
FILM: “THE AGE OF STUPID” (impacts of climate change, catastrophic change). A futuristic documentary – drama – animation hybrid film.  This film should make you think about policy and the environment on both domestic and international scales. What should be the international role of the US, in terms of energy and the environment?  Think about “foreign policy”

This film is a futuristic look at climate change, and how “we” could have saved ourselves.  The film uses a variety of actual and recent footage, including some interview material, to make some points.

Are we not paying attention? If not, why not? Feel free to post any good links to this film. *Relate what you viewed to our current political discussions, and consider…

Do we need to curb global warming?” What must we and political officials do?  What are the impediments to action / change?

Have you heard about the collapse of much the enormous Antarctic ice sheets, and the serious implications? Happened in the late spring of 2014?  Check the news.
