Changes in Etruscan tomb sculpture


Take a close look at the following images:  Sarcophagus, from Cerveteri, CA. 520 BCE. Figure 6.8 Youth and Female Demon, Cinerary Container, Early 4th Century BCE. Figure 6.9 Sarcophagus lid of Larth Tetnies and Thanchvil Tarnai, ca. 350-300 BCE. Figure 6.11 Discuss the changes in Etruscan tomb sculpture from the seventh through the fourth century BC. Using the examples listed above, how do these sculptures reflect society’s view of Etruscan relationships?  Guidelines  Essay assignments should conform to MLA format and cite the associated reading/resource. Use a 12-point font. Use double spacing, so there is room for me to write comments. Include your last name in the filename (example: Unit-1 AS1 Smith.)  It should be a Word (.doc or .docx) format file. 300-500 words in length
