presents an analysis of the assigned case study from Hess & Cameron. Your thread will not summarize the article; instead, it will analyze that company’s values approach in light of Biblical truths and outside research. Support your assertions with at least 3 scholarly resources that have been published within the last 3 years, in addition to, a course text, and Scripture. Your thread must be in current APA format and must include a reference list. Please copy and paste your thread into the Discussion (you may attach a copy to retain formatting – if needed). No title page or abstract are needed.


    Discussion: Thread: Ethical Decision-Making


    Topic: Forgiveness


    Our reading this module: week allowed each student to explore a more specific area of interest, from accounting and finance to marketing and advertising or to look more closely at an ethical approach to the environment. With this in mind, read chapter 9 from Hess & Cameron as they explored the concept of forgiveness in an organizational context. Forgiveness is not often discussed in the workplace, but it has its place in any work environment and has a clear biblical basis. For this discussion, answer the following questions:


    Compare the way the case at LTL Trucking reflects forgiveness with the way Scripture teaches us to forgive. What are the similarities and differences?


    How can leaders shape the way this concept is applied in the workplace?


    What biblical connections can be made to the values displayed by this case? Are these values discussed in current business/organizational literature?



    • Leading with Values Positivity, Virtue and High Performance (2006) ISBN: 978-0-521-68603
    • Beyond Integrity (3RD) ISBN: 978-0-310-29110-7
  • Demand Management for Wild Dog Coffee Company

    Demand Management Plan

    Question Description

    Help me study for my Business class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

    Prepare a 7-page demand management plan, including a forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling analysis, as well as recommendations, for a provided scenario or business of your choice.


    This portfolio work project, a demand management plan, will help you demonstrate competency in forecasting, inventory management, and scheduling.


    For this assessment, choose either Option 1 or Option 2. You do not need to do both. You will apply one of these scenarios in the Requirements below. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.

    Option 1

    Wild Dog Coffee Company, a locally owned company with a single coffee shop location, serves a wide selection of espresso beverages, small breakfast and lunch menu items, and a limited evening menu. The company is planning to expand the business by adding an additional location. While different menu items may be tested at the new location, their core processes will remain the same. You have been working on a process improvement in preparation for the expansion and are now turning your attention to demand management.

    Your Role

    Option 1

    As an owner of Wild Dog Coffee Company, you and your business partners are planning the opening of a second location. You need to prepare an analysis and recommendations for demand management, including forecasting, inventory, and scheduling, for your current location, so you can refine the model before opening the second location.


    Include the following in your demand management plan:

    • Assess the impact of advertising on product demand.
      • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, the following basic assumptions will help you prepare a demand forecast:

    The other owners of Wild Dog Coffee Company handle the business’ marketing and sales functions, and they believe that advertising expenditures impact the sale of coffee beverages. They want you to confirm whether or not their advertising dollars are driving sales. Here is what was agreed upon by all the owners:

    Wild Dog Coffee Business Information
    Questions Responses
    How many espresso beverages are made each hour? 30, on average
    How many ounces of espresso beans are used for each beverage? 1.5 ounces
    How many hours per day is the coffee shop open? 6:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m., Sunday–Saturday
    How many days each month is the business open? 364 days per year. The coffee shop is closed on Christmas day.

    You have the following six months of data to work with for pounds of espresso beans (y) used each month and monthly advertising expenditures (x):

    Espresso Bean Use and Advertising
    Month Lbs/Beans (y) Advertising Dollars (x)
    1 987 $1,050
    2 1,412 $1,500
    3 1,020 $1,000
    4 1,140 $1,250
    5 1,322 $1,500
    6 1,399 $1,500
    • Interpret the forecasting model for the selected product.
      • Use a simple linear regression model to show your forecast.
      • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, forecast the pounds of espresso beans needed for month 7 if the advertising budget for month 7 is $1,350. Interpret the model and respond to the following questions for Wild Dog Coffee Company:
        • How many espresso beverages will the company need to prepare, on average, each day?
        • How many pounds of espresso beans will the company need, on average, each day?
        • To what extent do advertising dollars predict the need for espresso beans?
    • Prepare an inventory management analysis for the selected product.
      • In your analysis, include two different approaches to inventory management. What are the pros and cons of each system you analyzed?
        • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, the following provides additional information you have gathered from the inventory management analysis:
          • Since Wild Dog Coffee Company is small, the company must manage inventory very carefully. While larger companies can have lots of inventory on the shelf, Wild Dog simply does not have the cash to do that. As such, you have a number of pressures for small inventories. Wild Dog does not have the ability to store a lot of beans, to cover the cost of capital, or to withstand unnecessary expenditures for taxes, insurance, and shrinkage. Shrinkage is important because roasted espresso beans only maintain their optimal freshness for two weeks.
          • Demand is approaching 1,400 pounds of espresso beans per month.
          • Only one type of espresso bean is stocked.
          • Demand is not constant on a daily or weekly basis.
          • If you run out of espresso beans at any point, you will have to close the business until the next shipment of beans arrives.
          • Espresso beans are shipped in 25-pound packages. (This is your base inventory unit.)
          • The cost per pound of beans averages $9.00.
          • Espresso beans are delivered seven (7) days after placing the order and on any day of the week.
          • Shipping is free on orders over $250. Otherwise, shipping is $19.95 per order, regardless of weight. (This is the only ordering cost you incur.)
          • Holding costs are 10 percent/year/unit.
          • Standard deviation for daily demand is 1.84 pounds.
    • Analyze the business’ scheduling management.
      • In your analysis, detail two different staffing scenarios for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business. What are the pros and cons of each staffing scenario?
      • Use a Word table or Excel spreadsheet to show both staffing scenarios for each day of the week. Include the daily and weekly total staffing costs and number of hours worked for each employee.
        • If using Wild Dog Coffee Company, the following provides additional information you have gathered from the staffing analysis:
          • Shifts have been scheduled according to who wants to work which shift. This has generally worked out well, but you realize you need to tighten up the scheduling process in order to optimize a staffing model. Two employees are required to make a coffee beverage. One employee takes the orders, and a barista makes the coffee drink and hands it to the customer.
          • Baristas are paid $14/hour, regardless of whether they are full-time or part-time.
          • Full-time employees (up to 40 hours/week), other than baristas, are paid $12/hour.
          • Part-time employees (up to 20 hours/week), other than baristas, are paid $9/hour.
          • All full-time employees receive company benefits that equate to 15 percent of their hourly rate. (This is known as a benefits load.)
          • All full-time employees are paid at 150 percent of their regular rate for all hours worked over 40 hours per week. Full-time employees can only work a maximum of 50 hours per week. The benefits load is not applied to overtime hours.
          • All part-time employees are paid at 150 percent of their regular rate for all hours worked over 20 hours per week. Part-time employees can only work a maximum of 26 hours per week.
          • It costs $500 to hire each additional employee, and it costs $250 to terminate an employee.
          • Full-time employees are likely to resign if moved to part-time status.
          • The coffee shop is open 84 hours per week. There are two additional hours allocated each day for one employee to perform opening and closing activities. (That is, one hour is allocated for opening duties and one hour is allocated for closing duties.)
          • Your current level of staffing for coffee beverages is as follows:
            1. Baristas – 1 full-time; 3 part-time.
            2. Non-barista – 1 full-time; 2 part-time.
    • Recommend an inventory management system and staffing plan for a selected business and product.
      • Detail the results of your analysis for Wild Dog Coffee Company or your selected business’ product to substantiate your recommendations.

