Showing 226–234 of 728 results

  • How the USS COLE Attack Could Have been Prevented using Critical Thinking


    Using the “Elements of Thought” approach to Critical Thinking, outline how the terrorist attack on the USS Cole could possibly have been prevented or mitigated using the ‘elements of thought’ process.

    ALSO reference any fallacies of logic you found (including poor statistics) that influenced decisions (or non-actions) which led to the attack occurring. For example, how could a boat be allowed to come right up next to a US Navy ship while it is being refueled in a Muslim country (Yemen)?

    How could thinking differently about security and safety have prevented the attack?

    Your paper should be 6 pages in length, using APA style WITH CITATIONS from ALL the below sources.

  • Visit the Technopolis – City of Athens


    Coursework in place of failed Portfolio Assessment


    Students should visit the Technopolis – City of Athens

    The visit should include a variety of exhibitions on current display in the buildings that made up the gasworks factory as well as the Industrial Gas Museum.

    You need to take notes about what you have learned from the visit. Write a short statement of approximately 500 words of what you learned and found interesting.

    Be sure to take photographs of either your visit and include these photographs in the appendix to your report.

    Note: The following criteria are considered in marking this coursework:

    • Good introduction,
    • Clear and accurate referencing (according to the Harvard system)
    • Clear and logical explanation and discussion
    • Good business English
    • Independence of thought and originality
    • Good conclusion
    • Style and Presentation of the report




    Explain what is meant by the ‘no scheme world’ in the assessment of compulsory purchase compensation. In the light of recent case law, to what extent do you consider that it is a settled concept?

    You should make reference to case law as appropriate and you should include references to literature and statute.

    Harvard References ONLY!

    Word limit: 1,500

  • Future of Hydroelectric power


    The purpose of the final report in this course is to examine the current research literature (2010-2013) in an attempt to determine where a particular item, process, product or service will be in the year 2060. You may have a predetermined notion of the direction of a particular product, process, etc., and you might even think to guess at an answer by simply providing that opinion. PLEASE DON’T. Your prediction will have to be based only on the information that you have identified in the literature and from reference material that you have gathered. In other words, the research that is now ongoing should provide some of the (properly-referenced) detail for your prediction, and the collection of articles gathered during your search (maybe only 4 or 5 articles in total) should provide or convince you with such credibility that you feel confident that you have correctly predicted the future. You are writing to the instructor, so you do not have to go into a lengthy historical detail. Please attempt to limit description about the “past” associated with your topic to about 3 quarters of a page. Focus on the present (current research) and the future (where you think the item, process, etc. will be based on what you have identified is happening in the literature now and the articles you referenced). Note that this does not mean that you cannot express your opinion related to your subject, but that the opinion should be influenced by the literature that you have found, and properly referenced. In other words, you are referencing the current research literature to support the opinion that you are writing about (i.e., something to back up or confirm your ideas). Papers are often 3 to 5 pages (double-spaced) depending on your writing style and how concisely you can convince the reader of the outcome.

    There is no need to footnote or endnote directly from the source of your information; simply paraphrase the material and reference according to the APA format used by one of the scientific journal articles that you have found on your topic. The format will be marked as part of the grade for the paper.

    The last sentence of your paper should be “In summary, in the year 2060 based on the information that I have collected, I believe that ………………..will be ………………..”




    All final reports must have a separate “references” section which clearly identifies all sources of materials cited directly or indirectly in your paper. The references must be presented in a list of correct form, in alphabetical order, not numbered, on the last page of your submission. The 3-5 page total pages in your report does not have to count the references list (i.e., this could be page 6 if you wish). The specific sentences (or paragraphs, if applicable) in your paper where you have paraphrased material must be referenced properly. The journal articles that you have selected may be able to be used as examples for how to reference materials in your final report (if they are APA format). Within the text of your report, you should cite each source that you allude to or quote from directly. After each citation, insert the authors’ names in parentheses (don’t use numbers). Again, the journal articles you have selected should provide examples of how they reference the work of others. We’ll be using APA format for this paper.

