Showing 127–135 of 1965 results
Case Change Agent in Waiting
$20.00Consulting Proposal Instructions
The management of change in an organization is often led by an internal or external change consultant who leads change from a project perspective with a phased approach that includes the project definition, a diagnosis of the situation, recommendations for a solution, a plan for implementing the recommendations, and the actual implementation of the plan.
You will prepare a consulting proposal based on the cases from the textbook assigned:
Managing Change, Cases and Concepts 3rd ed. (ISBN:978-0-07-310274-0)
Each proposal must be 1000–1500 words and include at least the following 5 sections:
- Definition of project
- Diagnosis of current situation
- Recommendations
- Implementation plan
- Summary
A sample/template for the proposals is provided in the Assignment Instructions folder. Each proposal must include a title and reference page formatted according to current APA requirements. You must use a minimum of 4 scholarly peer-reviewed sources plus the text. Write the proposal as if you are addressing the CEO or organizational leadership as identified in the selected case study. The overall narrative in the proposal must include significant emphasis on diagnosing the problems in the business with recommendations for relevant change. These recommendations must be supported with specific examples or sources.
For example:
- If the organization needs to change its recruitment strategy or perhaps offer new products, what specific types of change are involved?
- Will the employees be affected? If so, what type of employees?
- How should the recommended changes be implemented?
- Are there drivers of the change that will determine the success of the change initiative? If so, what are they?
Keep in mind that the proposal is an overview of the current situation, needed changes, and recommendations; therefore, it is important to refrain from providing too much detail. However, the proposal must contain enough information for the CEO to select a course of action. Because the person receiving your proposal is the CEO, there is no need to re-state information in the case study as he/she should already be aware of the current situation.
You are encouraged to integrate information from any of the Reading & Study materials or your own experience. These prompts are provided to support your analysis and critical thinking as you read the cases and to give you some structure if you select one of these for your proposal assignments.
Consulting Proposal 2 Questions for Consideration:
Choose one of the following cases for Consulting Proposal 2.
Case Change Agent in Waiting:
- What are the key characteristics of government organizations, like the Housing Development Board of Singapore, and not-for-profits which help explain the content for this case?
- What is the change challenge for HDB and for Tan as she returns to her former employer?
- How do you evaluate her action plan? What are its strengths? What are your concerns?
- What would you suggest to improve her plan?
- What does it take to drive change from a lower to middle management position and in a government context?
Case The Young Change Agents:
- What are the biggest challenges for change agents like Shaw et al. in driving a grassroots change (as in this case, sustainability)?
- What are the personal characteristics, attitudes, and qualities most needed to be successful at doing this?
- How effective have they been to date at PwC?
- When have you attempted a similar kind of bottom-up change, and what were your experiences and key lessons?
- What advice would you offer, based on Oshry’s article in the textbook, about the personal perils and opportunities for leading change from the middle?
- To what extent do you ‘buy’ this advice and what else would you add as advice for leading change from the middle?
Singapore Air: Changing to Stay Ahead
This module/week highlights the impact our developing world has in making change the rule rather than the exception and how clearly seeing change is essential to organizational success.
Discussion Board Forum Instructions
Create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 400 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and integrate at least 2 peer-reviewed articles.
Course textbook: Managing Change, Cases and Concepts 3rd ed. (ISBN:978-0-07-310274-0)
Discussion Board Prompt
In the case “Singapore Air: Changing to Stay Ahead,” you discover that Singapore Airlines (SIA) has been ranked as the best airline in both independent and customer surveys for nearly 3 decades. It serves as a model of a continuously changing organization—continually modernizing, stretching, and serving customers in ways that stimulate strong loyalty and brand equity. It has been a leader of change in its industry while maintaining a lot of consistency, as well. Reflect on the continuous nature of change in every area of the company and respond to the following prompts as you prepare your thread:
- What have been SIA’s main ingredients of success?
- How has their success become vulnerable? Why is it difficult to maintain a leadership position of a company like SIA and continuously improve?
- What do world-class organizations need to do to improve and change continuously?
