Showing 181–189 of 728 results

  • What kind of quality you need to have for being someone who are able to make differences in the world


    There are many people in the world making the impact to our society such as Martin Luther King freed the slaves, some people form medical team to save children in Africa.

    We I need you to write an 200 words essay about what kinda quality you need to have for being someone who are able to make differences in the world

  • Review Callicles’ declarations about human passions and desires. Briefly outline his position as regards ethical and social responsibility


    Write a discussion of the following multi-part question about ethical and social responsibility, in one full page at a minimum. You will be graded on your understanding of the concepts, your analysis, and style. If you choose to cite the text or an online article, you must demonstrate the proper use of APA documentation style.

    1. Review Callicles’ declarations about human passions and desires. Briefly outline his position as regards ethical and social responsibility. Identify the importance of these responsibilities in your own words (one paragraph).
    2. Look at a modern political movement or single figure and outline the practice of ethical/social responsibility… you might observe how this responsibility is dispersed among the population (one to two paragraphs).
    3. Conclude with a personal reflection as regards the importance of ethical/social responsibility (one paragraph).

  • Paper on “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” 2004


    Write a 450 word paper on “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” 2004. Determine how the director brought the film to life knowing the script and what choices he made and why as he considered the original story of Abelard and Heloise. Do Joel and Clementine have anything in common with Abelard and Heloise? Do not analysis stories ONLY compare and contrast the similarities and differences.

    Additional Files:


  • Suggestions for and against of utilizing the available space of restaurant


    Services Marketing

    Elias Farmington owns a relaxed, comfort food restaurant in downtown Busyville, NH. He serves breakfast, lunch and dinner, and is open from 6am to 9pm. His restaurant is very busy from 7-9am, 11am-1pm, and 4-7pm. Sometimes there are lines outside and a packed lobby, which changes the “relaxed” atmosphere he works hard to maintain. He wants his customers to be served in a timely manner, and to enjoy their experience there, but the busy times stress his staff and the slow times are not productive, since he only makes money through “table turnover” and “average check” per turnover.

    He is considering the following options:

    1. The space next door to his restaurant is available and he could expand into that space, but it is very expensive, would need to be a long term lease, and would require extensive renovations (also very expensive). Should Elias take the chance and invest? Explain your thinking by discussing the pros and cons.
    1. Elias’ staff works 8 hour shifts, with one 30 minute and two (2) 15 minutes breaks, meaning 7 hours of productivity per shift. He is considering adding some additional kitchen and wait staff, and shortening the shifts to 4 hours. He needs to figure out how to schedule the newly configured staff to cover the busy times and cleanup/setup in between. What might a new schedule look like and why/how will it help Elias with productivity? Explain your thinking by discussing the pros and cons.
    1. Elias’ daughter wants to extend the business by starting up a food truck which will go on breakfast and lunch schedules to a local industrial park and 2 other areas of the city where a large number of their customers work. She wants to take orders ahead of time and use the food truck as a delivery method, and also let customers place orders and get them to go right from the truck. Will this smooth demand in the restaurant so it is less busy at peak hours, while maintaining Elias’ customer base? Or will the cost of the truck, staff and service outweigh the sales potential? How will he know how many customers will come in rather than use the truck service on any given day? How would he schedule the kitchen and wait staff to be sure he could manage demand in the restaurant?   Explain your thinking by discussing the pros and cons.
    1. Elias’ son has come up with some promotional ideas to help smooth demand, such as early bird specials with senior citizen discounts to bring some dinner folks in early, and brunch specials to bridge the hours between breakfast and lunch. These would minimize the rush periods somewhat, while increasing the table turn over the course of the day. However, there might be some minimizing of the average check, also. Elias wonders, will this be offset by increased volume at off peak times? Will it also make it difficult to clean up and setup between busy times, adding stress to his staff?   What would it take to pull this off successfully and affordably? Explain your thinking by discussing the pros and cons.
    1. Elias’s brother says that Elias should raise his prices and “thin the herd” of breakfast and lunch customers. Will the increase in check amount per table balance the lost income from customers not willing or able to pay the higher prices? Is there another way to incorporate pricing into the solution?   Explain your thinking by discussing the pros and cons.

