Showing 109–117 of 386 results

  • Healthy grief Process


    Perform a literature search on the grieving process, using readings from this module, or other websites and materials at your disposal. Focus on the work of Kübler-Ross’ grieving process and the stages of grief.

    Review the story of Job in the Bible, focusing on his suffering and grief. Examine how this story correlates to the grieving process defined by Kübler-Ross.

    In a paper of 750-1,000 words, include the following:

    1. Compare and contrast the grieving process as defined by Kübler-Ross and the story of Job with that of at least one other religion.
    2. Compare the relationship and interaction between joy and the above grieving models and examples.
    3. Relate your research to your own preferred method of handling grief. State whether your research has changed your view of grief.

    Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

  • Mod 3 Critical Thinking Questions


    Mod 3 Critical Thinking

    Choose one of these questions to discuss:

    1. Have you ever experienced a moment of epiphany as if your eyes were suddenly opened to something you were previously blind to? Describe the moment and your reaction to it.
    1. What are your goals for the future? What is your plan to accomplish these goals?
    1. What is your approach to life? Explain your life philosophy. How have your life goals been shaped by your prior life experiences?
    1. What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken in life? Explain the outcome of this risk-taking, and describe how it impacted your life.

Constructing Written Responses to Posed Questions (100 points)

    Using the information you’ve learned in the Module 3 readings and lecture material, construct a written response to one of the questions posed at a the end of this post.

    • *Format your response follows the steps and advice presented in this module.
    • *Include a title page with your name, date, and assignment title; an introductory paragraph ending with a thesis statement; a body with at least three paragraphs; and a conclusion.
    • *Compose a thesis that answers one of the numbered questions listed below.
    • *Develop body paragraphs properly, making sure each begins with an easily identifiable topic sentence that reflects an idea from the thesis.
    • *Refer to the examples provided in the module content as you compose.
    • *Write from your own experience rather than using outside source information. A reference page is not required for this assignment.
    • *Feel free to use first person unlike in most academic writing, because this is  a personal narrative
  • Effects of Smoking Exemplification


    Effects of Smoking Exemplification


    Exemplification uses one or more particular cases, or examples, to illustrate or explain a general point or an abstract concept” (Patterns 211).

    “Sweeping generalizations and vague statements are not nearly as effective as specific observations, anecdotes, details, and opinions…Exemplification is used in every kind of writing situation to explain and clarify, to add interest, and to persuade” (212).

    Exemplification usually begin with an introduction that includes the thesis statement, which is supported by examples in the body. Each body paragraph may develop a separate example, present a point illustrated by several brief examples, or explore one aspect of a single extended example that is developed. The conclusion reinforces the  main idea, perhaps restating the thesis.” (215).

    Communicating our “ideas” requires the use of clear, detailed, and relevant examples in order to successfully reach our intended audience. All you need to do is develop a list of ideas (shoot for 10) related to topics or subjects of interest to you, try writing about 2 or 3 of those ideas, select the idea you feel most interested in, and draft using a series of examples to help clarify for readers your idea. To write using exemplification is both practical and effective; readers will appreciate it!


    -Read over pages 211-225 in Patterns.

    -Use freewriting and journal writing to quickly develop a list of 10 topics/issues/questions that might serve as a basis. Things that are bugging you make good topics, so do “issues” you believe need attention and/or solutions.

    -Once you have the list generated, take 2 or 3 of the items for a “test drive”. Write 150 words or so on each of the 2 or 3 topics. Make sure you choose topics that you both care about and know about, topics that have a direct effect on your life.

    -Bring your experimental drafts to class and share them with a classmate. Consider the feedback you receive from your peers, and then begin drafting.

    -Make a clear statement about your topic (thesis). Don’t be shy; say what you mean.

    -Then, begin writing a few examples that might help make your point clear. Your final draft must include at least 5 distinct, relevant examples.

    -Remember, one of the most powerful aspects of writing with examples is the ability to make abstract or unfamiliar ideas clear to most readers. Consider situations or issues analogous to the issue you have chosen. Analogies are very effective in reaching readers.