  • Response to Geoffrey Chaucer,The General Prologue


    Write 400 words in response to the following question after reading Geoffrey Chaucer,The General Prologue, lines 1-42 and 445-76, and The Wife of Bath’s Prologue, lines 1-192 (ed. and trans. Larry Benson)

    1. Why would April be a good time for a pilgrimage to Canterbury?

    What I’m looking for is a detailed analysis of ONE topic with quotations of key words and phrases from the poem to develop and provide supporting evidence for your ideas.

  • Appraisal of Articles


    Locate a minimum of 15 peer-reviewed articles that describe the problem or issue and which support the proposed solution. Eight of the 15 articles must be research-based (e.g., a study which is qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, or longitudinal).

    Hint: Begin your search for literature by utilizing the databases located in the GCU eLibrary. Contact your faculty member, the librarian, or library staff for additional researching tips and key word suggestions.

    Preview each of the 15 articles chosen by reading the article abstracts and summaries.

    Hint: Article abstracts and summaries provide a concise description of the topic, research outcomes, and significance of findings.

    Hint: Refer to “RefWorks” and “Module 1: Checklist.”

    Perform a rapid appraisal of each article by answering the following questions (one to two sentences are sufficient to answer each question):

    1. How does each article describe the nature of the problem, issue, or deficit you have identified?
    2. Does each article provide statistical information to demonstrate the gravity of the issue, problem, or deficit?
    3. What are example(s) of morbidity, mortality, and rate of incidence or rate of occurrence in the general population?
    4. Does each article support your proposed change?

    Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the

  • Storytelling in a Family Setting


    Assignment A – Telling Stories/Routines/Rituals/Secrets

    Using ideas from chapter one or two, you should talk about story telling in a family setting. You may use a fictional family (I differentiate between fictional and hypothetical. A fictional family exists on paper or on screen while a hypothetical family is something that is just in your head So be prepared to refer to a television series, film, book, portrayal is you select the fictional. The paper needs to access ideas from Turner & West (2006) chapters as a base, with your ideas as support for you argument. The paper should be two pages in length. If you decide to take an idea from chapters one or two, you need to develop a thesis on your own. For instance, on page 40 of the e-copy version of the book, there is a chart of Six Family Configurations and Their Communication. You could identify a family type and a communication issue, let’s say Extended Family that “may have the potential for conflict if issues such as growth and change are not addressed” and explore a personal example from your life, or find a fictional example like from a show like Modern Family. Please use a fictional family that is in aTV show or book. I will upload chapters

  • What are the similar areas of study or studies that lead up to the current research


    In three pages: Complete a literature review for the Research Proposal Statement (below). Use APA style and A minimum of five  relevant references are to be analyzed for the Literature Review. The references used are to be cited in the Literature Review of  the Research Proposal. Attached is a guide to help in the writing of the Literature Review.
    Some related instructions to be used when completing this assignemnt:
    Review of the Relevant Literature/Related Research/Literature Review: Provide a minimum of five research studies that address  the same topic chosen for the proposal.

    • What are the similar areas of study or studies that lead up to the current research? Identify the importance of the questions being asked.
    • Report on the current status of the topic.
    • Analyze the relationship between the literature reviewed and the problem statement.

    Include a summary, along with a restatement of the relationships between the variables under consideration and how these  relationships are important to the proposed hypothesis.

    Research Proposal Statement:
    Intellectual Property Law (IPL) and International Trade Agreement (ITA) directly affect the global health environment. Thus, the need of doing this study mainly in the area of access of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) is important because there are several clashes between World Trade Organizations (WTO) members and health care activists regarding the provision of ART. This  problem is important enough to study because it has become a concerning issue for governments and pharmaceutical companies to have patents and strongest IP law for HIV related therapies, products and drug manufacturing techniques. These IP  laws and ITA are important to manage the delivery of drugs in developing countries in an effective and lawful manner. Due to all  these issues, this study is important and there is a need to execute strong provisions related to IP laws and ITA in different  countries of the world.

    Additional Files:


  • “The Under Dogs” By Marina Azuela


    READ ALL OF “The Underdogs” by Mariano Azuela (see link below for reading)

    **in 2-3 pages (times new roman font. double spaced lines). Answer and back:

    Source Documents Question Two: What do these documents tell us about women’s status in colonial Mexico?
    Use document as source and