Showing 370–378 of 476 results
Develop a basic research design
$10.00This week, you will develop a basic research design, based on YOUR original topic from your literature review and problem statement assignment.
The assignment should be at least one and a half pages (double spaced), and include your name and a title for your project.
The design should describe how you will test your hypotheses. This could include qualitative and/or quantitative research strategies. Regardless of what you select, clearly describe the following:
1. What is your main research question?
2. What are your variables of interest and how are they measured? (For example:)
a. Independent variable: Sleep – measured by number of hours of sleep per night
b. Dependent variable: Coffee intake – measured by number of cups of coffee consumed per day
3. The type of data you will collect (primary or secondary? WHERE WILL THE DATA COME FROM (If secondary, which data set are you using? If primary, how will you select your sample? Will you use a random sample, convenience sample, snowball sample, etc,? Explain the procedure for accessing your sample).Will you conduct a cross-sectional or longitudinal study?
4. Will you be using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods to analyze your data? Which type of design will you use? Describe the procedure for conducting the study. If you select an experimental design, describe the experimental sequence; If qualitative, describe the approach (ethnography, phenomenology, etc.); If mixed methods, describe the mixed methods approach (convergent, embedded, etc.); if quantitative describe how the data would be analyzed (descriptive, correlational, etc.)
2 Pages
APA – 2 References
What it would look like for a child to develop language and communication WITHOUT play
$10.00Language Development and Communication
Describe what it would look like for a child to develop language and communication WITHOUT play. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of learning language and communication without the play component.
2 pages
APA – 4 References
Case #24 Who Creates the School’s Vision? – From Case studies on educational Administration by Theodore J Kowalski
$15.00Case #24 Who Creates the School’s Vision?
From Case studies on educational Administration by Theodore J Kowalski
Questions and Reflections
- What is your definition of a visionary leader? What is the basis of your definition?
- In this case Susan alludes to a community culture. What does this mean?
- What is the nature of the potential conflict between professionalism and democracy?
- Based on your knowledge of school administration, what role should the principal play in building the school’s vision?
- Is it possible that Susan can capitalize on the conflict to produce some positive results for the district and new middle school? If so, what are these opportunities?
Additional File:
3 Pages
APA – 3 References
Case Study #6– Let the Committee Decide (From Case Studies on Educational Administration by Theodore J Kowalski)
$10.00Case Study #6– Let the Committee Decide
From Case Studies on Educational Administration by Theodore J Kowalski
Questions and Reflections
1. Is it common for principals to react negatively to centralized controls? What information supports your conclusion on this matter?
2. Duties and responsibilities in school districts are commonly divided into distint divisions. In this case, two divisions – curriculum and business – compete for jurisdiction over a decision on petty-cash funds. What are the possible advantages of dividing administrative functions into organizational divisions?
3. What are the possible advantages of using committees to make administrative decisions?
4. What are the possible disadvantages of using committees to make administrative decisions?
Additional Files:
2 Pages
APA – 3 Reference
Describe your understanding of what it means to be a scholar-practitioner
$10.00Scholar-practitioner paper
The paper should be two pages in length. In your paper, you should:
- Describe your understanding of what it means to be a scholar-practitioner.
- Explain the following concepts: scholar, practitioner, scholar-practitioner, and practitioner-scholar.
- Reflect on which learning model describes you the best right now and on how the scholar-practitioner model applies to you as a learner and as a professional. Create a plan for becoming a scholar-practitioner.
- Differentiate between master’s-level learning and doctoral-level learning in terms of the Scholar-Practitioner model. Describe what you expect to do differently for this degree than what you did when you completed your master’s degree.
- Integrate the articles you found during your research on the Scholar-Practitioner model into your paper.
- Adhere to APA guidelines when citing and referencing your sources and formatting your paper.
Note: Scholarly writing uses third-person narrative, unless it is awkward to do so. Because you are talking about yourself in this paper, you may write in the first person.
What constitutes language policy in deaf education
$22.50Language policy in deaf education
What constitutes language policy in deaf education? How is it theory based?
4 pages
APA – 4 References
What are models of bilingualism that deaf education can adapt
$5.00Models of bilingualism for deaf education
What are models of bilingualism that deaf education can adapt?
Theoretical foundation of bilingualism
$12.50Theories of bilingualism and bilingual education
Theoretical foundation of bilingualism:
– Francois Grosjean
– Jim Cummins
– Stephen Krashen
– Skutnab Kangas
– Steven Nover
– Plaza Plust
According to above of the theories of bilingualism and bilingual education? Define two theory in two or three sentences. Then select one of them and describe how it applies to bilingualism in deaf education.
Case #3 – A Bully’s Threat (adapted from Theodore Kowalski)
$10.00The School Principal and the Record of Students’ Fighting
Questions and Reflections:
If you were the principal, would you consider Carl Turner’s record of fighting relevant to reaching a decision on this matter? Why or why not?
When the principal tries to find Carl, he discovers that he is not in his fourth-period class. How do you evaluate his absence from school after three periods with respect to making a decision in this case?
Assume you are the principal. How would you handle this situation?
What do you think about the security guard’s suggestion about the parents filing a complaint?
Should the police have been contacted immediately?
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