    -Utilize what you’ve learned already while writing the “Personal Narrative” to describe the details that will make each example clear to readers.

    Examples from Patterns to look over:

    -Deborah Rhodes’ “Why Looks are the Last Bastion of Discrimination” (246-250).

    -Zev Chafets’ “Let Steroids into the Hall of Fame” (253-255).

  • Social Marginalism as a Factor in Terrorism


    Using the hypothesis that “Terrorism comes from the SOCIALLY MARGINALIZED”
    Therefore the hypothesis is that terrorism may be for political gain but has it’s roots in social marginalization. In the following three cases of terrorism, use this hypothesis to connect them all together.

    this final project requires you to investigate the soundness of one terrorism-related assumption or hypothesis when applied to your case studies.

    Use three cases, one representing ideological terrorism

    1. The Communist Party of India (Maoist),9171,1810169-1,00.html

    2. The second representing nationalist terrorism The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam in Sri Lanka (Various attacks, their recruitment of female suicide bombers, goals, and their eventual fall)

    3. And the third religious terrorism Pakistan’s Lashkar E- Taiba the 2008 Mumbai Attacks to analyze each according to four distinct requirements as outlined below:

    • A. Identify and describe the facts of each case separately, the individuals or groups involved, the perpetrators, declared objectives, the authorities, reaction, and the eventual outcome.
    • B. Apply your understanding of the case studies to analyze the processes leading to each event/case, the circumstances surrounding the ways each event unfolded, and the causes responsible for the subsequent results. If appropriate, distinguish between facts and commonly held myths about these cases.
    • C. Evaluate each of the three cases according to the same one assumption or hypothesis concerning causes of terrorism from the repertoire of theory you have acquired during this course.
    • D. Discuss the usefulness of the selected assumption/hypothesis “That terrorism comes from the socially marginalized” when applied to each of the three cases. Specifically, assess whether or not it is relevant and contributes to the analysis and understanding of each case.

     about 5 pages. Construct the reply by mirroring the format of the question and providing four distinct sections: A, B, C and D.

  • The social construction of reality


    The Trayvon Martin murder trial illustrated the social construction of reality. The victim of the crime was defined, the aggressor’s motivations were assumed, and the context of the interaction was used to create a legal interpretation of what occurred. Only race was left out of the process.

    What do you think? Using the idea of the social construction of reality and interactionist sociology, what do you see in this case?

  • Critical Essay on Cultural Anthropology


    For the creative writing assignment, the idea is to think creatively about how to express your knowledge of cultural anthropology concepts.  For example, you could do a short fictional story from the point of view of an anthropologist studying a society you have never been to and would like to imagine and know more about. This essay needs to somehow connect to the difference of culture, social structure, race, foods, education, culture change, religion, or language from U.S. to the society you write about. (at least 5 of them)

    In assessing the creative writing I will look at the following areas:

    1. creativity – did you take a novel approach to an cultural anthropology topic?  Did you exhibit an openness to experimentation and thinking “outside the box” about the assignment?
    2. relevance – how well did you address a class topic? What sorts of connections did you make between class concepts and your story or poem?
    3. execution – did you write grammatically, typos, incoherent sentences?  Did you keep to a structure that flowed well and made it possible to follow your train of thought?

  • What is the functionalist perspective in humanism


    What is the functionalist perspective in humanism

    7 pages

  • Opinion Torture is wrong


    Critical Thinking: Opinion (100 points)

    Opinion Torture is wrong

    Think about an opinion or belief that you hold very strongly. Based on this belief, write an essay in support of it. You must successfully defend your opinion based on credible source support that validates your ideas.Use the paraphrasing skills you’ve learned and cite your source material using proper APA formatted in-text citations. Include a properly formatted reference page. This is not a personal narrative, so you will need to avoid use of first person pronouns: I, me, my, you, your, our, us, and we

  • Experience is a better guide than abstract reason


    Experience is a better guide than abstract reason as explained by Edmund Burke

    Write about any idea that Edmund Burke talked about. In two pages explain why “Experience (“the collected wisdom of the ages”) is a better guide than abstract reason. Explain this idea and give your opinion.