Research Paper: Importance of Maintenance and Aftercare
Research Paper: Importance of Maintenance and Aftercare
Corrections, is an ever changing field today. One goal of corrections is to rehabilitate and treat offenders so they are ready or prepared to reenter society. It is stated that, “Reentry is the process of transition that incarcerated individuals make from prison or jail to the community,” (Velasquez, 2010, p. 8). In order for any form of maintenance and aftercare to be effective, post prison and after release, there needs to be consistency as well as follow ups on the inmates while they are incarcerated and after they are released. Further, it is necessary to be able to look past a conviction and be willing to help the inmate be successful so they do not recidivate. This paper will examine the role of aftercare or maintenance, and how it can help to reduce recidivism.
22 pages