Showing 73–81 of 397 results
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein inspiration in the creation of fear in James Whale’s 1930s film Frankenstein
$42.50To what extent did Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein creation of fear inspire James Whale’s 1930s film Frankenstein?
Pages: 32, double spaced
COMM 1007 | College English Summary Assignment
$2.50COMM 1007 | College English
Summary Assignment, 10%
Based on the article “Tim Hortons: How a brand became part of our national identity” by Joe Friesen, in The Globe and Mail, please write a summary between 350-400 words in length. The summary should follow the structure, format, and style as outlined in lecture and class material.
Summaries should not include direct quotations (you are paraphrasing).
The summary should be submitted through the Writing Journal tab on Black Board.
Due Date: The summary is due at the beginning of class in Week 4.
Checklist: The summary
- Is entirely in your own words
- Follows the proper tone and structure of a summary
- Provides the author’s name, article title, and year of publication
- Identifies the thesis/main argument and supporting points
- Provides enough information from the source material so the reader understands the concept of the article
- Does not include your opinion
- Includes a bibliography at the bottom in APA format
- Has been revised at least once for grammar and mechanics
Rhetorical Foundation of Communication
$22.50SPE 3301-002: Rhetorical Foundations of Communication
Rhetorical Analysis Paper #1 (150 points)
Assignment Description:
The goal of this paper is to conduct a rhetorical analysis of a speech using one of the rhetorical theories or concepts discussed in the readings, class lectures, and discussions held during the “Classical Rhetoric” unit of this course. Through the analytical lens structured by one of these concepts you will conduct an analysis that will show your knowledge and understanding of a rhetorical theory and show how that theory can be used to “unpack” a rhetorical artifact.
Because this course is both about learning theory and using theory to enrich an understanding of rhetoric, this assignment will be as much about unpacking and critiquing an object as about exhibiting a thorough understanding of a rhetorical theory.
General Objectives to Be Met:
This paper will be graded according to and should accomplish the following objectives:
1. Demonstrate your understanding of the assigned readings (up to Wednesday, September 17) from The History and Theory of Rhetoric: An Introduction and from Blackboard including your ability to integrate, synthesis, apply, and critically assess those readings.
2. Demonstrate your capacity to link theory and practice through a reflective that extends, amends, or reconstructs ONE rhetorical concept or theory explored in the readings related to Classical Rhetoric and creates an evaluative perspective that is relevant to evaluating ONE speech which I will chose for you (see below).
3. Demonstrate your ability to deal intelligently and thoroughly with rhetorical concepts and use such analytical tools to conduct rhetorical criticism.
4. Demonstrate command of the mechanics of writing, including using proper grammar, spelling, and academic referencing (using APA Style).
More Specifics:
Your paper should: (a) show that you have read through AND watched President Barack Obama’s January 28, 2014 “State of the Union Address” as well exhibit your knowledge of the rhetorical situation informing the speech, (b)identify what rhetorical theory or concept from Classical Rhetoric you will use to analyze this speech, explain the theory, and why you chose it for this paper, (c) through the use of this rhetorical perspective, examine and evaluate President Obama’s speech at length.
In total, the first portion of the paper will provide situational information about the speech such as a summary of what was covered and the political climate at the time of the speech (1/4 of the paper); the second portion will present the rhetorical theory you will use (1/4 of the paper); and the final portion will involve you critiquing the speech using the theory you chose (1/2 of the paper). Examples from the speech should be used to help solidify your arguments. Think, “claim, evidence, warrant” while you are writing this section.
The paper should be 6-7 pages in length, use 1” margins all around, be written in 12-pointTimes New Roman font, and be double-spaced. Any citations should use APA format and the paper itself should include a “References” page at the end of the paper (this is not included as part of the 6-7 page requirement).
A written version of the speech and link to the speech video are available on Blackboard.
Pharaoh was considered divine. In what ways does he act like a Mesopotamian deity (those portrayed in Gilgamesh and the Enuma Elish) in Exodus 1…
Please answer the following questions based on your reading Exodus 1-23 and 40. Answer using complete sentences, and be sure to check for grammar/spelling before submitting.
1. In ancient Egypt, Pharaoh was considered divine. In what ways does he act like a Mesopotamian deity (those portrayed in Gilgamesh and the Enuma Elish) in Exodus 1?
2. Whom does God identify as “the son of God” in the book of Exodus?
3. How many times does God reveal the personal name YHWH (LORD) to Moses? How do we reconcile Exodus 6:3 with Gen. 4:26? 4. What is the character of Pharaoh like? How does he respond to each of the plagues—is he responsible for bringing more plagues upon his land?
5. How does the confrontation between God and the Egyptians in Exodus 14-15 parallel the battle between deities in the Enuma Elish and God’s creative action in Genesis 1?