Dennis Hightower: Walt Disney’s Transitional Manager
This module/week transitions the focus from the impact on the recipients of change to the personal side of leading change. Consideration is given to those known as change agents who are involved in the process. Change agents may be teams or empowered workers. You will also review the specific issues change agents face, such as resistance, frustration, loneliness, and pain.
Discussion Board Forum Instructions
Create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 400 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and integrate at least 2 peer-reviewed articles.
Course textbook: Managing Change, Cases and Concepts 3rd ed. (ISBN:978-0-07-310274-0)
Discussion Board Prompt
In the case “Dennis Hightower: Walt Disney’s Transitional Manager,” you are introduced to how Hightower knit together a federation of independent country operations and created an effective center linking local subsidiaries to the center. As noted in the case, the process was extremely complex and placed immense demands on Hightower. Specifically, it required him to demonstrate intensive management of relationships, appropriate position of people, careful delegation of responsibility, and active nurturing of a healthy work environment. Reflect on the overall change in company culture, and respond to the following prompts as you prepare your thread:
- Evaluate the pacing and sequencing of Hightower’s actions from 1988 to 1994.
- How would you evaluate Hightower’s approach to bringing about change in his organization? Compare his approach with that of Jack Welch.
- What should Hightower do about the apparel business?
- What are some of the challenges of building a transnational organization?
The Case of Welcome Israel
This module/week provides insight into individual and organizational approaches to change and the impact of those changes. This module/week also moves from the design and implementation of change to the recipients of change. In order to better understand the challenge of experiencing change, you will review change’s specific effects on individuals and their work environments, families, and communities.
Discussion Board Forum Instructions
Create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 400 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and integrate at least 2 peer-reviewed articles.
Course textbook: Managing Change, Cases and Concepts 3rd ed. (ISBN:978-0-07-310274-0)
Discussion Board Prompt
The case of Welcome Israel provides another opportunity to analyze individual and organizational approaches to change(s) and the impact of those changes. The case provides a synopsis of Ofra Sherman’s and Glaxo’s situations as the change was unfolding between these two firms. Reflect on the change in this case study, and respond to the following prompts as you prepare your thread:
What did Glaxo-Welcome do? What should they have done?
Did Ofra Sherman do the right thing? What would you have done?
What was Ofra Sherman’s predicament? How did she get into it?
How do you evaluate her actions as described in the case?
Case Leading Culture Change at Seagram:
$20.00Consulting Proposal Instructions
The management of change in an organization is often led by an internal or external change consultant who leads change from a project perspective with a phased approach that includes the project definition, a diagnosis of the situation, recommendations for a solution, a plan for implementing the recommendations, and the actual implementation of the plan.
You will prepare a consulting proposal based on the cases from the textbook assigned:
Managing Change, Cases, and Concepts 3rd ed. (ISBN:978-0-07-310274-0).
Each proposal must be 1000–1500 words and include at least the following 5 sections:
- Definition of project
- Diagnosis of current situation
- Recommendations
- Implementation plan
- Summary
A sample/template for the proposals is provided in the Assignment Instructions folder. Each proposal must include a title and reference page formatted according to current APA requirements. You must use a minimum of 4 scholarly peer-reviewed sources plus the text. Write the proposal as if you are addressing the CEO or organizational leadership as identified in the selected case study. The overall narrative in the proposal must include significant emphasis on diagnosing the problems in the business with recommendations for relevant change. These recommendations must be supported with specific examples or sources.
For example:
- If the organization needs to change its recruitment strategy or perhaps offer new products, what specific types of change are involved?
- Will the employees be affected? If so, what type of employees?
- How should the recommended changes be implemented?
- Are there drivers of the change that will determine the success of the change initiative? If so, what are they?
Keep in mind that the proposal is an overview of the current situation, needed changes, and recommendations; therefore, it is important to refrain from providing too much detail. However, the proposal must contain enough information for the CEO to select a course of action. Because the person receiving your proposal is the CEO, there is no need to re-state information in the case study as he/she should already be aware of the current situation.
You are encouraged to integrate information from any of the Reading & Study materials or your own experience. These prompts are provided to support your analysis and critical thinking as you read the cases and to give you some structure if you select one of these for your proposal assignments.
Consulting Proposal 1 Questions for Consideration:
Use the following case for Consulting Proposal 1.
