Showing 199–207 of 728 results

  • Response to assimilation as experienced by the characters in Gish Jen’s short story “In the American Society.”



    This assignment grants you the opportunity to enter into the ongoing debate regarding the concept of assimilation and its implications. This topic requires you to consider your own understanding and position within the debate through an analysis of Gish Jen’s “In the American Society.” While Paper 1 asked you to engage a single secondary source (Crèvecoeur) while analyzing a literary text (your exhibit source), this paper assignment will ask you to engage more deeply in your argument by acknowledging and responding to at least two secondary sources (from among Crèvecoeur, Glazer, and Alba & Nee). You will continue to implement the introduction structure of common ground > problem > claim, with an increased focus on a statement of the significance (“so what?”). You will also strengthen your argument by acknowledging and responding to alternate points of view (counterarguments/naysayers).

    In 1100-1300 words (roughly 4-6 pages), you are to develop an argument in response to the problem of assimilation as experienced by the characters in Gish Jen’s short story “In the American Society.” The varied (and, at times, conflicting) treatments of assimilation in at least two secondary sources(see the back of this page) will help you add dimension to your argument. In what ways do the Changs reveal a desire to reject the old in favor of the new? In what ways to they resist assimilation? What role does power play in the assimilation process (consider power from money, from being a part of the ethnic majority, etc.)? In what ways do the representatives of the ethnic majority (dominant culture) in the story change (or not) as a result of incorporating the ethnic minority? Through your analysis of the role of assimilation throughout the story, you will ultimately come to your own conclusions about the process. In the conclusion of your paper, you will be expected to formulate responses to the following crucial questions:How do you define “assimilation” and to what extent is it possible?

  • Consumerism in Modern America MILE


    The Washington MILE: Assignment


    During our stay in Washington, we saw and experienced a number of things that spoke to the larger ‘American experience’ in the world. From the monuments that we visited, to the museums, to the Canadian embassy to the United States, and the various governmental and cultural sites that we toured, you get a sense of what America regards as its natural ‘place in the world.’ Now it is your turn to reflect more deeply on one of those experiences.

    You are free to choose a topic that you find interesting and worthy of further exploration, but it should be relevant (if even tangentially) to our visit to Washington. Suggested topics are:

    • Current issues in Canadian-American relations
    • The Civil Rights Movement
    • The Holocaust in history and in memory
    • Consumerism in modern America
    • War and memory in modern America
    • George Washington and his historical legacy
    • Thomas Jefferson and his historical legacy
    • Architecture and American power

    I am open to a creative interpretation of any of these themes, or a theme not listed here, but try as best as you can to keep it relatively on topic.

    Structure, Format and Research

    I would like to see a clear thesis statement or question in the opening paragraph of your work. (This lets the reader understand what the writer will be exploring). Remember to keep the rest of the paper focused on this initial thesis statement or question.

    The paper should be about 6-7 pages in length, double spaced, 12 pt. font. That is about 1600-1800 words. You should have 7 sources for the final paper. I would suggest using websites and Seneca Library’s database when looking for sources. Sources should be specific and relevant to your research. Do not use general, encyclopaedic sources like Wikipedia and online encyclopaedias- they are useful for general research, but shouldn’t be cited in your paper. These sources will not be counted towards your ten sources. (Wikipedia is a great place to start your research, but don’t use that type of source in your citations).

    You should properly cite all of the websites, and articles that you use in your research. I don’t mind if a majority of your sources are websites, but I would like to see a journal article, where possible, in your mix of sources. I would also like you to footnote all of your citations as you write. Please email me or see me anytime if you have any questions on this.

