Showing 46–54 of 728 results

  • SCI/241 Version 7: Nutrittional Study Worksheet 1


    University of Phoenix Material                                                  

    SCI 241 Nutritional Study Worksheet

    Resource: University of Phoenix Library and  the Internet

    Select one  of the following topics to research: Coffee or caffeine

    • Eggs
    • Low-fat diets
    • Low-carb diets
    • Other  nutrition topic approved by your instructor

    Research your topic using 2 nutrition articles that discuss your topic, but provide opposing viewpoints. Use the Internet, the University Library, or the search links provided  in the Week  2 Electronic Reserve Readings to locate the articles.

    Write 50- to 200-word  responses to each of the following questions based your findings. Use your own words and provide examples to support your answers.

    • 1. What topic did you choose? Discuss the position of each of the two articles you selected.
    • 2. What health claims are stated in the articles, such as drinking coffee every day will lower one’s risk for cancer?
    • 3. Do any of the articles’ claims seem too good to be true?  Does it seem that the authors are seeking personal gain in any way?  Explain your answers.
    • 4. What are the respective sources of these articles (testimonials, peer-reviewed study)?
    • 5. Is the information presented in each article new or has it been studied extensively over time, achieving the same results?
    • 6. Now that you have  gone  through  the details of each article, do you have  any reservations about  the information in either one? If so, explain wh Has the process of analyzing the two articles changed your opinion on the topic? Explain your answer.
  • Software Requirements Specification For IKEA Store



    1. Problem Statement……………………………………………………………………2
    2. System Requirements…………………………………………………………………2
    3. Object Model…………………………………………………………………………15
    4. Data Flow Diagram……………………………………………………………………15
    5. Data Process Model…………………………………………………………………..22
    6. Use Case Diagram of the system……………………………………………………..22
    7. Data Dictionary……………………………………………………………………….24
  • NETW250: Week 1 iLab Activity


    1) Complete the table in order to decide the winner of your RFP. Assign points to each vendor based on how they meet your requirements for each part of the RFP.   This is subjective, but be able to justify your point assignment.  (Points in the % in your RFP  column add up to 100 to make  this easier for you to analyze.)  (10 points)

    2) Evaluating RFPs is a subjective process. Why is this so?  What were  some of the reasons behind how you chose to evaluate many of the business goals outlined in your evaluation matrix. (5 points)

    3) Costs are important, but they are  not everything.  Some people might say just take  the lowest possible cost.   Is this a valid approach?  What are  some of the hidden costs? What did you find out about  costs and comparing costs as you looked at this information (5 points)

    4) Use a reference to find and explain the following terms  as they relate to telephony topics and call centers: (5 points)

    • IVR
    • PBX
    • ACD
    • CRM
    • CTI

    5)  Read through  the “Best Practice for Preparing an RFP” pdf file from Faulkner’s FACCTs.   Look especially at the section that outlines the steps in preparing and  submitting and  RFP.   What do you think might be your biggest challenges in preparing an RFP for a business project for a company?  Were there  any steps that were  surprising to you?   What might you do to help yourself be successful in the RFP process? (5 points)

    Understanding Theories of Teaching, Learning & Development

  • SCI/241 Version 7 Nutritional Study Worksheet 1


    University of Phoenix Material                                                  

    SCI 241 Nutritional Study Worksheet

    Resource: University of Phoenix Library and  the Internet

    Select one  of the following topics to research: Coffee or caffeine


    Low-fat diets

    Low-carb diets

    Other  nutrition topic approved by your instructor

    Research your topic using 2 nutrition articles that discuss your topic, but provide opposing viewpoints. Use the Internet, the University Library, or the search links provided  in the Week  2 Electronic Reserve Readings to locate the articles.

    Write 50- to 200-word  responses to each of the following questions based your findings. Use your own words and provide examples to support your answers.

