Religion and Sociology

Showing 1–9 of 386 results




    Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. . 3

    Is Postmodern Theology an Oxymoron? ……………………………………………………………………….. 3

    A Definition of Christian Theology ……………………………………………………………………………….. 3

    Defining Postmodernism …………………………………………………………………………………………….. .. 4

    Can Theology be Synthesized with Postmodernism? ……………………………………………………… 5

    The Effects of Postmodern Thinking on the Church ……………………………………………………… 6

    Postmodern Influence on the Christian View of Truth ………………………………………………….. 6

    Postmodern Influences on Worship ………………………………………………………………………………. 8

    Postmodern Influences on Preaching and Teaching …………………………………………………….. 10

    When the Culture Defines the Church …………………………………………………………………………  11

    Speaking to Postmodern Culture with Biblical Theology ……………………………………………..  11

    Recovering Truth in a Relative World…………………………………………………………………………. 12

    Intellectual Challenge or Spiritual Penetration …………………………………………………………….  13

    The Church in the 21st  Century ………………………………………………………………………………….  13

    Conclusions  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14


  • Apologetics Truth about Post-Modernism


    Apologetics Application Paper

    Topic: Truth about Post-Modernism

    The student will evaluate a non-Christian worldview and provide a defense of Christianity in light of that worldview. The paper must demonstrate a working knowledge of the assigned course readings as well as outside research on the chosen topic. The student will complete the paper in 3 parts. The paper will be written in current Turabian and LUSD formats.

    Part 1 and Part 2

    Parts 1 and 2 are designed to help the student develop a final paper that meets the requirements stated in the instructions and that accomplishes the academic goals. Each of these two parts will be submitted using the submission forms provided in Blackboard, and include the preliminary ideas and content required on those forms.


    The final paper will combine all the fully developed elements from Parts 1 and 2 in proper formatting. This final version of the paper will be 10–13 pages of content.

  • Integration of Faith and Learning II


    Integration of Faith and Learning Instructions

    You will complete an Integration of Faith and Learning essays that are at least two full pages each, are in current APA format, and are submitted as Microsoft Word. You will contemplate the assigned Scripture verse and relate it to marketing management.

    Integration of Faith and Learning 2

    Responsibility: To ourselves and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    The Scripture verse from the Old Testament (Joshua 1:9) says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    In a two-page (12 point, double-spaced) document that is in current APA format, discuss this Scripture verse within the context of marketing management. Relate this to a specific marketing organization of  your choosing.

    Discuss how Christian faith impacts marketing management decisions in the selected organization, including how faith was the source of its marketing management decisions, Many company founders have demonstrated such faith.

  • Cross-Cultural Partner Journaling


    Cross-Cultural Lab 1

    Cross-Cultural Partner Journaling

    Select a cross-cultural partner (CCP) with whom you will interact throughout the semester to gain insight into his/her culture and sharpen your skills as a cross-cultural servant. Your CCP, obviously, should be someone from a culture with which you are not familiar. For the purpose of this assignment, culture is defined in terms of national or ethnic culture (for example, Chinese, Hispanic, Nepali, Iranian, Nigerian, et cetera). You will meet a total of six times with your CCP during the semester. You will be required to submit a journal report of the meetings. (See attached format for CCP Logs. Due dates for log submissions will be assigned throughout the semester.) It is important to meet with your CCP in person, so you can experience nonverbal components of culture that are only observable in a “face-to-face” setting. You may communicate by other means throughout the semester, but at least six of your meetings must occur face-to-face. Your meetings will typically involve doing an activity together or having a conversation centered around an assigned topic.

    Important: Inform your CCP from the beginning that you are taking a class on cross-cultural living, and you are meeting with him or her because you would like to learn about his or her culture and improve your skills in cross-cultural communication.

    CCP Log 1:

    Everybody has a story, and each person’s story reveals the values, beliefs, and experiences that shape him or her. This week, invite your CCP to share his/her story. It may be helpful to briefly share your own story first to create an atmosphere of openness.

    Questions to Cover:

    Where did your CCP grow up? What was his/her childhood like?

    Does your CCP come from a small or large family (both nuclear and extended)? What role does each member of the family play? What special status or recognition does each member of the family receive?

    What values were instilled in your CCP by his/her family and society?

    What does your CCP do for a living? What does he/she hope to be doing in the near and distant future?

    Write a summary of your CCP’s responses to the questions and reflect on your meeting using the given guidelines in the document, “CCP Log Format.” Complete this assignment and submit it by clicking on the link above (“Cross-Cultural Lab 1”).

  • Entering and Adjusting in a New Culture Discussion


    Session 7

    Top of Form

    1. Describe your feelings when you realize that frustration, confusion, tension, and embarrassment will be inevitable in another culture. Why do you feel this way?
    2. Before entering the new culture, what can you do to increase openness, acceptance, and trust? What can you do to reduce fear, suspicion, and inflexibility?
    3. How do you typically cope with difficult situations?  By reflecting on those, what do you learn about yourself? What might you do to change how you handle difficult situations as you think about a cross-cultural experience?
  • God’s language is Jesus Discussion


    DB 4

    1) What does Livermore mean when he says that “God’s language is Jesus” (p.33)?

    2) Livermore states, “There is no one right way for the gospel to be expressed” (p. 34). Do you agree or disagree? Explain your position.

  • The Global Canvas: How Your Story Fits into the Big Picture


    DB 3

    Read the article, “The Global Canvas: How Your Story Fits into the Big Picture.” Taylor and Hoke discuss “macro” issues relating to humanity as a whole, as well as those affecting the global Christian community. These macro issues are discussed in terms of triads with each issue comprised of three relevant parts. Rate each triad from 1 (low) to 5 (high) in terms of how it might impact you as a cross-cultural servant in your present vocation.

    In the Discussion Board Forum titled “Global Trends,” list and discuss two triads that have the greatest implications for you as a cross-cultural servant. Why are these more significant and relevant than others? Write your response in about 250 words.

    The Triads that I selected to write about is the macro” issues are War and injustice in regards to humanity as a whole, including those changing the global Christian community. Secondly, I chose technology from a global perspective.

  • Session 2 – Personal Readiness Options Menu: Forum


    Session 2 – Personal Readiness Options Menu: Forum

    1. Into what kind of ministry have you been called or are you being led?

    Ministry Action Play

  • Three Sociological Perspectives


    SOC 402 wk1 Dis. 1

    Three Sociological Perspectives

    Compare the differences among the three major theoretical perspectives in sociology (structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism).

    With which theory and theorist do you find that you share similar views with and why?

Showing 1–9 of 386 results