Different schools of thought on Strategy


Different schools of thought on Strategy

The purpose of this assignment is to learn about strategy, strategic management, the levels of strategy and the considerations that should be made before crafting the perfect strategy. In order to learn about these topics, various perceptions of authors such as Richard Whittington and Henry Mintzberg has been analyzed critically in order to check its synchronization with contemporary strategic issues. This assignment includes comparisons between the ten schools of strategic formulation recommended by Mintzberg which consist of three prescriptive and seven descriptive schools. Four perspectives towards strategy suggested by Richard Whittington is also included in this assignments. Analysis has shown that review of these topics is necessary in order to craft a perfect strategy as diverse ideas might emerge from the employees of an organisation, and one of them could be the one that would completely change the future of the company and take it to a very high level.

Table of Contents


1.0 Introduction                                                                                                                      1

2.0 Discussion and comparison of Mintzberg’s ten schools of strategy formulation           2

3.0 Whittington’s perspectives of strategy                                                                            7

4.0 Conclusion                                                                                                                                    8

5.0 List of references                                                                                                              9

6.0 Bibliography                                                                                                                      10

List of Tables:

Table: 1) Comparison Chart of the ten schools of thought                                                   6

Table:2) The classification of the Ten schools of Mintzberg under

Whittington’s Strategic Perspectives                                                                     8