  • Critique of race as a biology


    In a 2,000 words , answer one of the following questions:

    Question 1:
    Geneticists’ claims, such as `Race [as an imperfect proxy or a holding place for genetic variation] is not meaningless, but it is biologically imperfect’ (Jorde 2004, as cited in Sankar 2008: 274), are the basis for Sociology’s reignited critique of race as biology. However, it is argued that this `critique of race as a biology can only be justified if one believes that a revival of oldstyle, scientific racism is a genuine possibility’ (Skinner 2007: 938). Discuss [1] the plausibility of this argument and [2] the potential consequences of said revival for governing ethnically diverse societies, such as Australia.

    Question 2:
    At the core of transnationalism is the existence of social fields that [1] have crossnational character, and [2] intimately link migrants’ homelands and their new diasporic locations (Patterson 2006:1891). Considering the crossnational character of these fields, the agents (migrants) maintain close social proximity despite the geographical/spatial distance. Focusing on a transnational (migrant) group of your choice, critically discuss the following statement: `tangibility of the interactions in the geographic regions are exclusive evidence to claim that the closer the agents, groups, institutions are to each other (in geographical terms) the more common properties they share’.

     Question 3:
    Losing faith in the unifying force of civic nationalism, conservative critics of the multicultural policy deemed it as leading towards `cleaving’ of Australian society fostered by transnational identities formation (James 2006) and ultimately tribalism (Blainey cited in Dunn 2005). Hence, at the dawn of the 21st century, Australian policy makers have welcomed the return of integration to policy rhetoric (Jakubowicz 2008). Under what sorts of circumstances may ethnic belonging and civicnational belonging come into conflict consequently undermining the unifying force of civic nationalism?

  • Main Task: Create a Data Analysis


    For this assignment please write an analysis section that describes the analytical approach of one of the mock data collection described in one of the proposals completed in Sections 1 or 2.
    Support your paper with a minimum of 5 resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
    Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

  • Main Task: Create a Proposal – Prevention of Cyber Attacks


    Using information from course readings, create a “mini-proposal” which outlines a research project focused on a specific problem or question and utilizes a specific qualitative method. Emphasis should be placed on clear definition of the phenomena to be investigated, referenced procedures and methods for the investigation, and detailed description of the form and substance of expected findings from this mock study. This assignment should also address the strengths and weaknesses of applying qualitative methods as opposed to quantitative methods to answer the proposed research question.
    Support your paper with a minimum of 5 resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
    Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

  • “The Body Arist” by Don DeLillo Scenario


    The book is called “The Body Arist” byDon DeLillo ISBN-10: 0743203968

    Paper Length- 4-5 pages

    you will pick a scene or series of scenes in which the question of identity comes up and a character either reveals who they are or evolves in some way. Pick scenes in which the interpersonal aspect is important such as when characters act based on what they think others want or think. Look for ways in which authors describe characters and the factors that make them who they are. What shapes the main characters ? What conflicts arise ? How do their “encounters with the Other” define who they are ?

  • Digital Natives & Immigrants: What Brain Research Tells us


    For this assignment, identify one important concept, theory, or idea that you learned while reading Nancy Herther’s “Digital Natives and Immigrants: What Brain Research Tells Us” or Dana Fleming’s “Youthful Indiscretions: Should Colleges Protect Social Network Users from Themselves and Others?” found in the “Digital Literacies” section of your textbook Writing Arguments.

    Use the first paragraph of your post to present the concept, theory, or idea and explain why it is important:

    • How does it apply to some aspect of your life?
    • Does it have implications for your community?
    • What questions has the reading raised for you?

    In a second paragraph, consider the rhetorical context of the essay and address the overall persuasiveness of the argument:

    • What assumptions, values, and beliefs would readers have to hold to find the central argument persuasive?
    • Is the writer trying to change readers’ views, attempting to call readers to action, or hoping to inspire further investigations?
    • How does the author appeal to reason, ethics, and emotion?
    • What features of the argument contribute most to making it persuasive or not persuasive for its target audience and for you?
  • Depiction of Alien in Science Fiction


    EAC234: Science Fiction

    Major Paper

    (Value: 20%)

    General Instructions

    You are to write a major paper/essay – thesis/critical argument; critical analysis; details; quotes; etc. — of 1000-1200 words on one of the topics below. Grading of the paper will be based on scope, depth, critical thinking skills, and grammatical accuracy; consult the rubric for more details.

