Showing 379–387 of 728 results

  • Define BFOQ and list to which characteristics it applies


    Bus Law Discussions Week 3 Assignment

    1. Define BFOQ and list to which characteristics it applies.
    2. What is the purpose of the Glass Ceiling Commission?
    3. What is the Federal Privacy Act, to whom does it apply, and what does it protect?
    4. What are the requirements of an Affirmative Action plan? List the criteria for proof of its “remedial nature.”
    5. Answer the following problem: Reggie Kelly, who is African American, applies in person for a position as a salesperson with Epitome Realty, which offers homes for sale only in elite neighborhoods. Epitome has only 12 employees. Marcus Bradbury’s response is “What? Are you kidding?” Reggie queries Marcus on the meaning of his response. Marcus retorts, “Well, it is obvious.” Reggie wishes to proceed by filing a complaint under Title VII. What advice would you give him? Where would he go to file this complaint? How much time does he have to do so?
  • What factors contributed towards Sarah’s attitude regarding her curfew


    PSY 201 Week 9 Assignment Social Psychology Paper

    Review the University Material: Social Psychology Paper Scenario.

    Write a 750- to 1,200-word paper using the Social Psychology Paper Scenario in which you answer the following questions:

    • What factors contributed towards Sarah’s attitude regarding her curfew and how did these factors contribute?
    • In what ways did Sarah display cognitive dissonance?
    • In what situations did Sarah conform to her peers’ beliefs, and how? What are some possible reasons that Sarah did this?
    • What are some possible reasons that Jack was interested in Sarah and how do these relate to the factors of attraction?
    • What type of social interaction was displayed through the fight at the party? How did this social interaction affect others at the party?
    • How was Sarah’s behavior influenced by others throughout the night?

    Submit your work as a Microsoft® Word attachment to the assignment tab.

    Background: Case Study
    Sarah is a 15-year-old Caucasian girl who just started her sophomore year of high school. Her family lives in a more affluent part of town and she has been known to have very nice things. She has always been a rule-follower and did everything that her parents told her to do. She gets good grades and takes mostly honor’s classes. Since the school-year just started, she has made some new friends in some of her classes. She was excited to have new people to spend time with and was looking forward to their first night going out together.
    Sarah’s parents have strict rules regarding her curfew and she had never broken them before. When it came time for Sarah to go home, her new friends asked her to stay out with them because they were going to go to a party. Sarah had never been to a party before and really wanted her new friends to keep inviting her out. Her friends kept telling her how much fun the party was going to be and how she would be missing out if she didn’t go, so she decided to go.
    When they arrived at the party, Sarah began to realize how popular her new friends were, as they seemed to know everyone there. While she knew that she should be at home, obeying her curfew and was worried that she was going to get caught, she was still having fun at the party and felt happy that she went.
    Sarah began talking to a guy named Jack. Jack was a junior at her school. They found that they liked the same music and had some of the same hobbies. Jack’s family lives in the same neighborhood as Sarah as well. Jack told Sarah that he thought that she was beautiful and asked her on a date for the following week. Jack left the party soon after that and Sarah went back to talk to her friends.
    Everyone was having a good time when they heard two guys arguing in the front of the house. Most of the people at the party ran outside to see why the boys were yelling at each other. The yelling quickly turned into a physical fight.
    Because of the fight, many people decided to leave. Sarah and her friends left the party and went home. Sarah got home and looked back on her experience throughout the night and thought about if it was worth it or not.
    Copyright © 2013 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

  • Testing a Theory


    PSY 201 Week 1: Testing a Theory

    Write at least 300 words describing a recent time when you had to test a theory. This theory may be something you have tested at work, school, or even at home, such as using alternative ingredients in a recipe or a different method of discipline with your children.

    Answer the following questions in your summary:

    • • What type of informal research method did you use?
      • How was your research method similar to research methods used by psychologists?
      • If given another opportunity, what would you have done differently?

    Submit your answers as a Microsoft® Word attachment to your Assignment Section.

    Additional Resources from the Center for Writing Excellence:

  • Discuss this week’s objectives with your team


    Mgt 498 Week 3: Team “C” Weekly Reflection

    Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050- word paper detailing the findings of your discussion.

    2 Pages

  • Environmental Scan Memorandum


    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word memo in which you complete the following:

    • • Research and describe the internal and external environments of 2 to 3 real-world companies (Coca Cola and Pepsi co) using an environmental scan.
    • • Determine what competitive advantages each company has and what strategies each company is using.
    • • How does each company create value and sustain competitive advantage through business strategy?
    • • What measurement guidelines is each company using to verify its strategic effectiveness?
    • • How effective are the measurement guidelines that each company is using?
  • Defining Abnormality Paper


    Defining Abnormality Paper

    Explore challenges in defining and classifying normal and abnormal behavior. Elaborate these challenges in a situational context, culture, and mind and body

    5 pages

  • NTC 361 Week 3: PFCH Network Topology


    University of Phoenix Material: PFCH Network Design Plan Checklist and the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital in the Virtual Organizations
    Review the Information Technology tab for the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital in the Virtual Organizations on the student website.
    Complete the Network Topology section of the PFCH Network Design Plan.

    Submit the Week Three Progress Report to the facilitator using the University of Phoenix Material: PFCH Network Design Plan Week Three Progress Report.

    Paper Contents:
    Rationale for the Adoption of Existing Topologies.
    Advantages of Topologies
    Disadvantages of topologies

    4 pages

  • Team A Environmental Impact Outline


    HCS 446 Week 2 Team A Environmental Impact Outline

    Resource: Environmental Impact Outline document on the student website

    Develop an outline for hazardous waste management, fire and safety management, disaster management, security management, or ADA guidelines for a renovation or new planning of a health care facility. Each team is assigned a different area so there is no duplication. The outline will then be used for a final presentation in Week Five.

    Include the following information in your outline:

    • Write an overview of your assigned environmental impact issue.
    • Examine local, state, and federal legal and regulatory requirements. Consider the following agencies:
    • Occupational Safety and Health Administration
      • Joint Commission of the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
      • Your state’s health planning and development agency (Colorado)
      • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Argument for relativism


    What is relativism? Present one or two arguments for this position, and explain how an objectivist might respond. Are these responses plausible?

    3 Pages