Discussion 1 and 2


Discussion 1

Access the web sites of Ron Jon Surf Shop and Hilo Hattie. Explain how the two companies are similar and how they are different. Can you find elements of organizational planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and control in their web content? Provide specific examples. Respond substantively to two other learners.

Hilo Hattie
This is the website of a surf shop in Hawaii. It supports the Surf Shop Comparison discussion for this week.

Ron Jon Surf Shop
This is the website of a popular surf shop. It supports the Surf Shop Comparison discussion for this week

Discussion Question 2

a. Give an example of how the values and mission statement help to shape planning.  Also give some internal and external factors that may influence the business in the future and explain how they will influence the business.  Respond substantively to two other learners

b. Complete a SWOT Analysis for your selected organization; applying each of the categories in evaluating the company.

See Also: The Best Vest Shoes Marketing Plan
