CMP680 Final Exam
Points will be deducted for exam responses received after the due date.
- (5 points) Considering the selections in Part IV of the course textbook, respond to one (1) of the following two questions:
- What are the major factors influencing the development of a new sociotechnical systems? Illustrate your response using examples from current technological developments, new products and/or solutions. Provide rationale using references from the literature to support your opinions.
- (5 points) Considering the selections in Part IV of the course textbook, respond to one (1) of the following two questions:
- How may new sociotechnical system affect social values? Conversely, how does the complexity of evolving social factors affect future directions for sociotechnical systems? In both cases consider examples not mentioned in the readings. Document all examples provided. You may use examples from your personal experiences.
- (5 points) Considering the selections in Part V of the course textbook, respond to one (1) of the following two questions:
- Overall, do you agree or disagree with the authors positions with respect to 21stCentury challenges? Illustrate with examples from the various articles where you agree and/or disagree with the authors. Provide rationale for your perspective on the articles using references from the literature and/or personal experiences to support your opinions.
Responses to each of the four questions should be at least one single-spaced page long.