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Career Options found in Civil Construction

Sample Essay on civil engineering
Manage Projects

The growth of physical infrastructures in many countries has been on the realm of focus in the past two decades. It has been established that the effect of civil construction spans across the primary sectors that greatly influence the economy of any country. This ranges from infrastructural developments, telecommunication systems, sewerage and water supply systems. In all these sectors, career opportunities found for civil contractors is immense.

There has been a misconception that the civil construction industry only employs engineers and other unskillful laborers. But in reality, engineers are only the integral part of any construction work with the other departments requiring graduates with other qualifications such as accounting, financing, inventory management, township administration, garnering resources and even lawyers. Some of the career options in civil construction include:

Project Management

Any construction project requires a construction management profile which can manage all the aspect and organization of the project from the start to the end. The responsibilities of a project manager include managing employees, getting new contractors, creating a budget for the project, coming up with regular reports on the progress of the project and organizing the usage of the equipment. If you are willing to enter the construction industry as a project manager, you have to take a course that trains you the above skills and proper application of the skills.

Software programmers

Essay on careers in civil engineering

There are a wide range of software and applications used in civil construction. With the dynamism in technology and the increased demand for simplifying work, new softwares are being introduced every day. As a software programmer or system analyst, you can place your skills to the edge of the job market by coming up with software needed in a given construction project. Taking an extra course in building codes and standards, contract administration and value analysis can be helpful in acquiring an opportunity as a software programmer.

Financial management

There is no project that can run without any funding. No matter how much funds the vendor gives out, there is still need for a person to handle the monetary or financial aspects of the projects. Career options in this department include financial analyst, accountant, financial consultant, tax consultant and give any financial guidance required in the project.

Legal consultant

Every project requires a person to handle legal aspects. Being proficient in the law can allow you to become a legal advisor to explain all the law provisions of the civil construction industry. You can also be a lawyer to handle all the legal disputes that may arise in the day to day activities. Furthermore, it will be your duty to guide the project vendors in acquiring licenses and title to the project.
To sum it up, the civil construction industry is not constrained to engineers only. There are also other career options that a person can grow into. However, working in the civil construction industry requires a person be proficient in Algebra, English, Math and Social Studies.

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