Showing 118–126 of 728 results

  • Ion Implantation and Diffusion Drive-In Paper


    Semiconductors: Ion Implantation and Diffusion Drive-In Paper

    Perform some basic research in Ion Implantation and Diffusion Drive-In (for semicoductors) and document your findings in a maximum of 1000 words. Items to be included:

    – Reason for Ion Implantation being very accurate
    – Typical Mathematical models used and where they are used
    – Ion channelling
    – Annealing Process and typical temperature and atmosphere used.

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Exploring Diversity: A Case of Common Centipedes


    In detail, describe an invertebrate anatomical structure, organ or organ system (or related group of structures) in a single species (or group of related species). paper must address the evolution significance for survival of the organism

    Exploring Diversity:  A Case of Common Centipedes

    A minimum of 2500 words NOT INCLUDING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:
    ➢ Title Page
    ➢ References Page
    ➢ Photos/Diagrams/Illustrations
    ➢ Any Appendices

    A minimum of at least SIX DIFFERENT references (see reference specifics below). You may use more than six references and the expectation is that you will have more than six different sources.

    In detail, describe an invertebrate anatomical structure, organ or organ system (or related group of structures) in a single species (or group of related species). Your paper must discuss the function of the structure(s) and the importance of the structure to the evolution of the species (or group of species) and its significance to the survival of the individual animal. Your paper must address the evolution of the structure as it is known or hypothesized to have evolved. The paper may NOT be on a vertebrate animal. This is NOT a general summary review of an invertebrate animal.

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Population outcome study


    Read the paper “Management guidelines for women with normal colscopy after low grade cervical abnormalities: population study”, by Teale et al (2000), BMJ, vol 320, pp 1693-1696.

    2(a) the authors describe the study as a “population outcome study”.  Give a brief explanation of the following terms:

    • Observational study, experimental study
    • Prospective sample, retrospective sample
    • Longitudinal study, cross-sectional study
    • Case control study, cohort study

    Additional Files:



    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Research and Analyze a Designer


    Research and Analyze a Designer

    -find a designer and find out:
    1-what sort of style they like and use?
    2-what sort of project they mainly do commercial or residential?
    3-is the company run by one person or is there a team?
    4-what countries do they have projects in and where are they based?
    5-what do you like most about them?

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Applied Museum Studies Questionnaire: Personal Skills


    Skills :Describe any skills you possess that demonstrate the following core competencies required to successfully complete the Applied Museum Studies program.

    • Manual Dexterity: to have skilful performance or ability to accomplish dexterous tasks without difficulty with the hands.

    • Visual Acuity: the ability for one to see clearly and render colours effectively.

    • Attention to Detail: is thorough in accomplishing a task with concern for all the areas involved, no matter how small.
    • Patience: is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way

    • Ability to work within a Team: demonstrate the attitudes and abilities necessary to work effectively in a group setting, such as active listening, effective resource utilization, establishing and measuring goals, etc.

    by Fiverr Tutors
  • Evaluating Case Study Research – 2 Case Studies


    Learning outcomes assessed:

    1. Appreciate the role of Case Study Research in the context of Business Research.
    3. Critically evaluate Case Study Research as a method of research through the analysis of contemporary case study research articles.


    Using your knowledge and research write a report which critiques two articles which have used case study methodology in carrying out the research.

    Your report should

    1. Discuss the role of Case Study Research in the context of Business Research.
    2. Critically evaluate the use of case study research in two research articles.
    2000 words

    A possible Writing Frame

    How can case study research be defined?
    Does everyone agree?
    What types of case studies/strategies are there?
    How useful (in business management) is case study research?
    What questions can it answer?
    What are their benefits and limitations for business management research?
    Or research in general?
    Guide- 900-1100 words

    How might we assess the use of case study research?
    For each case (must evaluate TWO from the folder or any that have been agreed as suitable with your tutor) examine the validity, reliability and generalizability of the research
    What are the benefits of the case approach in the study?
    What are the limitations in terms of validity, reliability, generalizability?
    Do the researchers acknowledge limitations to the study?
    And then reach an overall conclusion on use of case study research in each study.

    Have you used a wide and suitable range of sources including journals?


    • Investigating the Factors that Influence Mobile Phone Adoption amongst the Youth in South Africa
    • On the Move: Technology, Mobility, and the Mediation of Social Time and Space

    Guide 900-1100 words

    15 Pages, double spaced

    Additional Files:




    by Fiverr Tutors



  • The Operations of Anonymous: A Terrorist Cell Affiliated with ISIS


    Description 1

    Writing and effective communications are important. The paper should clearly address the range of topics discussed in the course such as manifesto, political objectives, tactics, organization, training, recruiting, financing, targets, and reconnaissance. Be sure to describe the size and geo-location of your terror group, where your principle targets are located and the timeframe you are assuming.
    Effective integration of your components is the most important assessment criteria–the paper should make sense, and not be a mixed-bag collection of disjoint thoughts. I am looking for a degree of realism and operational plausibility in your presentation, but this is a secondary matter, so long as the overall message is coherent. Just be sure that the various topics in the presentation don’t contradict each other and are consistent with concepts addressed in our class.

    Description 2:

    In this exercise, groups of students will form an actual terror cell as a Red Team.
    Objective: Learn about terrorist mindsets, goals and tactics by having teams of students play the Red Team. Form a terror cell based upon a current, historical or new philosophy of terrorists.  Terror cells based upon historical or current group must remain true to that group’s ideology, methods and tactics. Any “new” terror groups must be particularly well reasoned with a legitimate argument that such a group and philosophy could emerge. Students should imagine themselves as truly as possible to the actual terrorist group in order to gain a better understanding of how and why terrorists operate.

    Each group must document its members, resources and methods. In addition, each group must have a plan for obtaining resources and skills. Each terror group should have a manifesto. In addition, each group should outline its objectives and completely plan an attack against a  target. Targets should be real. These documents must be consistent with the philosophy of type of terror group that you purport to be.

    Grades will be based on the quality and completeness of your content.

    All documentation should be in a Google Drive Folder but please make absolutely certain that the folder is not publicly available. You’re a terror group after all. Should you actually be identified by the law enforcement community, that will have a negative impact on your grade. If any of your materials are found to be publicly available on the Internet, your grade will be lowered significantly.

    Grades will primarily be based upon the quality of your representation of the group. In other words, strong documentation that shows that you have researched a terror group and taken time explain its methods, tactics, resources will have the largest impact on your grade. Your manifesto should clearly outline the philosophy of your group.

    Besides the quality of your work, other factors can result in your team gaining (or losing) points at the expense of another team. For example, if your group is identified by other students or faculty members, you will lose points on your grade, and the group identifying your team will gain points. Note that it is not sufficient to simply identify a few members of another group. You must identify all of them. In addition, it is also possible to steal points from another group by identifying their philosophy or obtaining any of their actual information or documentation. Recordings or photographs of other groups engaged in a meeting will also result in point changes. Any information from another group that compromises your group’s integrity or confidentiality in any way may result in point changes.  he more egregious the breach, the larger the point changes will be. For example, identifying members of a team will be a minor point change, but if one team obtained actual documentation from another team, that would result in major point changes. Of course, if a team provided me with incorrect information about another team, that would result in grade changes as well. If one team discovered another team’s materials publicly available on the Internet, the team finding the materials would have their grades go up, while the identified team would lose points on their grade.

  • Write a paragraph using corroborative evidence


    Instruction: Individually, write a paragraph using corroborative evidence to support one aspect of your persuasive argument. The topic you are working on should be explained in the first paragraph and the support should follow.

    11 ideas included