Impact of pesticides and Genetically Modified Seed on the current colony collapse disorder
The decline in bee population
Content Requirements:
The most important requirement for the content (or topic) of this paper, is that you are interested in the subject. Donʼt choose a subject because you think itʼs particularly academic, or that it will appeal in some way to my interests. Choose a topic because itʼs something you care about, because itʼs something you want to learn more about. You topic should also be appropriate for a college-level academic paper; remember who your audience is when selecting your topic.
This is a research paper, so it will require research on your part, and at least 5 different sources. You can research and write about almost anything–literature, science, art, philosophy, religion, current events–but whatever you write about, your thesis must take a stand, and you must articulate a position that you can defend and elaborate on through a well-researched paper.
What follows is the rubric I use when grading your papers. We will discuss and address the aspects of this rubric throughout the semester in the research forums. You should always feel free to bring up questions in the forums so that your classmates have the benefit of hearing your thoughts.
You will see that this paper is largely self-directed. In English Composition I you were introduced to the concepts of research. Now itʼs time to apply that knowledge in creating your own research paper.
Format Requirements: Length: 8-10 pages.
Format: MLA
Sources: Minimum of 5. Three of the five sources must be scholarly.
Annotated Bibliography: 3 sources
Students: Your research papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria or questions. The paper is worth 50 possible points. You must earn a C- or above in order to receive credit for this class.
Final Project Paper Evaluation Criteria
Students: Your final project papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria or questions. The paper is worth 50 possible points. Use these questions and answers to evaluate your progress toward a finished draft of the paper.
1. Do you see evidence of a thesis? (A thesis is a brief statement that outlines the parameters of the writer’s argument—his or her claim, what s/he wants to assert within the context of the paper).
2. Does the paper have a sense of purpose?
3. Does the paper handle its ideas in a way that illustrates critical and/or creative thinking?
4. Are there sufficient examples, details, and support in the paper?
5. Does the writer appear to be aware of and meet the needs of an audience?
6. Does the paper feel organized and coherent?
7. Is the language fluent, appropriate, and clear?
shifts even when there is no direct quotation, leading me to question the authorship or voice in passages of the paper. Vocabulary is not consistently college level or appropriate for the topic.
8. Does the paper demonstrate strong grammar skills and mechanics?
9. Do you see evidence of information literacy skills?
10. Is the paper appropriately cited? Are sources properly identified in places where they are summarized, paraphrased, and directly quoted? Are sources properly identified at the end?
12 pages
MLA + 3 References + 3 Annotations