6. What are some of the more humane laws of Exodus 20-23? Which ones seem strange by modern standards?
7. What kind of salvation have the Israelites received in the book of Exodus?
Power of Words in Charlotte’s Web
$7.00Faculty of Continuing Education
EAC 273: Introduction to Children’s Literature
Seminar Presentation (15%)
Oral Component:
Based on ONE of the following topics advance an argument that specifically explains/accounts for that topic through the analysis of one or two appropriate passages. The purpose of the seminar assignment is to give you the opportunity to lead the rest of the class in a critical analysis of ONE of the course texts. You may work or your own, or in groups of two or three (maximum of three). Ideally, you will engage the class in an analysis of one or two select passages from the text. The analysis of the text must be based upon your own specific thesis about the topic. All topics are purposefully broad to allow you to explore your own interests within them. In short, you should perform a close, detailed analysis of a small section of the text, and then explain the significance of your analysis and argument to the text as a whole.
Written Component:
You are required to submit a written analysis to accompany your oral seminar. The written analysis should be 500 words in length (double-spaced, 12-point font), and it should be a carefully polished analysis of the same passages you discuss in your seminar. While the analysis need not be a formal, it must be grammatically correct, written in full sentences and arranged into appropriate paragraphs. Your argument around which your analysis is built should be very clear. You must submit the analysis on the day you conduct your seminar.
Seminar Topics
The Power of Words in Charlotte’s Web
Gender in Charlotte’s Web
The Seasons in Charlotte’s Web
Dr. Dorian in Charlotte’s Web
Templeton in Charlotte’s Web
Life, Death, and Rebirth in Charlotte’s Web
Photographs in Hana’s Suitcase
Music and Games in Hana’s Suitcase
Drawings in Hana’s Suitcase
Setting in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Queen/White Witch in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Food and Eating in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Violence in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Wardrobe in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Homes and Living Spaces in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The fantasy genre in any text we have read
Anthropomorphism in any text we have read
The influence of Fairy Tales in any text we have real
It is bad idea to legalizing marijuana in the state
- Content of the paper should be 4 pages, not include the information page and references page.
- The paper should be using 12-point font Times New Roman with 1.5 spaced.
- This research paper should take at lease 5 sources (Articles, journals, newspaper, PDF articles, reports and research papers).
- This is a research paper that means you need have work cited. (You need to show the links)
- This is a research paper, which you CAN NOT use bullet points and subtitles.
- Those references should cited URL in APA format.
- In the content of the paper, you also NEED to show where you quote. For example: online display advertising is defined as an ad that can include images and text in any channel, and movement and interactivity in channels that offer that functionality (Roberts, Mary-Lou & Debra Zahay, 2013).
Topic: Being a part of local authorities, you should think it is bad idea to legalizing marijuana in the state. Please give some specific reasons that marijuana should not be legalizing. You need to have graphics in support of your perspective.
You should write a narrative testimony paper, including graphics in support of your perspective. You must write this paper in a regular term paper format. You must write your sound analysis of the subject matter. And use others’ point of view, facts and statements that you found from articles/journals/research papers to support this paper. The most important is you must fully answer the question that why marijuana should not be legalizing from a part of local authorities perspective.
This is a term paper for graduate school in business and its environment course. Please take it seriously. Use the professional English skill and grammars to establish this paper without any plagiarisms.
The Wedding
$7.00Write a 2-3 page story using one of each of these elements.
Setting: Sahara Desert, Red Square (Moscow), Rocky Mountains, Paris, Moon
Character: Cowboy, Indian, King, Spy, Pharaoh, Fashion Model
Event: Flood, Birthday Party, Wedding, War, Snowstorm
Time: 2000BC, 1929, 1960, 1776, 1492, 2222
You need to follow the standard MLA format for the heading. Each essay must be at least two (2) pages in length but no more than three (3) pages in length, with 12 point size font, and 1 inch margins.
Describe a personal experience in which you or someone you know had to make a moral decision
$7.00In a 2–4-page paper, describe a personal experience in which you or someone you know had to make a moral decision—for example, cheating on an exam, stealing out of necessity, or being forced to give up a personal freedom. Include the following in your paper:
- How did you approach the situation? What steps or actions would or should you take? What are some of the positive and negative consequences for the action that you take? Based on your answer, what ethical theory best describes your approach?
- Define and critique the differences between the concepts of morality and ethics.
- Are there similarities between the two concepts?
- Describe moral principles (beneficence, least harm, respect for autonomy, and justice).
- Incorporate normative ethics, metaethics, and applied ethics, and discuss one or more the following modern ethical theories: consequentialism, deontology, and virtue theories, taken from utilitarianism, Kantianism, and Aristotelianism.
- Relate free will and reason theories to the moral or ethical dilemma.
Can discoveries continue to keep up with depletion
$5.00Based upon your readings and the interactive model for this week in the online classroom, address the topic of whether the “peak oil” argument legitimate is cause for concern. Be sure to address the following points.
- Can discoveries continue to keep up with depletion? Why or why not? If so, for how long?
- Is OPEC’s power likely to increase, decrease, or stay the same? Why?
- Saudi oil reserves are enormous. Do you anticipate Saudi Arabia will significantly expand its oil production capacity? Why or why not?