Develop a set of practical guidelines that will assist in managing these key HR functions
Guidelines for promoting healthy workplaces
Task: You recently began working in the HR unit of a medium sized manufacturing company. HR in this organisation is not well managed. Responsibility for day-today HR functions rests primarily with line supervisors, however they generally lack the necessary knowledge and skills to complete these functions effectively since most of them have come up through the ranks from a technical background. There are very few formal structures or guidelines in place.
The HR manager believes that the organisation needs to provide some more structured support for line supervisors. As a consequence you have been asked to develop a set of practical guidelines that will assist in managing these key HR functions and in dealing with people management responsibilities.
Paper Contents
Recommendation 1: Change of Managerial Style
Recommendation 2: Developing Employees
Recommendation 3: Retaining Employees
Recommendation 4: CSR Implementation
Recommendation 5: Rewards
8 Pages
APA – 3 References