    Deliverable Format

    • The demand management plan is to be a minimum of 7 pages, not including the title, reference, and appendix pages.
    • Use a demand management plan template of your choice.
    Related company standards:
    • The demand management plan is a professional document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs.
    • In addition to the title and reference pages, include the following in the appendix:
      • Linear regression model for product forecasting.
      • Word table or Excel spreadsheet for staffing scenarios.
    • Use 2–3 scholarly or academic sources, where applicable, one of which must come from the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, or MIT Sloan Management Review.
    • Use APA formatting for citations and references.


    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:

    • Competency 1: Analyze how operations management theories and models effect the development and delivery of products or services to the marketplace.
      • Interpret the forecasting model for the selected product.
    • Competency 2: Use logistics and supply chain management tools to manage the distribution of products and services.
      • Prepare an inventory management analysis for the selected product.
    • Competency 3: Use data to evaluate the effect of operations management decisions on organizational goals.
      • Assess the impact of advertising on product demand.
      • Analyze the business’ scheduling management.
    • Competency 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of operations management strategies to achieve quality and customer service goals.
      • Recommend an inventory management system and staffing plan for a selected business and product.
    • Competency 5: Communicate business needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
      • Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a business professional.
  • Assessment of Risks with International Diversification


    For this assignment, evaluate and compare three (3) optimization methods and models (e.g., portfolio) aimed to reduce the risks associated with international diversification. Provide detailed examples within your paper.

    You will also evaluate the following: Government representatives play a key role in regulating global financial markets, financial (e.g., exchange rate), economic, and political risk factors continue to impact international capital markets.

    Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

    References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

    The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards

  • Adolph Coors Company- Question 5


    Discussion Board Instructions

    This course will have 4 Discussion Board Forums, each including a thread and a reply. Please follow the steps and instructions below to receive full credit for each forum.



    Will explore media relations and internal communication as well as investigate employee communication’s migration away from the human resources area toward a function that is more connected with senior management and overall company strategy.


    • Identify the characteristics of the news media and analyze the impact on the growth of business coverage.
    • Devise a plan for building a successful media relations program.
    • Design online media strategies.
    • Define internal communications and relate them to the changing environment.
    • Classify ways to implement an effective internal communications effort.



    Reserve A Question


    Before beginning your thread, you will reserve a question from one of the appropriate module/week’s Case Studies (found at the end of each chapter in your text).

    • ISBN: 978-0-310-29110 Corporate Communication (7TH)



    Selected Question: Adolph Coors Company- Question 5

    Top of Form

    What suggestions would you have for improving media relations at Coors?

    Bottom of Form


    Discussion Threads:



    You are required to conduct research using the University Online Library to respond to each question.  By using the resources available on the University Online Library site, you will find 3 articles by 3 different authors to answer the question chosen. All of the articles must have been published within the past 5 years. An answer to the question must be based upon a full analysis of the research and must be fully grounded in the research. Compare and contrast the 3 articles you researched, all of which must be utilized in your answer.


    Your submission should be formatted in a modified (for Discussion Boards) APA format, written in third person, and it should include only primary research (from academic/peer-reviewed journals). Refer to the APA Manual for formatting guidelines. Please note that some formatting (e.g., line spacing, indentation, margins) in your original document may be compromised when you copy and paste your text into the Discussion Board. You will not be penalized for these changes. You will, however, be held accountable for your grammar, capitalization, punctuation, citations, and references.


    Suggestions of online journals are the Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, etc.


    This section of the posting should be 350–450 words.


    Biblical integration:

    Provide integration of a biblical concept that supports the answer to the Case Study question.



    Using current APA format, list all references used in the response.




    Be sure to format each section as below:



    Write out the Case Study name and question which you have chosen to answer.



    This section of the posting should be 350–450 words.


    Biblical integration:

    Provide integration of a biblical concept that supports the answer to the Case Study question.

