Managing 2: Marketing and Finance B629






Managing 2: Marketing and Finance



Tutor Monitoring Assignment (TMA)

SPRING 2020-2021









(The answers are indicative. Students may attempt to formulate their answers in a different way as long as they show good understanding of the theories).


In order to conduct your analysis, pick an organization, as specified in each the questions below. Pick an organization about which you can obtain information.

The TMA aims to assess your understanding of the core concepts of marketing. This assignment tackles different dimensions of the concepts of management. The ultimate purpose of this TMA is to allow you to develop your ability to use the conceptual frameworks, theories, practices, models and tools that you have studied in B629 and hence to apply them to real situations.


This TMA has two questions.


Word limit for the TMA: 1600 words +/- 10%. Elaborate discussion and link between accurate, well-founded theoretical frameworks and their real, practical applications in the selected; this should be clearly highlighted. You are also expected to refer to external references to provide more evidence in support of your discussion. The questions in this assignment are about different concepts of marketing in relation to the selected organization.


Your discussion needs to be provided in an essay format (introduction, body and conclusion). You have to provide comprehensive discussion/analysis in your answer, and not only description.
Higher marks will be awarded to work that:

  • uses the example company to illustrate key points rather than just describe what it did. Descriptive answers will receive lower marks,
  • uses a range of scholarly articles to support the key points, or to develop its arguments,
  • addresses both parts of the question more or less equally,
  • uses correct in-text citations and a correct table of references,
  • is well-written in an essay style,
  • has a conclusion which addressed the question directly,
  • is within 10% of the word limit.







Question 1 (50 marks)

Explain how managers in a selected organization deal with fairness and satisfaction to accomplish mutually satisfactory exchange between the organization and its customers or stakeholders. Discuss some of the issues and options the customers might face when they think they are not getting a fair deal in this exchange.  Support your answer with relevant examples. (800 words)




Question 2 (50 marks)

Considerations of fairness, power and satisfactory exchanges bring us to the question of ethics in marketing. Discuss the extent to which fairness or justice are considered key questions raised by ethics, and what that means in practice. Explain the degree to which using commonly applied ethics theories in marketing – i.e. utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics – is challenging to a selected organization when facing and tackling an ethical dilemma. Support your answer with relevant examples. (800 words)

















  1. Cut-off date: If you feel that you are unable to meet the cut-off date of the TMA because of unusual circumstances, please contact your tutor as soon as possible to discuss a possible extension to the cut-off date. The exact cut-off date will be assigned in due time.


  1. Course material:
  • Chapter: 1. Students can refer to other course material if needed.


  1. Format: Report presentation and structure, and PT3 Form. You are expected to write your answers in essay format. You may, however, use bullet points, diagrams, tables, or any graphs to support your arguments. Failing to do so could result in grade deduction from presentation marks up to 5 marks.


  1. Plagiarism: It’s imperative that you write your answers using your own words. Plagiarism will be penalized depending on its severity and according to AOU plagiarism policy (Enclosed after these instructions you will find the University rules of cheating and plagiarism).


  1. Word count: 1600 words +/- 10%. Not adhering to specified word count could result in grade deduction from word count marks up to 5 marks.


  1. Referencing: You are expected to use the Harvard referencing style for in-text referencing and list of reference at the end. Failing to do so could result grade deduction of referencing marks up to 10 marks.  In addition, although text books assigned in the course may be used freely as references, you are required to use a minimum of 2 external sources. It is recommended that you use scholarly studies found in the E-library link at the LMS.








The University Rules about Plagiarism


The University Definitions of cheating and plagiarism

According to the University By-laws, “The following acts represent studies of cheating and plagiarism:

  • Verbatim copying of printed material and submitting them as part of TMAs without proper academic acknowledgement and documentation.
  • Verbatim copying of material from the Internet, including tables and graphics.
  • Copying other students’ notes or reports.
  • Using paid or unpaid material prepared for the student by individuals or firms.
  • Utilization of, or proceeding to utilize, contraband materials or devices in examinations.”


Examples of Plagiarism

Copying from a single or multiple sources, this is where the student uses one or more of the following as the basis for the whole, or a good part, of the assignment:

  1. Published or unpublished books, studies or reports
  2. The Internet
  3. The media (e.g.TV programmes, radio programmes or newspaper studies)
  4. An essay from an essay bank
  5. A piece of work previously submitted by another student
  6. Copying from a text which is about to be submitted for the same assignment