    What should Elias do? The downside of success can sometimes be having too many options, and not knowing which will fail and which will succeed.   The key is understanding customers and services marketing. After you discuss the pros and cons of each of the above suggestions, choose the best option or blend of options and explain IN GREAT DETAIL WHY YOU BELIEVE IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL!

    Your midterm should be 2-3pages, 1.5 spaced with 1 “ margins in 11 point Arial or Times New Roman type. It should take the following format:

    1. List the important components and considerations in the case.
    2. For each option, describe and discuss the pros and cons thoroughly (minimum of 1 fully developed paragraph for each pro and each con).
    3. List and discuss the constraints for each option in detail.
    4. Thoroughly discuss the options, including relating the pros, cons and constraints to the components and considerations you listed.
    5. Select the best option or blend of options, and explain in great detail how it will address the issues in the case and why it is the best way to do so.

    Grading will be as follows:

    Pro’s, cons, constraints – 15 points for each option, (total 75)based on depth of analysis, use of services marketing concepts, writing, and organization of thinking in your paragraphs.

    Relating option choice to components and considerations – 10 points, based on thoroughness of discussion, ability to make and describe connections among services marketing concepts and the analysis of available options. As always, writing and organization is expected so that your thinking is clearly understood.

    Explanation of how chosen option addresses issues best – 15 points, based on thoroughness and depth of discussion, writing and organization, use of services marketing concepts and terminology.


  • Wind Turbine Process description


    Process description task

    You will have your choice with this individual task, but your task is to write a description of a process. For either topic you will need to be familiar with the material on pages 573-83 of your text. Write a 500-word (two double-spaced pages, exclusive of headings) that sequences and describes a process on one of the topics below. Be sure that you are not writing instructions, which would be written in the second person imperative (do this, take that). A process is written in the third person declarative (One does this, one takes that) or passive (this is done, that is taken). Check your process by showing it to someone who wouldn’t know how that item or system works.

    Choices as per exercise 6 on page 601 of your text (if you want a break from your topic):

    • How a wind turbine works.
    • How a food co-op works.
    • How a suspension bridge is constructed.
    • How we see.
    • How a baseball player becomes a free agent.

    Choices related to your project:

    • How a particular (named) traffic intersection in New York City works.
    • How pedestrians negotiate a particular (named) intersection in New York City.
  • Assignment 1 Scope


    Assignment 1 Scope
    The scope of this assignment is Procurement applied to your PM organization. It is designed to apply new concepts in a practical way.

    1. Choose a web site specific to a contractor or supplier related to your field in PM.
      Identify the company and very briefly summarize their scope of activities. Note that there are not many marks for this part of the assignment. It represents an introduction and framework for the balance of the assignment.
    2. Discuss with the support of appropriate refereed articles, the ways the web site enables you to carry out preliminary prequalification of the company (for a hypothetical tender). In this part you should make up a tender scenario associated with the company you have identified. Don’t be too elaborate. Think and write about prequalification and show the ways that the company provides specific prequalification information on its web site. Identify prequalification information/ detail where it occurs. Obviously the web site will have to have some appropriate information that would relate to prequalification. If not, choose another web site that does.
    3. With reference to your own Project management organization, describe how prequalification will help produce a successful project outcome. Think about your organization and suggest the benefits to tendering processes that you may achieve when you carefully prequalify the company that you have identified.

    Acknowledgment of Sources
    All resources used must be acknowledged using Chicago style of referencing. You should read extensively to complete this task.
    The assignment is not to exceed 4 pages or 1500-2000 words long. The word count must be recorded.

  • Extended Argument (Synthesis #1)


    Having the Critique under your belt as well some of the brief homework reflections must feel pretty good. Use this confidence as we now move into our first long paper of the semester, Synthesis #1. At first, see this paper as anextended argumentyou make about a particular topic using secondary sources to help prove your point.