Case Leading Culture Change at Seagram:
- What were Seagram’s biggest business challenges and why have they chosen the values initiative to help? Why are companies today introducing and/or paying more attention to corporate values?
- How well has Seagram instituted this culture change process to date?
- What role did Seagram’s leadership play in driving culture change?
- If you were one of Seagram’s executives, how would you respond to each of the five challenges at the end of the case?
- What techniques are most effective in implementing a change initiative like this one?
- What tools and techniques of culture change do you think are more potent than the use of explicit corporate values?
- What are the phases of the change process?
Case of Yinscape and Yanngsearch
This module/week examines the concept of vision. You will explore themes applicable to creating a compelling vision, communicating the vision, and the pathway to executing the plan for accomplishing the vision.
Discussion Board Forum Instructions
Create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 400 words, demonstrate course-related knowledge, and integrate at least 2 peer-reviewed articles. In addition to the thread, you will reply to the threads of at least 2 classmates. Each reply must be at least 250 words and contain at least 1 citation from a peer-reviewed journal and 1 from the textbook. (ISBN:978-0-07-310274-0) Managing Change, Cases and Concepts 3rd ed.
Discussion Board Prompt
The case of Yinscape and Yanngsearch was designed to provide minimal information on this merger/acquisition. Re-read the case study and imagine the shape and spirit of a newly-merged, cross-national company. You are to assume the role of Yinscape’s CEO. In this role, you must envision a new future for the combined companies. Your thread must describe how you will communicate your vision as though you are addressing a meeting of Yinscape and Yangsearch’s top managers shortly after the acquisition. Creating a compelling vision is a task that requires forethought and sensitivity. In addition, the challenge is increased when you must communicate that vision to a potentially hostile audience. In preparing your thread, consider what questions and concerns you need to anticipate; think realistically about the possible results of the meeting, and decide on what steps to take immediately after the speech.
Discussion Board Grading Rubric
Criteria Content Main Thread – Levels of Achievement 60 Points Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present
Points Earned Thread Key Components & Major Point Support
60-56 points All key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread.
Major points are supported by all of the following:
•Reading & Study materials;
•Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
•Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);
•At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and
•Integration of at least 1 biblical principle.
55-51 points Most key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread.
Major points are supported by most of the following:
Reading & Study materials;
Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);
At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and
Integration of at least 1 biblical principle.
50-1 points Some key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread.
Major points are supported by some of the following:
•Reading & Study materials;
•Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
•Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);
•At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and
Integration of at least 1 biblical principle
0 points No key components of the Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread.
Major points are supported by none of the following:
•Reading & Study materials;
•Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
•Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);
•At least 2 peer-reviewed source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and
Integration of at least 1 biblical principle.
Criteria Structure Main Thread – Levels of Achievement 10 points Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present
Points Earned Thread Grammar/ Spelling & Word Count 10 points Proper spelling and grammar are used.
The thread is at least 400 words.
9 points Between 1–2 spelling and grammar errors are present.
The thread is 300-399 words
8-1 points Between 3–4 spelling and grammar errors are present.
The thread is 200-299 words.
0 points More than 4 spelling and grammar errors are present.
The thread is less than 299 words.
Criteria Content Replies – Levels of Achievement 30 Points Advanced Proficient Developing Not Present
Points Earned Replies Key Components &
21-20 points Contribution made to discussion with each reply (2) expounding on the thread.
19-18 points Marginal contribution made to discussion with each reply (2) marginally expounding on the thread.
17-1 points Minimal contribution (2 minimal or only 1 reply) made to discussion with each reply minimally expounding on the thread.
0 points No contribution made to discussion.
Replies Major points are supported by all of the following:
· Reading & Study materials;
· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and
· At least 1 peer-reviewed source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format.
Major points are supported by most of the following:
· Reading & Study materials;
· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and
· At least 1 peer-reviewed source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format.
Major points are supported by some of the following:
· Reading & Study materials;
· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and
· At least 1 peer-reviewed source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format.
Major points are supported by none of the following:
· Reading & Study materials;
· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;
· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and
· At least 1 peer-reviewed source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format.
Replies Grammar/ Spelling & Word Count 9 points Proper spelling and grammar are used.
Each reply is at least 250 words.