    Your major paper should be written in the 3rd person, so be sure to avoid any 1st person subjective experiences. Remember: the assignment isn’t about how you felt when you read the material nor whether the events could happen in the real world; rather, it is an essay that presents an argument about the fictions and then provides literary analysis, research, quotes, etc. to prove the argument.

    Each essay topic requires you to use at least two stories for each essay topic, but be advised of the following conditions:

    1. While you can use any of the movies we have studied in the course, they will not count towards the two stories minimum for this assignment.
    1. One of the stories must be from the stories we have studied in this course. They include: “The Star” (Wells); “Out of All Them Bright Stars” (Kress); “When It Changed” (Russ); “Desertion” (Simak); “Think Like a Dinosaur” (Kelly); “And I Awoke and Found Me Here on the Cold Hill’s Side” (Tiptree, Jr.); “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale” (Dick); “Burning Chrome” (Gibson); “Pretty Boy Crossover” (Cadigan); “Reason” (Asimov); “Super-Toys Last All Summer Long” (Aldiss); “Closer” (Egan); and, “All You Zombies” (Heinlein)
    1. The stories you use to answer your essay topic must include at least one of the following supplemental stories (available in your Wesleyan Anthology):

    “The Sentinel” (Arthur C. Clarke)

    “Rogue Farm” (Charles Stross)

    “Fondly Fahrenheit” (Alfred Bester)

    “Abominable” (Carol Emshwiller)

    “Exhalation” (Ted Chiang)

    “The Machine Stops” (E. M. Forster)

    “Everywhere” (Geoff Ryman)

    Essay Topics

    Choose one of the topics below for your paper. You must use at least two stories for each essay topic and one of those two stories must be one of the supplemental stories I’ve listed above.

    Your completed assignment should meet all the requirements described after the essay topics.

    1. Advance an argument about how character change/development is a direct reflection of the social/political issue(s) an author wishes to explore in science fiction (sf). Note: do not simply catalogue the changes of a character; rather, demonstrate how the characters’ central struggles are the vehicle for the sf author’s specific political point, social commentary, or social questioning.
    1. Science fiction (sf) often features encounters with the alien, whether that alien is another life form, another planet, or another social environment. Yet, the alien is rarely truly alien; rather, it typically functions as a metaphor for the human. Advance an argument about how sf uses the alien as a metaphor to provide commentaries on issues relevant to humanity and, by extension, readers?
    2. In science fiction (sf), characters sometimes have to have their beliefs challenged – even pushed to the limit, even broken – before they come to a broader realization of some truth, a realization that serves to convey a specific theme of the story. Advance an argument regarding the relationship between a character undergoing this type of difficult awakening and broader themes being explored in sf.
    3. Science fiction (sf) often depicts a variety of social positions for social classes and a person’s social position is an important part of his/her acceptance by society. A character’s social position and the challenges that arise (how they and/or others respond to it, react to it, etc.) can also address themes of a story. Advance an argument regarding the relationship between a character’s social position and broader themes being addressed in sf. Make sure you use at least two stories and one of those two stories must be one of the supplemental stories I’ve listed above.
    4. Violence can be emotional and internalized as much as it is physical and externalized; in other words, abuse can take place on the physical body as well as in the mind or psyche of the victim. Advance an argument about the use of violence in science fiction (sf) and how such violence allows authors to explore broader themes in their stories.
    5. Science fiction (sf) can often reveal the darker side of what it means to be human as it often addresses the secrets we want to keep hidden – our secret desires; our secret fears; our secret selves. Advance an argument about what is revealed when we explore the darker sides of ourselves (and our selves) and what truths we might learn by taking a walk on the dark side.