    Topic Selection

    Choosing a topic for your Synthesis #1 is important and must argue a specific point you choose. In other words, you must have an arguable thesis and it must relate to the readings in the Media and Popular Culture chapter we have been reading. You may wish to extend the argument of one of the readings, or refute it, or build on it in a different way. Do not simply argue that a certain reading or author is right or wrong and repeat how so; instead, use the readings as a springboard for you to investigate a topic and put together ideas in new or different way. To help you with is selection,I am requiring you to email me your topic idea and receive my approval. I am doing this to make sure you will have a workable topic and so I can suggest strategies right away.

    What is a Synthesis?

    If anything confuses a student when writing an essay like this, it is the actual term “synthesis”. Don’t worry too much about term; instead, see what you are doing as arguing a position with a variety of sources to help you; you are building an argument by bringing ideas together (aka synthesis). What you want to do in this essay is show that you cansustain a logical, persuasive argument and control/use sources to your persuasive end. Try to have your secondary sources have a “dialogue” with each other in terms of what they do and do not agree with in relation to your argued positions. We will practice this in class.

    Additional Help with Synthesis

    A key strategy for a synthesis essay is to “establish connections among readings”. The more you can have a “dialogue” between your sources, the more credible you will be as an author and the more importance you may place on your assessment of the ideas being discussed. This is the lifeblood of academic essays in almost all disciplines.

    Also, this is an essay that may really be helped out by using some of the templates fromThey Say/I Say. I may assign that you use them in a certain order, but even if not, the templates are excellent ways to start “saying something” if you are stuck. Review pages 55-75 inThey Say/I Sayfor some directions.

    Required Sources

    I am requiring you to use between 3-5 sources to help your write your essay here. I would like you to use at least 2 from the readings thus far in the semester. You may certainly use more. You

    should also bring in other sources your find on your own as long as they are credible and work in the assignment. Please use MLA Style for this essay as well as a Works Cited page.

    The Assignment

    Compose a5-7page essay writing an argument synthesis about a topic that you specify. You should argue a specific point and use sources to help prove your ideas and persuade the reader. Do not simply argue the same point or idea from a source; instead, add your own ideas and perspective to make your argument greater than any one source.

    With a bit more length to write, you may use extended examples, more citation and paraphrase and most important, discussion amongst your sources. Predictably, your essay should have an engaging introduction, clearly organized body, and effective conclusion, as well as proper formatting throughout.

    We will have two separate writing workshops with peers on your rough draft and ideas, and also another class workshop on MLA Style.

    Nuts and Bolts:

    Typed, double-space, 1″ margins. Please use Standard Written English! MLA Style and Works Cited Page please.
    5pages is fine.

    College fresh writing level.



    Reflection Paper

    Retell the story- How did it end? This should take at minimum one page.   20 pt.

    Discuss the author and/or how this book was compiled. What are problems in our interpretation from the “original”? One paragraph minimum. 20 pt.

    Would you recommend this book? If so, to whom? Explain. If not, explain that. What part did you like the best? The least? One page on this.   10 pt.

    For what purpose/audience was the original written/compiled? At least one paragraph.   20 pt.

    Discuss the “Hero”. Did you admire this individual or feel sympathy?   One paragraph.   10 pt.

    What is the current significance of the book? Give evidence from the reading to make your point.   One page on this.   20 pt.


    ISBN: 9780140445626

  • Women and Crime: Lacey Spears Case


    A presentation for Women and Crime class which is a sociology class. Required an outline of the case of Lacey spears case in killing her child.
    1.Causes and theories related to her case.
    2. Demographics.
    3. Sentencing. Did they know she had the disease before she killed her son or not? If they knew why they didn’t take her son away from her?
    4. The Dieases she diagnosed with: Munchausen by proxy syndrome.
    5. Boy’s death
    6. Victims.
    7. What are the best theories that could explain her case. Theories related to women.

    A short paragraph for each one, but the theories, explain it well.
    2 pages long outline.