Showing 154–162 of 476 results

  • Research question authors set out to answer


    Please read the following article, and address the questions that appear below in a four- page paper:

    Song, H., Han, H., Lee, J., Kim, J, Kim, K.B., Ryu, J.P., & Kim, M. (2010). Does access to care still affect health care utilization by immigrants? Testing of an empirical explanatory model of health care utilization by Korean American immigrants with high blood pressure. Journal of Immigrant Minority Health, 12, 513-519.

    What research question did the authors set out to answer?
    What research hypothesis was tested in this study?
    What study design was employed in the study? What (if any) type of bias is inherent to this design?
    Summarize the univariate findings displayed in Table 1.
    Summarize the bivariate findings reported in Table 2.
    What limitations were noted with regard to the study’s findings and conclusions?

    Assignment Expectations

    You are expected to incorporate relevant background readings into your responses.
    Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding.
    In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required background materials.
    Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list.
    Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been address clearly and completely.

    Length: 3 pages typed, double-spaced.

  • Operationalizing study variables


    A researcher wishes to operationalize her study variables in the following manner. How might she go about doing so? Summarize your responses in tabular form (see example below), and supplement your table with a supporting narrative.

    Age (continuous)
    Gender (dichotomous)
    Ethnicity (categorical)
    Education (ordinal)
    Income (continuous)
    Marital status (categorical)
    Weight (continuous)
    Blood pressure (continuous)
    Hypertension (dichotomous)
    Body temperature (continuous)
    Health insurance status (categorical)
    Smoking status (dichotomous)
    Cancer Stage (ordinal)


    Variable:        Type          How operationalized              How measured

    Age              continuous    Age in years        How old were you on your last
    Etc.                                                                      birthday?

    Narrative: When age is operationalized in this manner, one would merely need to query the respondent to determine the age she turned on her last birthday. Alternatively, the researcher could ask the respondent to provide his birth date and year, and then calculate age at a later time.
    Assignment Expectations

    You are expected to incorporate relevant background readings into your responses.
    Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding.
    In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read ALL required background materials.
    Be sure to cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at theend. For examples, look at the way the references are listed in the modules and on the background reading list.
    Proofread your paper to be sure grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been address clearly and completely.

    Length: 2 pages typed, double-spaced.

  • FIRST half page: The Sampling Frame


    FIRST half page: The Sampling Frame
    Locate a study reported in the empirical literature, and identify its target population, sampling frame, and sample. Were the sampling frames in these studies readily apparent? Please explain.

    SECOND discussion half page paragraphs:  Variable Operationalization
    How might one operationalize the following variables: diet, physical activity, health status, and social support? Be sure to note variable type (categorical versus continuous) and/or level (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).

  • Explain what is the basis of Hine’s argument


    Explain what is the basis of Hine’s argument

    Hines (1989, p 89) argues that conceptual frameworks are a strategic manoeuvre for providing legitimacy to standard-setting boards during periods of competition or threatened government interventions. Write to explain what is the basis of Hine’s argument. should also include a discussion of whether or not the history of the development of conceptual frameworks be used to support her position. Provide evidence to support your answer.

    6 Pages

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Critique Moller and Mousseau


    Written critique assessment task – overview
    Set article: Møller, A. and Mousseau, T. (2009) Reduced abundance of insects and spiders linked to radiation at Chernobyl 20 years after the accident.  Biology Letters, 5: 356-359 (pdf in folder on LMS)

    Task: Summarise and critique Moller and Mousseau (2009), where relevant, on aspects such as, but not necessarily limited to, overall aim, experimental design, data presentation, contribution to the area of study.

    Use the discussion in your week 7 tutorial session to help you approach evaluating and critiquing the article.  Also see the ‘tips’ files in the Tutorial week 7 pdf folder.
    Your critique should be structured using paragraphs, with appropriate subheadings if necessary. Ideas should link together.  Do not simply list answers to the questions posed in the tutorial or in the tips for successful evaluation.
    Use other scientific papers from the primary literature to help you understand the broader context of the set article’s research field.  Such papers can assist in identifying, the questions and hypotheses, the appropriateness of the methods, the interpretation of the results and, the conclusions.  Published articles by other authors can also help to support your conclusions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the set article.   Do not rely on the set article as the only source of information.
    Length: 1500 words (excluding References)

    Format: Double spaced lines.  Font – Times New Roman, Arial or equivalent.  Size – 12 point.  Margins -‘Word’ Moderate (approx. 2.5cm left and right, approx. 1.9 top and bottom).  Following these guidelines assists reading and allows for easy annotation by tutors.

    Referencing: Follow the FSTE First Year Survival Guide 3rd ed (2013) instructions for referencing, which can be found in Chapter 5.  There are multiple copies of the 2013 FSTE First Year Survival Guide available in the library in the 3hr Reserve area.

    Assessment criteria:  These will be discussed at the end of the week 7 tutorial and posted on LMS (in the same section as this overview – ‘Written article critique’)

    Additional Files:


    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Cover Letter: Training at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)


    Admission Services – Personal Statement

    Describe your research interests, career goals, and reasons for applying for training at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) ; be certain that your cover letter is specific for this particular program.

    2 Pages

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Academic Writing Skills Summary


    Do a summary for each one 300 words. The topic of the assignment is academic writing skills which highlighted in yellow color.


    • An analysis of the language of attribution in university students’ academic essays
    • Exploring evidence of higher order thinking skills in the writing of first year undergraduates
    • Students’ challenges and development in the transition to academic writing at an English-medium university in Qatar

    Additional Materials:




    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Lesson Plan Detail Document


    EDUC 6565_S16: Lesson Plan Detail Document

    Title of Lesson Plan: Extreme Sports

    Paper Contents

    • Classroom Description (50w minimum):
    • Situating this Lesson Plan (50w minimum):
    • Content Standard(s) addressed in this lesson only
    • Language Objective(s) for this lesson only
    • Standards/Objectives/Assessment Rationale (75w minimum)
    • Mode(s) of Language Activated in this Lesson Plan
    • Focus Language Items
    • Basic Materials Needed for this Lesson Plan
    • Lesson Activities: Plans for differentiation during lesson activities
    • Lesson Activities: Plans for formative assessment during the body of the lesson
    • Lesson Activities: Rationale (50w minimum)
    • Closure: Rationale (50w minimum)
    • Activity Material: REQUIRED
  • Bentham’s Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics


    Bentham’s Utilitarianism and Kantian Ethics

    Summarize the essential aspects of Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarianism, and explain why Immanuel Kant thinks that utilitarianism is wrong. Summarize the essential aspects of Kant’s ethical philosophy. In your own view, identify and explain what seems right (if anything) about each of these systems of ethics, and what seems wrong (if anything) about each of these systems of ethics. Provide detailed analysis for your views.

    5 Pages