8 points Between 1–2 spelling and grammar errors are present.
Each reply is 200-249 words.
7 -1 points Between 3–4 spelling and grammar errors are present.
Each reply is 175-199 words
0 points More than 4 spelling and grammar errors are present.
Each reply is less than 175 words
International Monetary System
$25.00Write a paper about the International Monetary System that addresses each of the following issues:
Define the International Monetary System and outline the history of the system.
Describe and provide examples of what is meant by “currency regimes,” and define selected types of regimes and form an argument for selecting fixed exchange rate and arguments for selecting flexible exchange rates.
Describe and define the creation of the Euro and discuss the benefits as well as the problems associated with the creation of this currency.
Support your paper with at least five (5) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. -
IG0011 Assessment Scenarios
$50.00Part 1: Ensuring Accurate Financial Data
You work for a company that has recently experienced a case of embezzlement. The management team is looking for ideas on how it can prevent this from happening in the future and has asked you to present ideas during its next monthly meeting. Using the following case, prepare a 10-slide presentation that presents the details of the case and ideas for how the company could have prevented the embezzlement. Include details on how the company can ensure accurate financial data.
Jared Smith has served as the executive director of the Community Arts Organization for more than 10 years. The Community Arts Organization is led by a board of directors. Jared works independently. He receives all membership fee payments (cash and checks), and he pays all bills and reconciles the checking account. No one reviews Jared’s work and the Community Arts Organization is not regularly audited.
Over the course of the past 5 years, Jared has committed fraud and embezzled nearly $400,000. Jared deposits membership fee payments directly into his own bank account. He also writes Community Arts Organization checks to himself and has created phony companies that he writes checks to and deposits the checks into his own bank account.
Part 2: Explaining Variances in Performance Reports and Suggesting Possible Causes and Remedies
Read the “Widget Company Performance Report” document, provided with this Assessment. Imagine that you are the manager of the production department at the Widget Company and you have been asked to explain the variances found in a performance report, propose possible causes, and make suggestions for how the variances can be remedied. Using the information provided in the Widget Company Performance Report, prepare a memo to your boss that explains the possible causes of the variances in the performance report, and suggest how the company can remedy them. (1 – 2 pages)
As a new product development manager, you are considering investment proposals for two mutually exclusive investment opportunities. The projects have been analyzed using net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback, and accounting rate of return (ARR), and the results are presented in the Investment Proposals document.
Assume the company requires a minimum return of 16% and a payback of 3 years. Evaluate the projects using the analysis provided and write a brief report that makes a recommendation based on the data. Also include qualitative factors that should be considered and an explanation of how they would impact the recommended investment decision. (1 page)
Part 4: Using Transfer Pricing Methods
Graphic Art, Inc. has a print division that produces art prints in China and a Retail Division in Greece that sells the prints. The Print Division has a low 20% income tax rate and the Retail Division has a high 50% income tax rate. The Retail Division in Greece is subject to a 10% import duty on the transfer price of all imported products. Both China and Greece allow firms to use either variable or full cost as the transfer price. The Graphic Art document summarizes both transfer pricing methods.
Assuming both divisions have significant positive taxable income, write a business email that describes the transfer pricing method that you think Graphic Art, Inc. should use. Be sure to cite the data from the spreadsheet. (2 – 3 paragraphs)
As the newly promoted general manager of the Widget Company, you prepared a performance report using Excel and presented this to your boss. (See “Widget Company Performance Report.”) Your boss e-mailed you and asked for more information regarding the usefulness of a flexible budget report to assess performance. Prepare an e-mail to your boss explaining why the flexible budget provides more useful information than a static budget. (3 – 4 paragraphs)
Part 6: Break-Even Analysis and Decision Making
Jaden Water Inspection Service tests water quality for industrial applications.
Jaden receives $150 for each inspection and wants to expand its business by adding another employee and vehicle. Jaden anticipates that another employee would add 60 additional inspections per month. Jaden has determined that the average cost for each inspection is $45. The fixed costs for a new employee and vehicle are $3,000 per month.
