Ethical Issues CapraTek


Ethical Issues

Use the CapraTek: Ethical Issues simulation and SHRM’s Code of Ethics to complete a 2-3 page report
involving a CapraTek employee and the ethical challenges she and the company face while setting up a
new call center in India.


Among the areas of differences that make global business challenging are the customs and traditions
that contribute to the common ethical standards of each nation. Some nations operate within
traditional cultures of relationship-based societies. This practice and others are major challenges for
global HRM. In this assessment, you’ll view the ethical issues faced by CapraTek, an international
technology business, as it expands in India.


Complete the
CapraTek: Ethical Issues simulation, which involves a CapraTek employee and the
challenges she faces while setting up a new call center in India.

Review the
SHRM Code of Ethics as a guideline for your responses to the situation, and consider the

Where did Rhonda make mistakes of judgment?

Where did her actions seem clearly inappropriate in terms of accepting assistance?

Where did CapraTek’s leadership guidance go wrong in this situation?

What future dangers do Rhonda and CapraTek face in dealing with the local business


Prepare a brief report that provides an analysis of the events at CapraTek and include the following:

Analyze Rhonda’s ethical judgment to support your position on her conduct.

o Include at least two areas of concern where she made mistakes and explain your

Evaluate the impact of Rhonda’s ethical judgment and CapraTek’s policies in the host country.

o Include at least two areas where the employee and company will be challenged in
future business within the community.

Additional Requirements

The deliverable for this assessment applies professional skills in HRM to workplace situations which you
will likely encounter in your day-to-day work. As part of your learning, we focus on the development of
effective professional communication skills for the workplace.
