Showing 1855–1863 of 1965 results

  • Bad newsletter to a customer who has requested an exemption to a company’s policy


    Assignment 2: Bad News Message – Draft Version


    Write a bad newsletter to a customer who has requested an exemption to a company’s policy. The message should take the “form” of a letter.

    Choose a scenario:

    • A request for a refund or replacement of a $1,000 piece of equipment that broke after three (3) years, one (1) year past the warranty date.
    • A request for a refund or voucher for a ruined two-week vacation (due to bad weather: rain or snow) at an expensive resort.
    • A request to change a company’s “no-pets indoors” policy to a “pet-friendly” policy to allow customers to bring pets inside the restaurant and allow them to sit at tables with their owners.
    • A request to change a company’s “pet-friendly” policy to a “no-pet” policy to prohibit customers from bringing their pets into the restaurant’s eating areas – inside or outside.
    • Other: Write a bad news message based on another scenario.

    Format the letter properly:

    • Include “to” and “from” addresses and the date.
    • Include appropriate greeting and salutation.
    • Use bullets as needed to emphasize key points.

    Show appreciation and concern for the customer from the beginning (possibly with a brief buffer) and throughout the letter. Avoid being overly apologetic or complimentary.

    Provide the turndown or bad news early in the letter.

    Make the turndown clear and support it by providing two (2) to three (3) key reasons for the turndown.

    Provide an alternative and / or a positive expectation of a future with the customer.

    2 Pages

  • Compare/Contrast Paper


    Explain the similarities and differences of Medicare and Medicaid managed care plans by comparing and contrasting the following three issues:

    1.  Strengths, weaknesses and incentives between Medicare and Medicaid.
    2.  Commitment to access for both plans.
    3.  Risks to the consumer associated with either plan.

    Lastly, provide three recommendations for improvement of each medical plan and your justification for each.

    Your paper must be three to four double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.  In addition to the course text, utilize a minimum of three scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last five years.

    3 pages

    APA – 2 References

  • BUS CPA Exam: Types of Budget


    This paper will cover one of the following topics in managerial accounting (which is 40% of the BUS section of the CPA Exam).  Choose one; write short paper discussing it; use APA formatting (no abstract or title page needed)

    1. Types of Budget
    2. Different Methods of Performance management
    3. Five Tools used in Capital budgeting
    4. Methods Used to Analyze Costs

    2 Pages

    APA – 2 References

  • Procedural Message to employees reminding them of key components of a company policy (use of email and text messaging)


    Please follow all bulleted instructions below:

    • Write a procedural email (3 pages) to employees reminding them of key components of a company policy on acceptable use of email and text messaging. The policy should address security issues, privacy issues, and company monitoring of messages. Consider policies on appropriate message content, the consequences for using company equipment to send harassing messages, and a policy on the use of company system for sending personal email messages
    • The message should take the “form” of an email; however, you will submit your assignment to the online course shell.
    • For the procedural message, you must:
    • Follow proper format.
    • Use a descriptive title or heading.
    • Use bullets as needed to emphasize key points.
    • Include appropriate greeting and salutation.
    • Have the following content:
    • Introduce the main idea of the message in a concise, informative manner.
    • Itemize and explain three (3) to five (5) key points with details.
    • Provide information about where and to whom questions should be directed.
    • Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.
    • Begin statements with action verbs.
  • Develop a staff development program to respond to and address issues related to student academic achievement


    Present your project abstract to the class. Hand in your Staff Development Program proposal. The proposal rubric will be used to evaluate your plan.

    Here are the LASA 2 details.

    You will develop a staff development program to respond to and address issues related to student academic achievement. The project will be in the form of a proposal that has utilized student achievement data to identify one or more topics for teacher training.

    The proposal will include a description of the institution or organization that will be involved in the training, a summary analysis of the student achievement data and the student demographics, identified grade level(s) and subjects or topics for teacher training, a description of student and teaching staff demographics as indicated by the diversity of the population, a calendar for the training, the professional development model suggested, financial, technological, or other resources that may be required, an evaluation instrument and process for overall evaluation of the program, and a presentation strategy.

    The written proposal will have no page limitation; however, a brief abstract will be developed to share with the class. The project rubric will be utilized to assess the proposal. For online courses, the presentation will be presented via Doc Sharing and feedback will be given through the discussion section of Module 8.

    7 Pages

  • Explain why roads are a publicly provided good while national defense is a public good


    Choose and answer one of the following questions

    DP #1:
    Explain why roads are a publicly provided good (define) while national defense is a public good (define).  Think of your own example of a good for which the  government pays – decide and defend your decision as to whether this is a public good or a publicly provided good (you must provide an original example in order to receive credit for your response).

    DP #2
    Seminole County wants to build a convention center.  They want to tax tourists to pay for it.  What will be the likely outcome (too small of a facility, too large of a facility or a facility that is just right)?  Justify your answer using the terminology of a) benefits received = costs paid, b) benefits unequal, costs shared equally, or c) benefits equal, costsshared unequally (you may want to refer to the street light example given in the Powerpoint presentation for this material). After this question has been answered, new responses must include an original example of a publicly provided good and how it should be paid for.

    DP #3
    Refer to the discussion in the “chapter at a glance material” to discuss why noise pollution at an airport would be better handled by using a coasian approach versus a pigouvian approach.  Think of another example of pollution and come up with a coasian or pigovian approach and defend your answer (you must include your own example in order to receive credit for this response).


    Discuss the topic of the the “tragedy of the commons” and provide one example from your experiences that you think illustrates this concept (you must provide one original example in order to receive credit).

  • Assignment:Activity—Strategies for Principal Leadership


    Assignment: Activity—Strategies for Principal Leadership

    Using the Online Library, locate and read the article:

    • DuFour, R., & Marzano, R. J. (2009). High-leverage strategies for principal leadership. Educational Leadership, 66(5), 62.

    Identify and be prepared to discuss the strategy that most appealed to you.

    1 page

    APA – 2 References

  • Environmental benefits and costs of Solar Energy


    Environmental benefits and costs of Solar Energy

    This paper is mainly focus on the environmental benefits and environmental costs of Solar Energy (solar panel), keep in mind that the environmental benefits and environmental costs, Including the implications, and impact of solar energy and also the efficiency. please write from economic perspectives. Should divided into  4 small topics, which is benefits, costs, other sources and summary. please remember summary  at the end.

  • Assignment: Job Satisfaction, Motivation, and Success


    Assignment: Job Satisfaction, Motivation, and Success

    Using the Online Library, locate and read and provide a 1-page synopsis of the article:

    • Nieto, S. (2006, February). From surviving to thriving. Educational Leadership, 66(5).

    Be prepared to relate the ideas presented in this article to the models you used in your LASA 1 presentation.

    1 Page

    APA 2 References