To persuade his investors that adding another employee is a good idea, Jaden prepared a break-even analysis. (See the “JWIS Break-Even Analysis” document.) Assume the role of Jaden and prepare a report that includes the following (1 to 2 pages):
- An explanation of the purpose of a break-even analysis as it relates to this case
- Based on the break-even analysis, an explanation of why the additional employee is a good investment
British Airways Case Study
$10.00Case Study Response Paper Instructions
The case study paper must be a minimum of 500 words, double-spaced, and in current APA format. Please note that the stated word count is a ‘mimimum’. Therefore, students are encouraged to ensure they have thoroughly research and responded to each question/prompt provided below. Each assignment must include properly formatted references. Use at least 2 scholarly sources (published within the last 5 years), the course textbook, and biblical integration.
Case Study Response Paper
The case is focused on change within British Airways. In reviewing the case study on British Airways it is important to consider the full 10 year period described in the case study (1980-1990). British Airways transformed itself from an organization of inefficiencies into a customer focused and financially healthy organization. As you reflect on the transformative power of change in almost every area of the company and the overall change in company culture; respond to the following prompts within the overall narrative as you prepare your case study response paper for this assignment:
- How was the accompanying reading, “Re-Energizing the Mature Organization,” germane to the case on British Airways?
- What was life like at the “old” British airways? What was difficult about making change?
- What were the critical factors in the successful transformation?
- How did they transform themselves? (e.g. key steps and sequence, risks)
- What would you have done differently?
Prepare your paper in accordance with the instructions – also review the Response Paper Grading Rubric prior to submitting your paper.
Regarding Permission for Use
SHRM’s Resources for HR Educators are copyrighted by SHRM and are intended for use in environments where HR knowledge is taught. Primarily, this includes HR classrooms in colleges and universities; however, these resources can be used by HR educators located in any academic or workplace setting. Currently, these materials are made available free of charge to faculty and educators for any classroom use within their own institution (but not for sale outside of their institution)… (e.g., photocopying, e-reserves or inclusion in course packs) without further need to request permission. Duplicate only the number of copies needed—one for each student in the class. At some time in the future, SHRM may find it necessary to charge fees even for the academic use of these resources.
For all other uses, requesters are directed to the “Obtain reuse/copying permission” button that appears in the Tools box on each item.
Case Study Response Paper Rubric
Criteria Levels of Achievement Content Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Assignment Content Requirements 70 to 66 points All key components of the Case Study prompts are answered. There is a clear, logical flow to the assignment and major points are stated clearly. Brings clarity to issues being discussed and relates issues to the textbook and scholarly sources. A thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts) is included for all components.
65 to 61 points Most key components of the Case Study prompts are answered. Majority of assignment and major points are clear, and flow logically. Brings clarity to nearly all issues being discussed and relates most issues to the textbook and scholarly sources. A thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts) is included for most components.
60 to 1 points Some key components of the Case Study prompts are answered. Some of assignment and major points are clear, and flow logically. Brings clarity to some issues being discussed and relates some issues to the textbook and scholarly sources. A thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts) is included for some components.
0 points No key components of the Case Study prompts are answered. None of assignment and major points are clear, and flow logically. Does not bring clarity to issues being discussed nor relate issues to the textbook and scholarly sources. A thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, comparing/contrasting concepts) is not included.
Structure Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Assignment structure requirements 30 to 28 points · More than 2 scholarly sources (plus the textbook) are included.
· Clear and relevant biblical integration is included.
· Proper spelling and grammar are used with no errors
· Required word count exceeds 500 (600+) words; assignment is double-spaced and in current APA format
27 to 26 points · At least 2 scholarly source (plus the textbook) are included.
· Biblical integration is fairly clear and relevant.
· Proper spelling and grammar with no more than 1-3 errors.
· Meets the 500 word requirement (500-599); assignment is double-spaced and in current APA format
25 to 1 points · At least 1 scholarly sources (plus the textbook) are included.
· Clear and relevant biblical integration is included.
· Proper spelling and grammar with no more than 4-6 errors
· Falls slightly below the minimum (475-499) 500 word requirement; assignment is double-spaced and in current APA format
0 points · No scholarly sources (plus the textbook) are included.
· Biblical integration not included
· Proper spelling and grammar contain 7 or more errors.
· Word Count is less than 475 words. Assignment is double-spaced and in current APA format