    Instructions and Submission Requirements

    Quotations ·                   You must use direct primary quotes from the novels/stories to provide evidence for your paper. Essays that have no quotes from primary sources will not earn a passing grade.


    ·                   You must conduct academic research from secondary sources and incorporate relevant secondary quotes from research resources that directly pertain to the arguments you are advancing in your essay. You must use a minimum of two reputable research resources relevant to science fiction studies; therefore, you need to carefully screen the research available as your grade will be affected by the quality of the research and how you are using and integrating the content. The Seneca library has a host of research resources available to you through a variety of subscription-based services, so they are highly recommended as opposed to doing a quick search on Google.   You might want to check the Online Links folder in Blackboard, notably Google Scholar, Refseek, or any of the other sources I’ve provided (or links to sources available through the library), to help you in your research. Remember: your mark will be affected by the quality of the research resources, so don’t underestimate the value of carefully researching the authority of the research resource you want to use.
    MLA ·                   All quoting and paraphrasing of primary and secondary resources must be properly referenced using MLA in-text/parenthetical citations.

    ·                   An accompanying MLA Works Cited page referencing the novels/stories must be included.

    ·                   If you are unfamiliar with MLA style for both referencing and constructing a Works Cited page, you need to look at The MLA Handbook (available in most libraries), or consult the online resources:

    Seneca Online Library mla_guide.html

    ·                   Using a style other than MLA (e.g., APA) will result in severe penalties in terms of the grading.

    Format: ·                   Word length: 1000-1200 words

    ·                   Word processed, double spaced, and composed in proper sentences and paragraphs.

    ·                   Set the alignment in your word processing program for left-hand margin only.

    ·                   Margins: 1” (2.5 centimetres) for top, bottom, left, and right.

    ·                   Title page: must include: name of the assignment your name, student number, submission date, word count.

    Format ·                   Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Microsoft Word (.doc; .docx) are proper formats. Files that I cannot open will not be marked. Do not send files in PDF.
    Late Penalty ·                   I typically do not accept late papers. If you have not submitted the assignment by its respective due date it will not be accepted for grading unless there are extenuating circumstances, but then there will be penalties. Please review the instructions carefully so you can take advantage of the flexibility afforded to you in this assignment.
    Due Dates ·                   There are two due dates for submitting the essay. Each has its own rewards and consequence:

    Option #1: if you submit the paper by 11:59:59 PM on March 31st you will receive commentary on the graded paper.

    Option #2: if you submit the paper by 11:59:59 PM on April 7th you will likely not receive any commentary on the graded paper.

    Note: don’t confuse these dates. If you submit your paper for option #1, that does not mean you will get the paper back and be given the chance to make changes and then re- submit for option #2. You submit the paper once, but your choice as to the two due dates is entirely in your hands.

    Back-up Option: If you are worried your assignment wasn’t sent properly through SafeAssign, you can opt to send the identical assignment as a File Attachment to the “Assignment Back-Up” folder set up in Blackboard; however, be advised this is purely a back-up option and papers not submitted via the Blackboard system as the primary method of delivery will not be graded accordingly.

    IMPORTANT: I will not accept papers that are not submitted correctly via Blackboard, so it is in your best interest to use the back-up as a fail-safe to ensure there have been no errors on your end attaching and sending the assignment file accordingly. I will post a listing of successfully submitted papers the day after the respective due dates, so it is your responsibility to promptly check that list.

  • Kinotrope Technology: The Difference Engine


    The Difference Engine:Discuss kinotrope technology as presented through the show in which General Houston participates, attempting to attract British interest in his return as the president of Texas.

    Work the following ideas into your essay:

    Kinotropy is a popular new art form, in the service of entertainment and education, and the artist here is John Keats; as 21stc readers, do we find it primitive and disappointing? What can actually be done with the technology at this stage, and how effective is it in the fictional context? Where the audience interest flags, is the technology to blame?