Showing 424–432 of 728 results

  • Week 2 iLab Sucrose as Sweeneter


    1.Select a sweetener. Sucrose
    2.Explore the history of the sweetener (when it was developed, its composition).

    3.Discuss safety and the sweetener that you have selected

    4.Examine the relationship between the sweetener that you have selected and obesity.

  • Difference between skimming and cash larceny


    MBA 576 Fraud Management: Week 2 – Asset Misappropriation

    Week 2 – Asset Misappropriation
    Chapter 3: Cash Larceny
    Chapter 9: Non-Cash Assets


    1. Explain the difference between skimming and cash larceny, and tell which is more difficult to detect and why?
    2. Explain, “lapping” and how it can conceal the skimming of receivables.
    3. Explain how a refunds or discounts account can be used to conceal a cash theft. Provide an example.
    1. Provide some examples of expense reimbursement schemes.
    2. List some indicators of cash theft from a business.
    3. Describe a common area/type of a non-cash asset misappropriation.

    3 pages

  • Week 2 post


    Week 2 post 1
    How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice?
    Identify at least three trends in nursing practice from the “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events” media piece. How have these trends influenced your perspective of nursing practice?

    Week 2 post 2
    Describe the definition of nursing as put forward by the American Nurses Association.
    How does it address the metaparadigm theories of nursing?
    2 pages

  • Assignment One: Tagalog Movies and Identity: Portrayals of the Filipino Self


    Assignment One: Tagalog Movies and Identity: Portrayals of the Filipino Self   (20 points)

    This is Assignment One. Please answer the following questions after reading the uploaded text: Tagalog Movies and Identity: Portrayals of the Filipino Self.

    1. Why is the local film industry in the Philippines sometimes referred to as “Tagalog movies?”
    2. How did Hollywood influence Philippine cinema?
    3. Explain the extent of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippine cinema.
    4. Describe “bakya crowd”.
    5. The three genres, namely, action movie, melodrama, and the comedy, are very popular. How did this happen? Explain.
  • What does sense of purpose mean to you


    US/101 Week 2 DQs

    What does sense of purpose mean to you?
    What are some of your professional short- and long-term goals that fulfill that sense of purpose?

    Review the tutorial, Reasonable (SMART) Goal Setting ( Week Two Activity One), and answer the following questions:

    DQ 3
    What barriers must you overcome in order to achieve your college goals?
    Describe at least three strategies you have created to overcome these barriers.

    2 Pages

  • What is the relationship between films and nations


    What is the relationship between films and nations, and what role do they play in an increasingly transnational world? Can a single film categorize a nation or can a movie be be categorized as a film of a certain nation?Review the film The Past by Asghar Farhadi as you address these questions.

    3 Pages

  • Is there anything that your company could do to ease the tensions these cultures are experiencing


    Case study week 2

    1. If your international firm were doing business in Asia, is there anything that your company could do to ease the tensions these cultures are experiencing? Be specific.
    2. In your opinion, is globalization among the causes of the increasing incidence of divorce, crime, and drug abuse in Asia? Why or why not?
    3. Broadly defined, Asia comprises more than 60 percent of the world’s population— a population that practices Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, and numerous other religions. Thus, do you think it is possible to carry on a valid discussion of “Asian” values? Why or why not?
    4. Consider the following statement: “Economic development and capitalism require a certain style of doing business in the twenty- first century. The sooner Asian cultures adapt the better.” Do you agree or disagree? Explain

    1 Page

  • Biological Criminal Behavior – Andrea Yates


    Choose a criminal offender who committed crimes due to a biological reason.

    Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper discussing the genetic or physiological evidence that supports the notion that biology played a key role in explaining the offender’s criminality.

    Research the behaviors that constitute psychopathy. Discuss in detail the specific behaviors demonstrated by the offender that align with behaviors indicative of a psychopathic individual. Case examples include the following:

    • Andrea Yates and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues, including post-partum depression, prior to the murders of her five children
    • Charles Whitman, known as the Texas Tower Sniper, and the presence of a tumor discovered post-mortem alleged to have played a role in his overt acts of aggression
    • John Hinckley, Jr. and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues leading to his controversial insanity defense in the shooting of

    President Ronald Reagan

    Include at least four peer reviewed references.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

  • The development of agriculture


    Discuss the negative and positive aspects of the development of agriculture. Was it, or was it not the worst mistake in the history of the human race?
    7 Pages