    • 1. What topic did you choose? Discuss the position of each of the two articles you selected.
    • 2. What health claims are stated in the articles, such as drinking coffee every day will lower one’s risk for cancer?
    • 3. Do any of the articles’ claims seem too good to be true?  Does it seem that the authors are seeking personal gain in any way?  Explain your answers.
    • 4. What are the respective sources of these articles (testimonials, peer-reviewed study)?
    • 5. Is the information presented in each article new or has it been studied extensively over time, achieving the same results?
    • 6. Now that you have  gone  through  the details of each article, do you have  any reservations about  the information in either one? If so, explain wh Has the process of analyzing the two articles changed your opinion on the topic? Explain your answer.
  • Week 1 Review Questions Solutions


    Ch. 1 Questions

    3.) How do you think the principle of uniformitarianism accounts for occasional catastrophic events such as meteorite impacts, huge volcanic eruptions, or great earthquakes?

    4.) In this chapter, we have suggested that Earth is a close approximation of a natural closed system, and we have hinted at some of the ways that living in a closed system affects each of us. Can you think of some other ways?

    5.) In what ways do geologic processes affect your daily life?

    Ch. 2 Questions

    1.) When astronauts brought back rock samples from the Moon, the minerals present were mostly the same as those found on Earth. Can you think of reasons this might be so? Would you expect minerals on Mars or Venus to be the same, or at least very similar, to those on Earth?

    3.) Identify which of the following materials are minerals and why: water, beach sand, diamond, wood, vitamin pill, gold nugget, fishbone, and emerald. Should a synthetic diamond be considered a true mineral?

    Ch. 3 Questions

    3.) How old are the rock formations in the area where you live and attend college or university? How can you find out the answer to this question?

    4.) Choose one of the geologic periods or epochs listed in Figure  3.8 and find out all you can about it. How are rock formations from that period identified? What are its most characteristic fossils? Where are the best samples of rock from your chosen period found?

    5.) Do some research to determine the ages of the oldest-known fossils. What kind of life forms were they?

    Ch. 15 Questions

    1.) Recall from Chapter 1 (see Table  1.1) that Earth and Venus are so similar in size and overall composition that they are almost “twins.” Why did these two planets evolve so differently? Why is Earth’s atmosphere rich in oxygen and poor in carbon dioxide, whereas the reverse is true on Venus? What would happen to Earth’s oceans if Earth were a little bit closer to the Sun?

    4.) What do you think might have happened to mammals if the end-of-Cretaceous extinction had not wiped out the dinosaurs?

  • NETW320 Week 3 SIP trunking essay


    NETW 320 Week 3 Homework Assignments

    Write a 500-word paper that explains what a SIP trunk is, why you would use a SIP trunk, the equipment required for its use, and any RFCs that discuss SIP trunking.

    SIP Trunking or also known as SIP trunks is a communication service offered by different carriers and normally they are combined with Internet telephony service providers that allows businesses u organizations to use voice over the Internet protocol (VoIP) while you are connected to the Internet. The main purpose of using Sip Trunking is to extend VoIP or IP telephony use beyond the enterprise network and reduced cost. Also, we can create and control the communications sessions that are the basis of VoIP telephony. In few words your organization would be able to use instant messaging, multimedia, conferencing, and other real-time services that can traverse a SIP trunk.

  • NETW320 Week 2 Assignment: Silence Suppression

    Call for price

    What is Silence Suppression?

    Why is it used?

    What could be used instead of silence suppression?

    RFCs discussing silence suppression

  • Module 8 Review Questions

    1. Provide some examples in business or daily life in which a controlled process is erroneously adjusted and an out-of-control process is ignored. What implications do these errors have?
    2. Would it make sense to draw specification limits on an x-bar chart? Why or  why not?
    3. Compare the lean service system of Southwest Airlines to a full service airline such as United Airlines or British Airways on the following: (a) airplane boarding process, (b) cabin service, (c)  ticket transfer to other Southwest flights, (d) frequent flyer program, (e) baggage handling, (f) seat assignment system, and (g)  service encounters.
  • Mgmt 404 Review Questions


    Answer the following questions:
    1)What is the difference between a task dependency and a task constraint?

    2) Give a real-world situation when you might used the following task constraints:

    1. a) Start No Earlier Than
    2. b) Start No Later Than –
    3. c) Finish No Later Than –
    4. d) Finish No Earlier Than –
    5. e) Must Finish On –
    6. f) Must Start On –
    7. g) As Late As Possible –

    3) What is the importance of a baseline?

    4) What is an interim plan?