Study on The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) (Le Corbusier) ideas


Study on The Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) (Le Corbusier) ideas – Outline

Create an outline of the proposed research paper (Paragraph Format) taking into account information and understanding of the case study and how this will be critically assessed in terms of the ‘Idea’.

This Outline is related to a research paper that you are going to write about in the near future.

This involves an in-depth research paper, in which you have to read the book and applies it to a case study building (In this case: It is going to be the Dubai International Financial Center). You need to find out the main ideas in the text and apply the ideas and arguments found there to the DIFC Building. You will explore this research question, idea or argument, in order to:

1) Analyze, interpret and explain design issues.
2) Describe the connection between existing design issues and ideas about architecture, the historical context of a site and broader trends in architecture.

Required reading:

Smith, K. H. (2013). Introducing architectural theory: Debating a discipline. New York: Routledge
