Part B: Kairos Evaluative Annotated Bibliography


The end of walking

Annotated Bibliography (for inclusion in portfolio)
Part B: Kairos
Develop an Evaluative Annotated Bibliography (4 pieces excluding the primary article) in order to identify the conversation the article joins.

Use the library research module created for WPP393 by the Library or the instructor’s own library research instruction.
The 4 chosen pieces should be appropriate for the topic.
Annotated Bib style is up to the student: MLA, APA, and Chicago
Writer should NOT use the primary article as a source for the Annotated Bibliography.

Evaluative Annotated Bibliography description
Constructing an Evaluative Annotated Bibliography

An evaluative annotation achieves the same goals as an analytical annotation, but goes one step further.  In an evaluative annotation, the writer explains the focus of the source but may also comment on the usefulness, appropriatness, or problems with the source.  In other words, the annotation presents the focus and evaluates the source’s usefulness.

The following APA example extends the analytical annotation by adding evaluative commentary.

Helfand, J. (2001). Screen: Essays on graphic design, new media, and visual culture. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. Helfand’s collection of essays (previously published in Eye magazine) focuses on how technological sophistication and the power of online communications have changed the manner in which computer users perceive, critique, and embrace visual and auditory design on the World Wide Web. Her subtle thesis suggests, however, that most web “denizens” ignore the impact of design during online expeditions—unless the design imposes itself between the users and their goal. The author’s experience as a visual/virtual designer leads her to offer a critical review of how the ease of electronic design (due to prefabricated software templates) may not necessarily result in the most efficient design for web audiences, and that while contemporary web designers may possess a functional design literacy, they are not equipped with the kind of critical literacy that will lead to aesthetic and performative innovations. Helfand argues that web designers should pay greater attention to the development and influence of aural design as well as the visual if they are to remain in step with their online audiences, although the years following the publication of the text suggest that the influence of aural design may still remain ahead.  Helfand’s arguments have merit and her concepts inspire the reader to continue thinking on the topic. However, the lack of a bibliography or research beyond her own analysis make the text only  moderately appropriate in relation to a scholarly project.
From “Creating an Annotated Bibliography” from Trinity College Library (