Expansive rhetorical analysis of “For the Win”


The Hope of the Future

The course text is “For the Win” by Cory Doctorow.

To produce a thesis-driven analysis, complemented by secondary sources, of the rhetorical work undertaken by a particular text. (Whereas in the CRRP you focused on genre as a rhetorical strategy, in the RA you should consider other characteristics of the text and the rhetorical work that they do to achieve a specific purpose for a specific audience.)

Building on what you learned through the Critical Reading Response Paper, you will now write a more expansive rhetorical analysis of our primary course text, For the Win. Your essay may still consider genre, but it should expand that discussion significantly beyond the CRRP. Your analysis should also address other rhetorical strategies the author employs and their relationship to the text’s rhetorical situation (context, purpose, audience, etc.).

Including secondary sources in your RA paper will strengthen your argument and deepen your analysis in the context of academic discourse. Be mindful of how you can weave relevant and credible sources smoothly into your argument so that it exists as part of an ongoing dialogue among multiple parties involving the text being analyzed.

(Pro Tip: Look back at your course texts, your annotations, records of class discussions, your Taking Notice chart, and the Reading Tweets you and your classmates have contributed to help you get started.)

A successful essay of this sort will likely require 4-7 pages of recorded brain work.